Quake - comments(12) - email me
Thursday October 20, 2005 - 8:19PM EDT
Did I post this before? Funny how bad the quake is and I don't see nearly the charity or outpouring from tsunami and hurricane. Losers must have run out of cash to give.
Did I post this before? Funny how bad the quake is and I don't see nearly the charity or outpouring from tsunami and hurricane. Losers must have run out of cash to give.
New tests in high schools? They have enough already.
So this article has some good stuff in it. Not much though. Somehow it is supporting No Child Left Behind a little. But it is calling out the farcity of test scores somewhat. Now, to get real. Why is it that pea-brained losers like this have jobs? What a deplorable editorial example. There is little if any intelligent analysis and this person supposition that standardized testing is at all useful is ludicrous. Ok so maybe the editor cut the article to shreds and robbed it of its umph. I do like the last bit about the way of using testing but it doesn't go far enough. I need more than that. I love how this fucker says that the federal law's stiff accountability exposed schools. Holy shit dude. What side of the train did you ride on? Exposed! You have got to be kidding me if you think this fucking testing did an impressive job of exposing schools. These schools have long been exposed. Educators in these hell holes have been yelling for years that these schools aren't doing the job. They were exposed when those losers they graduated got into society and continued to be losers. Look bitch. If you can't realize the correlation between an uneducated populace and its problems then your ass needs to go back to school. You must be a freaking idiot if you think this "exposed" anything. What it did was in a round about way stopped the federal government from ignoring and made it seem like they were doing something good. Accountability my ass. The federal government is the accountable one here. They've played their smoke and mirros trick to switch accountability to the schools. Education spending should be like 10 times what we spend on anything else. But it isn't. Exposed, please. School districts around the country have been crying for money for years before this law and the feds did nothing. How does such horrific analysis of a situation get put into mainstrain media. What the fuck man.
Old columns by Miers reveal support for diversity, needy
So I read that article. Obviosuly it is supporting Miers by using 10 year old paper as evidence. Pathetic. The least someone could do is point to action as evidence. A paper is a pretty weak piece of supportive evidence. People can write whatever and do another. The writer of that article is playing loserball. Damn man give me something else besides one freaking paper written 10 years ago. The way he smugly ends the article is disgusting. As if one 10 year old paper is going to convince anyone of the slightest bit of intelligence.
I have another view on these so called caring for the poor views that is trumpeted as showing some kind of compassion or as signs of being a "good person". Particularly for those ultra-conservatives whose general behavior and policies do far more harm to the disadvantaged than any good they do with their charity work. Charity so often becomes a self-serving act it is disgusting.
Coca-Cola 3Q Earnings Soar to $1.28B
I wonder how this works? Where do those earnings go? I am guessing it is pure profit after all cost of running the business are paid. Don't know how much debt the company carries so that is another question. But I think about what they are going to do with that money. Grow the business? In what way? More unhealthy softdrinks? Who knows and why should they be responsible. That is just it. Private businesses have no responsibility towards the people. None whatsoever. Their responsibility is simply to not break the laws. But laws are so convoluted with loopholes that they can often eschew that. They care about the bottom line. When I hear some people say you need to make it a business to make it successful I cringe. I am talking about the people who think everything needs to be a private business to run properly or be successful. You know those people. You run into them at least once in your lifetime.
I just read an editorial on the ridiculous fear of the bird flu. I touched on this in one post but maybe I didn't spend enough time on it. I mainly talked about the ridiculous global health policies that would allow the possibility of these things to happen. What I probably should have talked about is the other pandemics like AIDS, Lupus, Malaria, etc, that are ignored. Those diseases kill millions yet they have become just a part of everyday life. What I also should have explored is that self fullfilling prophecy of pandemic by continually saying it will happen. Not only just saying it will happen and instilling ignorant fear but not doing anything but saying it will happen.
"The work being done here is not about getting ahead financially. It's about starting international cooperation that will go on to benefit the entire mankind," President Roh Moo-hyun said at the opening of the World Stem Cell Hub. - full article
There is so much good stuff in this article that I lament the fact it is so short. I just hope Roh is not spewing pure rhetoric and will make good on his words. So far it seems that way. I love his quote from above. To benefit entire mankind. He says it as if it should be taken as a given. And it should. It is not some kind of crazy idealist statement to him. It is the way things should be. Best of all is that he is acting on it. Not just saying it. A lot of clowns say it but few have the guts to actually act on it. He even has a nice quote about the political role in all this.
"One concern is the issue of bioethics. But it is the role of us politicians to manage the issue so that it does not hinder the progress of excellent science like this," Roh told an invited audience of academics and diplomats from around the world.
In that small snippet he dismissed the political bantering and idiotic bueracracy without actually calling them a bunch of morons. He presented no side by injecting god and meaning of life into the discussion. He simply said, look you bastards stop fucking around and lets go do something.
This man is being eloquent. In this blog I leave eloquence at the door. So here is some more from me. The clowns and their ethical debates about stem cell cloning really piss me off. Mainly because some of it is the most hypocritical kind of statements you can make. Caring about human life. You have got to be kidding me. First off the world has never and may never be structured in a way where all life can be saved. Some of these ethical fuckballs like to say all life is precious and whatnot and that it must be valued. They make this blanket argument then only apply it to a small thing. You can't do that shit. Like Bush with his err on the side of life bullplop yet being totally gung-ho about war. What happened to err on the side of life. What I am saying is that you can be against the stem cells but don't bring that human life should be valued bullplop to the table. If you do I'll just be forced to show you the 1000 other places where you've made exceptions.
Then there is this god thing some clowns like to bring up. Next!
Then there is the talk about people cloning themselves or making designer babies or some shit. Also some get this idea that if people are cloned they are monstrosities because they weren't created naturally. Those kind of arguements reek of ignorance. Some people's ignorance is just plain amusing. Some think cloning a human is a simple as what they show in the movies. They don't realize what it took to clone the sheep Dolly or the problems it had. Cloning a human doesn't raise the question of a perfect clone being an abomination because it is clone. Cloning a human raises the question of all the fucked up creatures you are going to get in the process of creating that perfect human clone. That is the real question. The question is not the pefectly cloned human. It is how we are going to get that perfectly cloned human. Which almost surely will involve grizzly tasks. We hear about these cloned animals but we don't hear about the failures in the process or the problems with the cloned animals. How they are not quite as good as the real thing. Those are the questions. Is it worth all the stuff you will go through to get a perfect human clone? So you have a perfect human clone. Somehow that is no real accomplishment in itself. Maybe what you learned along the way will be, but you can't be sure. Those are the bioethical questions. Not designer babies or clone armies. We are not even close to that kind of stuff yet, some fuckers are jumping way too far ahead.
The stem cell issues has already been decided by the medical community. Those that actually study, that actually see real human suffering have made their decision. It is the ignorant politicians that are getting in the way and these same fuckers go on TV saying something about value of human life and don't have the foggiest idea about what stem cells are all about.
Also these err on the side of life assclowns must not read history. Because last time I checked history was riddled with human sacrifice for both altruistic and sinister reasons. When it became such a cut and dry subject is news to me. It seems that those who so vehemently want to uphold life at any cost for any reason don't know what life is. Humans aren't immortal, nothing "living" lives forever. Have those people ever faced those choices where life is not simply just being alive? I'm starting to wade into philosophical territory and I don't want to. I just think about the animals in which their lives are inextricably tied to the death of other animals. To assume that all life must be saved is idiotic. You can try but I guarantee failure. This probably has to do with some of those retarded Christian ideals. I suppose Christianity(and its related religions) brought many useful ideas to the table. But it also brought a lot of bad ones.
You know what I hate? I hear all these fuckers keep saying that the U.S. can't leave Iraq because it will crumble. That we need to be in it for the long haul. I hate that shit because it is right. I also hate it because it is what any person in government with any scruples left saw coming a long time ago (to bad no one in government has scruples). So it is not some kind of new development or surprise. So these fucking reporters need to stop treating this as some kind of revelation that deserves merit. And you can't tell morons I told you so because they've usually forgoten what you told them anyway.
What is the deal with criticizing Google for the informatio it collects. I find it very very weird. If something appears on the Internet then anybody can see it. It is not like Googles search engine accesses restricted areas. They access sites that anyone can access. So just because the know where everything is they get criticized. How stupid is that. You have to know once something is on the Internet then the possibility for everyone on the planet to know is pretty much a given.
Well here it is. Vince Vaughn. Believe it. Oscar. Believe it.
about this movie Capote and whoever the main actor is generating Oscar buzz. What the fuck. Screw that bitch and the horse he rode in on. I'm sick of these drama pile of turds taking home hardware. Vince Vaughn for Oscar for Wedding Crashers and nothing else. Actually he would be for best supporting actor so it wouldn't be competing with Capote. Regardless I still stand by my stance of Cacrapty.
EU foreign ministers urged global cooperation on Tuesday to tackle the threat of avian flu, ... - full article
Well apparently the EU just found about the bird flu pandemic potential. They must have not been reading yahoo.com the past 6 months. I guess they didn't give a fuck when medical experts predicted a global problem years ago when it only appeared in China. Now that it comes closer to home. They probably won't actually do anything until influenza crawls up Blair's asshole. I'm glad the EU is making such a decisive, informed and pre-emptive call.
The council also suggested that banks explore technology that can estimate a Web user's physical location and compare it to the address on file. - full article
Who is on this council. Can I backhand them across the face for such a suggestion. You have got to be kidding me. The person who wrote the article doesn't even call out such nonsense. The whole point of the internet is the be accessible anywhere. That is the most ludicrous suggestion I've ever heard. It smacks of technological incompetency.
As far as movie making goes this wasn't a great movie. The trailers were much more interesting and without the star power of Knightley I doubt anyone would even give this thing a chance. Plot is not very strong but it isn't garbage. It is highly stylized in its look. Which at first was annoying but you got used to it. The most annoying part was the opening credits. It was like they need to waste a few minutes and did this whole complex montage that was unnecessary. They could have used that time to fill in some more of the plot. Things I liked about this movie. I grew to like the stylized look of the film. It was adaquately gritty in its apperance. Complex blocking and lots of things in frame in a lot of scenes worked. I liked Knightley. All the actors did a good job. Acting did not fail this movie. Things I didn't like about this movie. Weak characters. With the exception of the titular character we didn't get very much backstory about the other two major players except a sentence or two from Domino. I think a little more backstory would have done them good. Make them more interesting. Even the history of Domino was pretty weak. We see the different stages of her life but we are not treated to those key points that made her change with the exception of her father's death. I guess we are supposed to infer that her father's death made her what she is but that is a jump too far to make. As for the other characters they are too flat. They seem like complex people but we don't know why or have any clue to it so we don't care. The most interesting peripheral character is the Afghanistan driver. They show two little scenes of his childhood in Afghanistan that gives you a sense of were he comes from. It also makes his gung-ho statments about fighting for a "free Afghanistan" that much more interesting. I don't know why they didn't do the same with the two other major characters that accompanied Domino. Like they say one character grew up on the streets of Venezuela and that he stabbed someone in the eye when he was 4 but that is it. They didn't even give some kind of flashback or mention anything else. I really can't describe the plot as anything else but weak. You give liberties with action movies as to believability but that wasn't the problem with the plot. It was just plain boring at times and scenes were far fetched. It really only got entertaining the last 30 minutes of the movie. Overall it was bland. I think because it started out as a deep character study but never went deep enough then changed into a straight out action flick. Not that you can't mix the two but it didn't do a good job of it.
I was just thinking about the voting in Iraq. Mainly what came to mind is how is a country like the U.S. supposed to be trusted to run a competent vote when they can barely run one in their own country. I say they should have let Estonia come in and handle that biz.
I keep thiking about this blood clotting thing. My knowledge of biochemistry is not even close to being adaquate to argue about it. But when thinking of this guys reasoning about the irreducible complexity and "parts" that seem to do nothing. I think about the context of doing nothing. He is saying these parts do nothing and from his words I assume he means in the context of the system of the human body. This is a major support of his arguement that evolution says things that do nothing will not continue so that the gradual construction of blood clotting would have parts that seem to do nothing and therefore not fit in evolutionary theory. I just wonder what if those parts that he says does nothing did not develop in the context of the system he is talking about. What I am trying to say is that what if these parts evolve themselves on a different level from that of the larger system so that when you try to find the neccessary connections to the larger system they seem to have periods were the do nothing. That perceived period of uselessness is really not useless but apart of a different level of evolutionary development. His saying useless is a perceptual judgment call. Just a thought. I really need to study more before going any farther with this. I probably won't though.
Today I read about some biology professor at Lehigh University who is arguing for intelligent design. Besides the fact that Lehigh has distanced itself from this guy by saying its staff supports evolution unequivocaly this man should be slapped in the face. He has tenure so he can't lose his job unfortunately. The article quotes this person as saying blood clotting is poorly explained by evolution but well explained by design. I would love to hear the rest of that quote and have him explain what exactly "well explained by design" entails. Has this guy lost his marbles. Has he succumbed under the daunting task that is scientific discovery and given up. Given up and become satisfied with meaningless mystical reasoning. He has lost heart, given up, closed his eyes, something. I'd like to see how far he gets in his biology while subscribing to the belief of design. The belief that something is a certain way because some thing wanted it to be. I just want to see this evidence for design and blood clotting. Maybe his evidence is somthing like, blood clotting is clearly evidence of design because it helps us not to die when we get cut. Probably not but whatever "evidence" this guy has is probably as good as that last setence.
So I am doing a little research. Not much, but some on this Lehigh quack. Behe is his name. I find some excerpts of his book and read through them. So I come across these two words and it all makes sense. I was right on when I said this fucker is giving up.
Irreducible complexity
That is the crux of his whole designer spiel. That fucker just gave the fuck up. He saw all these issues and problems with a theory and said you can't figure it out lets attribute it to a designer. Holy freaking shit dude. I'm no PhD but got damn man. Got damn. So this clown is going to attribute blood clotting to design and not even try to figure out what is going on. What if inside that mystery of blood clotting is valuable keys to disease. We will never find them if we just give up. This biologist has posed a whole bunch of interesting questions about blood clotting and simply left them unpursued. He has stopped practicing science. These fools. This shit makes me so angry. Where they see rigidity full of cracks I see flexibility with unlimited wrinkles that must be straightened. It is like they are saying science has discovered everything and that is it. How can you not see that problem with that type of thinking? By a freaking biologist no less. But this a problem within the scientific community maybe? An arrogance that comes with study I guess. When that arrogance results in such poor judgment like this it is particularly disheartning. It is that philosophical search for ultamite causality that permeates everything. Prime example of it. I guess some see science as this limited body of knowledge that has limits to what it can explain. Is this what some that pursue science think? That they are to study a static body of knowledge? Stop being a loser and playing loserball. There is no irreducible complexity when you study science. There is only your piddly ass crying like a baby when you can't figure something out. Fuck, I hate to see what the world would be like today if Edison, Einstein, Newton, Fermi, etc. had succumbed to irreducible comlexity. Aside from all this. Science never tackles the question of ultimate causality anyway. It is too busy with other things to worry about that. That is what it comes down to. Ultimate causality.
Let's take this in a different dirctions. I read this loser's paper. I don't feel bad calling a PhD a loser especially after reading some of this clown's reasoning. His paper poses some great questions and it is enjoyably critical. That is the only worthwhile thing about it. This loser then proceeds to take a shit on all the good stuff he states with his irreducible complexity arguement and piss poor misleading anologies. He even has the nerve to make analogies to the discoveries of the past debunking previously held beliefs to intelligent desing doing the same to evolution. With his irreducible complexity arguement he is also neglecting the fact that evolution has been updated since its first statement by Darwin. DNA was not originally recognized as an intergral part of evolution as it is today. I bet if this weak clown Behe has been around then he would have presented the same irreducible complexity arguement and then had to eat crow when they discovered what DNA does. It will happen to this loser. Maybe not in his lifetime but eventually through continued study we will answer all his questions, that somehow lead him to design, and create even more questions from the ones we answered. The funniest part about the paper is that is starts our so brillantly in its first section. Then proceeds to ignore everything it stated in the first section. He also off handedly states something about the maximum science allows. It is easy to see where this clown is going to go and what he is going to think with candy-boy thinking like that.
The fact that all his arguements hinge upon this irreducibly complex statement is most disturbing. That is a whole world of inspection in itself and he is using it as some kind of scientific reasoning. His definition of irreducibly complex is woefully in inadaquate. It is based on "parts". Parts which he never attempts to define. Parts as any person knows can be such a subjective description. Parts really doesn't mean much. A part can be very small or a complex device. Any mechanic ordering things for cars knows that. For this irreducible complexity thing to work you have to know every part. No matter how small or large. You can say something was designed but show me the fucking blueprints. I can almost believe that things were designed. There is no saying that it is impossible that some race of aliens didn't design us. But what happens when people think like that is that it becomes an ending point. It is creator and thats it. They don't go on to ask about that "creator" they stop asking questions. We stagnate. I think about AI. What if we design AI so advanced but then die off ourselves and don't leave them with any memory of us creating them. Will they go through the same thing we are? But then again why would we remove the information that they were created by us. That is just a fun thought don't get any inferences from it. That is the main problem with this creationist bullplop. It stops everything, no one goes beyond. If this loser is so sure of design why is he stopping with that. Go an search for proof, for more. Do you not have any more questions after you declared a designer? Stop playing loserball.
Biggest Wi-Fi Cloud Is in Rural Oregon
This article put so well the perspective I have on municipal wifi. It not only does that, but is a little bit of proof of the shortsightedness of telecom companies. This is exactly what should be done across the entire United States. The telecom companies would make a fortune doing this but they have no idea. It is fucking pathetic. They want to control access. Not open up a massive market. It is disgusting.
I keep reading these headlines characterizing the vote in Iraq as historical. I just get a sick feeling when I read that. There is something wrong about the way a whole bunch of reporters characterize this vote as historical. It is like they are forcing something on them. That kind of characterization is usually only done after the fact, not before. The only time you hear it before is with hyperbole. Are these reporters trying to emulate Don King. It just feels as if they a forcing something upon people much the way those people have been forcifily handled the last 25 years.
I'm only 24 so all I can do is read about the press of the past. But as far as I'm concerned the press in my lifetime deserves no respect.
Like I said my mind is teeming with thoughts. And I have to empty them somewhere or I really think my head will implode. I'm eating bologna and swiss with yellow mustard on wheat and rye. What the fuck is wrong with me. Nothing actually. Not with that sandwich. What is wrong is that while waiting in Wawa for the sandwich I had a 10 minute conversation with myself about what the statement "i don't want to sleep with you" means. Don't even try to guess where I went with that conversation because you would not even be close. Seriously, how I came to have the conversation I did about that phrase is mind boggling. But not as mind boggling as the content of the conversation itself.
I teeter on this edge, this beam if you will. I want to be the sleazeball of my dreams but I never quite get there because every shred of common sense, intelligence and experience I have says that you don't want to be that sleazeball. But then I look at where the hell I'm at now and think, how in the fuck is being a sleazeball worse than this. It is not like I would do anything illegal, I just want my id to take over. But I don't get there. Every chance I have to cross that line or make the jump I just don't. I don't even act outwardly like my id so desires. I keep smiling and doing what I'm told like a got damn slave. I really shouldn't use such imagery as it is offensive and really doesn't do justice to the slaves I am referring to situation. But for the moment I'm going to use it, even though the metaphorical connection is kind of a stretch. My fucking head hurts I'm going to sleep.
I get these monstrouse headaches. Nothing I take regardless of type or strength makes them go away. I don't think I know what I regular headache feels like anymore the only ones I get are this mind spliting fuckers that make it hard to even walk. Fuck.
You know why I hate those religious radicals and extremists terrorists that kill people for no reason. They are taking away the spotlight from the regular suicide cases and serial killers who do that shit just because they're just plain crazy. Why in the fuck do you have to come up with a "reason" to do that shit? Fuck that bitch, stop being melodramadic and go postal the old fashioned way. All over the place and without prejudice. Those fuckers are giving a bad name to suicide and murder. We can understand the crazy fucks, the pervets, degenerates, the depressed. These terror dudes are just plain annoying. I don't want to hear your philosophy on killing. Just put the bullet in my head or your head while yelling some nonsensical stuff about your cheating girlfriend, crappy paycheck or the squirels stealing your paycheck. Fuck this last paragraph sounds like a Chris Rock routine or some shit like that. Damn my rants aren't even original anymore. Fuck my head hurts.
Why do some losers have this fucked up idea that nature is perfect. What the fuck is that all about. Where in the hell did that shit come from. Besides the fact that perfection is the worst kind of subjective judgement calling nature perfect is just ludicrous. You call nature perfect you are essentially allowing anything and everything. Yet somehow those that want to assert natures perfection so much could be the most close minded hyper tight individuals ever.
Awesomely depressing is what first comes to mind with this movie. The depressing part is a personal opinion and really doesn't have to do with the quality of the movie. I'll explain later. I laughed a little bit harder at Wedding Crashers and Office Space was a little smarter than this. But I still think this movie goes into my movie hall of fame. I don't know if it is one of those movies I can watch over and over again like Office Space but it was my kind of comedy. On to why I liked this movie so much. First off there is a heavy amount of teenage male toilet humor. Which I'm sort of ashamed of to laugh at but I actually don't care and still find the occasional scrotum joke funny. Especially in this movie. This movie to put it bluntly is what you'd get if you took a peek inside certain sections of my head. Every single character, line, joke and situation is one that I have thought about, been in, witnessed or hope to be in. Everyone from the oddly intelligent weird talking dishwasher to the late twenty something pervert trolling for high school tang and the frustrated mid twenty loser who hates his job and wants to quit his job. I am, have imagined or wanted to be just about every character in the movie. With the exception of the hot lesbian bartender. I could describe every character in the movie and explain how I strive to be this person. Particularly Dean, played by Ryan Reynolds. This character is just lurking somewhere in my psyche. Everything down to the brief monolgue on eschewing the morals and standard of society for your own personal moral standard (simply to resolve the patheticness of your life's pursuits, ie:getting ass). Everything about these characters and what they do is a part of my mind. It was almost unreal. Even the setting in which I watched the movie had me thinking. The movie theater smelled like freshman year in college. Not to mention to gaggle of teenage boys and girls laughing at the ridiculous toilet humor (mainly the boys laughing). It made me laugh and feel pathetic at the same time. This movie was depressing because it reflected a life that I should have experienced and should BE experiencing. While at the same time thinking why in the hell would I want that life. I want it because I don't give a fuck and I've given up on living in the real world. The utter patheticness of the characters' situation is something that no one should want. But you do, your attracted to that crap because when your on the other side you realize how much it blows so you figure you go back to being that other kind of loser where it will blow just as much except you have no responsibility or regard for other people's feelings. This movie annuciated a part of my mind that I take seriously and that an outsider probably wished I didn't. Just watch the movie and you will get a very good idea of what goes through my head on a daily basis. This is not a joke. I cannot emphasize how serious I am. I'm not being sarcastic or trying to be funny. This is what I think about. Yes it is pathetic and sick and perverted and sick. But that is the bold truth.