Wednesday May 18, 2005 - 9:52AM EDT
War veterans who can't seem to let go of whatever war they fought in. Those veterens that are vehemently against anyone that opposed their war. For sure war veterens deserve a modicum of respect for being the drones of THE MAN. But some of them just have no scruples left. The majority of wars have been fought under dubious pretenses anyway. Except World War II and the Civil War. The only acceptable war was the Civil War, fucking sotherners and slavery. What the fuck were they thinking. They were never going to get away with that shit for eternity. You damn skippy the north ripped them a new one. As I have said before I don't like any type of nationalistic pride and the recent bullshit with certain southern states and their pride in the hate mongers of the past is sickening. Sickening mainly as symbolisim that many humans for all their posturing about caring about human life still really don't. Back to veterens. My grandfather fought in Korea (dubious war). I never hear him talk about it so I don't know how he feels about it. For sure though you can decry war but you shouldn't be so harsh on the military. For the most part nowadays the military doesn't fight much anymore compared to times long ago (medieval, ancient, etc). Though I think when Rumsfeld says we need a smaller more mobile force he is partially right at least. I want to interpret that as something else though. That the military should become like starfleet in Star Trek. A institution of learning and progress representing the best of mankind.
I just read that the PS3 might be more than $450. Holy shit that is expensive. But I don't know how much if any such a high price will hurt them. I think it is shown that people will pay high prices for game consoles. It will probably hurt a little if Nintendo releases at the same time for a lower price. But that isn't known yet. I wish Nintendo could attract back the third party game publishers again then they would be on top once more. Because really when it comes down to it. It is all about games.
Wednesday May 18, 2005 - 8:24AM EDT
Still thinking about the new Nintendo console and game download ability. I hope they do it right. But here is one feature I hope they have. The ability to play online with the old school games. So that player 2 could be someone online. How freaking key would that be. Not only would you get old school games but you could play them in ways you never played before. I don't want to go to work. Mainly because I have some website stuff to do and work is wasting my time. Toyota is the best car company in the world.
Wednesday May 18, 2005 - 1:28AM EDT
Mark and I are debating whether the demo videos of playstation 3 games are in game footage or just pretty pre redered demos. Honestly you can't tell. We hope it is in game footage but both think that it is impossible. The only thing that is exciting me now about the new systems is Nintendo's game download ability. How freaking brilliant is that. And their free online game play service. FREE! Also they are using SD to store data, meaning ultra portability instead of the massive harddrives on the other systems. Which I believe in 90% of cases only save game data and are sparsely filled up. Few people are ripping music to their Xbox, that is what a PC is for. I don't know if the approach as home entertainment center is going to work. Besides DVD playback which is key all the extra functions of those systems 90% of people will never use. Like having dual HD streams on the PS3. First of all how many people have two TVs to use for a video game. Second how many have two HDTVs in the same room for a video game. It is a niche feature that will just increase the base prioce of the system. And as to the fact that it outputs 1080p signal that is not even common on high end HDTVs today. Game consoles have the unique place in consumer electronics. They can drive some enhancements and have to wait for others. One thing that consoles can't drive is display technology, they must wait for other content to warrant the need for certain display technologies. They can however drive graphics processing. Also the nature of console are not like that of general use computers so large harddrives don't make much sense to the average gamer. Xbox harddrive was way too big. I can say with confidence that 90% of XBOX owners probably used less than 10% of the space on the drive. With newer games, large harddrives may come into play. But I will wait and see. Besides with online services, there is no reason that you couldn't store data online and just access it when you need it. In fact it would be adventageous to do so. Local storage is always needed so you still need some type local storage. I hope revolution comes in at $150 or less. It will probably be $200.
The old school game download thing will be freaking awesome. I can't wait for that shit. I'd buy the system simply for that. Because we all know that the best games over the past 20 years all came from Nintendo, especially the 8 and 16 bit eras. The overall quality of games in the 32 and 64 bit eras clearly dropped off, though there were gems here and there. But very few captured the fun factor of the old school games. Which couldn't rely on graphics to be interesting. For sure though Nintendo started the whole full 3D genre with Super Mario 64. That game was freaking amazing when it came out. And there have been hordes of clones since.I haven't been this pumped about a game system since super nintendo. And guess what, I'll be able to play all of those super nintendo games. There is one question I do have. I wonder if when they say games will be able to be downloaded if they are talking strictly about games made by Nintendo or will it include ones made by thirds parties. I wonder how the licensing works on those things. Whether the console maker has some kind of control over the game for their console and once they are published can essentially do what they want with them for that particular port. I don't know. I hope every single nintendo game made for every system since 1985 is available. That will be over 100,000 games for sure. Maybe Nintendo recognized the popularity of rom download sites of their old school games and is finnaly creating a conduit to their old library of games. So freaking awesome. Dude, this is so freaking awesome. I don't even play video games that much anymore.
Tuesday May 17, 2005 - 6:03PM EDT
Nintendo has just blown me away with their new system. Not because of its specs but because of what they plan to do with it. First of all, it will have free online access. Which essentially could make XBOX live look like a complete waste of money for someone. Second, and this is the huge one. They are going to make almost every single ninteno game ever made since 1985 available for download and play on the system. I am not talking about just 8-bit era, we are talking about super nintendo and nintendo64 games. How freaking awesome is that. They just turned their use of catridges for their previous systems into a huge upside for their new system. Oh yeah new system is backward compatible with Gamecube too. And they still have yet to debut their revolutionary new controller. Nintendo always had top notch first and second party games. Before playstation they also dominated in the third pary arena. But lost out essentially due to their use of catridges instead of cds. This new system has to potential to put them back on top. While the other systems are more powerful only a few games ever take advantage and you will eventually hit a wall where games just won't look any better. I like their approach, they have finnaly compromised on the media format but still want innovation and quality. I am also guessing their new system will be much cheaper than the others. Now is they could only lure the big third party names back like they had in the heyday of super nintendo they will easily be right back in the thick of things and maybe on top.
Xbox may gain share but I don't think it has any perceived technical advantage over Nintendo. Nintendo just pulled a trump card with its old school download service. That is going to attract a huge amount older players who loved those old school games and still want to play them. I remeber people buying used nintendo systems in college just to get some old school play in.
Tuesday May 17, 2005 - 4:52PM EDT
For some odd reason I posted the same thing twice. I've been keeping the posts in notepad and must have lost track. I removed the duplicate.
So many things make me angry I just want to blow up the earth. But I am also lazy so it evens out. I'll go home, jump rope work on website stuff (organizing invoices and finishing an update). Damn I haven't gotten drunk in a while. I need some of that shit now. Maybe bar tonight. Ha yeah right when do I ever go to a bar. Besides there are none close that I now of. Since I have done precisely squat today...I just blanked out for a second. That was weird I don't even remeber what I was going to say. Oh yeah, I'm scared someone will catch me writting in my blog so every time I hear a chair creak I get nervous. I sit with my back turn to everything (everyone does, the desks are lined against the wall). So when I hear I noise I pretend by clicking on one of my many opened work applications to try and fool whoever may be watching. Never had a problem but they probably see my sad attempts to cover up that I am not doing anything and feel sorry for me and just don't care.
I got nothing else to do so I have nothing cohesive to say. I am all ranted out so mainly this is just true stream of conscienceness writting. You are reading the precise thoughts that are going on in my head right now. Well just one thought thread of the many threads since it would be impossible for me to type out all the threads at once. The sex thread alone would take like 24 pairs of hands going at 200 wpm to type out. Listening to Third Eye Blind right now. Been listening to my mp3 player all day. I remeber when I ran into Stephen Jenkins in a San Francisco bar, ha. This nascent headahce is pissing me off. I am starting to ramp up my energy level though, it always happens like this towards the end of work. I can jump rope for a solid 25 minutes straight, though some days my rythm is off and I miss skip a lot. Man I want a freaking drink. Star Wars comes out soon, maybe I'll catch a flick tonight. I can't imagine what my coworkers think of me. They know I don't do shit. Only 45 minutes left. Thinking about breasts right now. Female human breasts. What I am going to have for dinner. I think baby spinach and grape tomato salad with chicken breast. I still need a haircut (as a obsesively touch my hair). I was playing with my hair one day and someone remarked that it was a sign of sexual frustration. Anything from TEB is playing right now. Battery life on this new player is astonishing. It has been going nonstop all day (at least 5hrs) and it still says full charge. I also left it on last night playing mistakenly for about 8 hrs. Still no word on my check.
About 30 minutes more until work is over. I'll continue with this stream of thought until then. Freaking traffic on the way home makes a 10 minute trip take 20 or 30 minutes. I just don't understand how being in an office all day makes one so tired. You could be out of the office for the same amount of time and you don't get nearly as tired. I'm becoming progressively more bold with my workplace slacadasicalness. I remeber when I first learned the word lackadaisical. I thought it wasn't real and the teacher was playing a joke on us. It sounds so fake. And actually it is one of those irregular compound words that came to use in the 40's so it was fake and became real. It is 4:30pm everyone has left for the day even though they all came in after me (9:00am). I could leave and put down 5 but I have to much honor for that. Besides now I can fart with reckless abandon. I should do that anyway while everyone is here just to liven up the joint. Just eat a whole bunch of goat cheese for breakfast or something. When I came back from lunch it smelled like someone took a dump in the trash can. It was quite gross.
My mind is totally blank right now. I stare into space and literally there are no thoughts. Besides about how my mind is blank. I am going to leave a few minutes early. I don't feel bad because I usually get here 10 minutes early and don't charge them for it. It all evens out. Fucking headache is flaring up. Was just looking at MSN entertainment photos. Nothing special. Though what is the deal with Lindsay Lohan, she looks sickly. It doesn't look like her natural weight. Spooky. Time to get out of dodge.
Tuesday May 17, 2005 - 3:09PM EDT
Still turbo bored. I have a little work that I have to stretch out to last the rest of the week of I will be nitro bored by Wednesday. I keep talking about computer stuff but I don't have anything better at the moment. Mac OSX is the best looking UI for OSs right now. But I want to see something really awesome for the next generation of OS user interfaces. Funny how OSX Tiger just came out and they already released a patch for it. They'd be all over Microsoft for doing the same thing yet I hear very little about this patch in mainstream news. Fuck I have to stop talking about damn computers.
Trying to come up with ideas for a stop motion short. Nothing good yet. I still have my brainstorm list of movie ideas but I want to make a short animated piece first. Speaking of animation I need to work on a flash website. Still no word on my check. I'd turn it into an excuse to leave at the end of the week. But I am sure they will straighten things out soon. Besides the pay for this job blows anyway. $25/hr is insulting for a contract web developer. Being in an office building again reminds me how much I hate it. It is a good motivator. I'm not going to seriously look for another job until 2006 after all of my projects crash and burn.
Tuesday May 17, 2005 - 12:38PM EDT
Dude, I am turbo bored. I have to make a brief call soon but that is about it for the day. How weird is this? When I read about the computer work done in the 70's 80's that created the foundation of the computers we know today I get excited. Like I wish I was alive then to be a part of that. Instead of being relegated to crap stash pea-brained computer work for companies that don't even know what a computer is. And being chastised or handcuffed when you try to tell them.
Maybe I'm not old enough to be politically jaded but I really tire of congress and their compromises sometimes. I get the feeling that their compromises are never really compromises but a never-ending process of back sractching designed solely for the purpose of fulfilling their own personal needs and not that of the general public. For sure there are some decent politicians out there but they too are roped into the game and are forced to contend with the rigamarole. A side note: I've always had trouble matching verbs with nouns, but I think I have gotten better at it. I think people abhor government mainly because of the rampant inefficiency of it. A lot of policy decisions can in my opinion be unaffectual or nuetral when you look back over them. It is the inefficieny of coming to those decisions that piss people off. A more efficient system would probably help to make better policy decions as you would not have the specter of laborious processes haunting simple decisions. Some bureaucratic assholes find the slowness of the process to be advantageous in halting poor decions. People who think like that are ignorant fools. Somewhere in their twisted logic inefficieny or slowness equals correctness of result. Some things are slow for sure but don't ever apply such overarching ideals to everything. If it is slow it will be slow don't fuck it up even more with ineffeciency and waste. Our voting system being a prime example of horrible ineffeciency. I love to hear people over argue the merit of the electoral college. They sound like fools ingrained with ideals that haven't applied logically since the 1800's. I read on article about how the electoral college makes candidates listen to the problems of smaller groups who would other wise be ignored in a straight popular election. I was gobsmacked to read that. I've never heard anything so blind with absolutely no regard for what actually happens. That arguement is a load of crap, it just makes candidates spend more money to visit these places to talk themselves up and never do anything for these people anyway. You see this all the time though. Someone ignores what really happens in favor of what they think should happen in order to continue to support their idea. I think they do it so they don't feel that they are wrong. Damn fools. Also why is it that India a country of over 1 billion can hold national election with more advanced technology than the United States. Electronic elections are not that hard to implement but for some odd reason people seem to think it is exceedingly difficult. How in the hell can you not nationally standardize the way you vote. It is such a basic proccess. The various grotesque variations of voting in each state and even each district are senesless. They serve only to convolute the process and inflate the egos of small entities which subscribe to the illusion of self-centered importance. It is appaling that there is no standard for voting in the United States. Then again, women and blacks couldn't even vote for a long period so it is not surprising that voting is still being used as a method of control when it should stand for just the opposite, freedom.
Tuesday May 17, 2005 - 10:53AM EDT
I got my new 1GB mp3 player. The AA battery it uses weighs more than they unit itself. For some odd reason I never got paid last week. I contacted the staffing company and they are investigating. They really don't need to give me a reason to be an ass right now. I'll wait and see what is going on. Especially since I feel like I am wasting my time here now. There are a few thing I could be working on. I ordered the 15-inch Powerbook G4. They said it will be here by the 25th hopefully sooner than that. Yesterday wasn't very productive I had to run around and do a bunch of things and it wasted so much time I didn't even go to the gym. My new mp3 player holds about 16hrs of music and the battery lasts twice as long as my previous mp3 player. Maybe I should start going to the gym early in the morning. Yeah that probably will be best. I'll do that tomorrow. Holy fuck I am bored. Listening to mp3 player though so it's not as bad as yesterday. I've always hated the case sensitivity of UNIX systems. I think it is just a ridiculous nusance that you don't need to deal with for any reason. Why in the fuck did they put that shit in there. As if you need to differentiate between Xfree and xfree. It is just freaking annoying and there is absolutely no advantage to it. That is something that in my opinion Windows did right, not have freaking case sensitivity in file names or their programming languages. Do those Unix fuckballs really need exponentialy more names for things. Just come up with a different word there are plent of them. Any Unix fuckers who think case sensitivity is some advantge go throw yourself under a bus and save me the trouble. Also did Java really need to be case sensitive, that shit can be a huge debugging headache. Damn fuckers. Someone agrees with me. Also the other thing I also hate about Unix is no ability to distinguish between file and directory without special highlighting. I like the windows method of files have a .XXX extension to denote it is a file and what type and directories having no etensions (although now they can have a . in them). I am not sure if Mac OSX does the same thing. That is one reason Linux doesn't compare to Windows or Mac OS on the desktop. Dumb-ass usuability issues like that. Someone please build a Linux distro that takes care of this, please. Linux has potential as a desktop OS it is just that the people who create distros aren't concerned with top notch usability on the order of Windows or Mac OSX. I'd do it my damn self if I knew C. Take Debian for istance. It has over 8000 packages, most of which the average user will not ever touch. Create a base set of packages that integrate into a nice GUI. Screw that command line bullshit, it is slow as balls and confusing. Red Hat tries this, but they fail miserably and can't measure up to Windows or Mac OSX. Linux is command line first, gui second. Windows and Mac OSX are gui first, command line second. Make Linux like that and you have a true desktop OS competitor not the pretender it is now.More people agree with my case sensitivity gripe. I just hope Microsft's new OS Longhorn is good and relegates Linux to the crap heap, if only for the reason of case-sensitivity. Someone please make Linux file system case insensitive.
Monday May 16, 2005 - 4:44PM EDT
It has always annoyed me but more so now. When people crack into computer systems to prove it can be done. It is implicit that no computer system is uncrackable so proving it can be done is proving nothing except your own machismo. It follows that most of the people that break into systems are young. When is the last time you heard about someone over 35 getting caught for breaking into systems. They either are more careful or just not stupid enough to do it.
My mp3 player arrived today. Only 15 more minutes of work. Today was boring as hell. Only a few more weeks and I'm off the Venezuela anyway. Still working on those projects and doing a lot of reading on Linux and programming. I think the art hosting project is the one.
Nothing funny happened today yet. I need some comedy. This job is begining to feel like an enormous waste of time. I'm getting paid and it is not for much longer so I can't complain too much. All I heard today was the clicking of mice, typing of keys and creaking of swivel chairs for 7 hours(and the voices in my head). The consulting company didn't send my check last week. Hopefully it will come today. Because I am broke as a joke. Got damn it is hard to find a decent job. What the fuck how in the hell can I not find a good job that doesn't suck the life out of me and pays well. Fuck FUCK FUCK! Damn I need to get that art hosting thing going. After I come back from Venezuela it will be ready for launch. I'm just glad it will be hot everyday there. Shit this art hosting thing may be my last chance. I'm not getting another job after this one until I crash and burn in a huge ball of software development failure. Then after that I will try my hand at animation and wait until I crash and burn in a huge ball of creative failure before getting a real job bending over for THE MAN.
Monday May 16, 2005 - 10:24AM EDT
I'm tired of these kooky morons and their allegience to mystical creatures. The quote below is of a doctor who has helped a brain damaged person wake up and talk after 10 years. I am extremely dissapointed that this doctor would still have such ludicrous beliefs.
"God will not help you unless you try something," said Ahmed, a Muslim. "If you try something and if you believe, God may help you." - full article
The whole article is not pertinent to what I am trying to highlight but I included the link anyway. What is that person saying? Honestly look at it. It is the ravings of a madman. "Unless you try something..." Remove the references to supernatural beings and say "just do it." Still seems like some people, regardless of their education still need the security of mystical creatures. I thought we grew out of such childish things. I suppose humans won't let go of that stuff in my lifetime, if ever. Maybe I am being a bit harsh. I suppose it serves as a practice to ease the mind. I can accept that. But recognize it for what it is and don't criticize anyone else for what you see as meaningless or strange thoughts and practices.
Monday May 16, 2005 - 12:26AM EDT
I keep reading about these intelligent design goofballs and what they say just keeps getting more and more ludicrous.
Jonathan Wells, a Discovery Institute senior fellow, said the dispute won't be settled in public hearings like the ones in Kansas.
"I think it will be resolved in the scientific community," he said. "I think (intelligent design), in 10 years, will be a very respectable science program." - full article
It is not even a matter of crackpot science that they are promoting or even controversial or unproven theories. They are not promoting anything remotely scientific. They are so off base, misguided and blind to their own folly its sad. Somehow they think they are making compentent challenges to advance scientific theory. Its freaking pathetic. They want to criticize and change science without even bringing a shred evidence for their position(mainly because their position is ludcrious and a rehash of creationism which was already laughed off as ludicrous a long time ago). In other news. There is no other news.
Sunday May 15, 2005 - 2:09AM EDT
I'll be going to Venezuela in about a month. And for the most part I will be staying with my cousins in Merida. For those of you who don't know about Merida check out this link Merida. I come from Cambimas which is a freaking dump compared to Merida. I will also probably be visiting Magarita Island. The one thing about Venezuela is that everything is dirt freaking cheap. Well not everything, but food and gas. They are a top exporter of petroleum. Funny thing though, at some refineries they simply burn off the natural gas in pertoleum because they have no use for it. What a waste. Apparently beer is cheaper than water(50 cents a bottle), which I guess is the reason everyone always seems to be driking beer. Margarita Island is the big tourist spot in Venezuela and for carribean cruise ships here are some photos. I'll be taking plenty of pictures and uploading to the blog during my stay. All you have to know about Venezuela is to stay out of the capital, Caracas. That is were all the violent protests are. Lucklily I'll be nowhere near there.
Saturday May 14, 2005 - 12:06PM EDT
I don't like stuff. Specifically I am talking about papers and physical storage media. I don't want to ever have to deal with papers for anything. Everything should be electronic. All email, no more paper mail. The only paper I want is from the books I buy. But everything else I want to get rid of. Quarterly reports, bills, transaction records all should be electronic. No more paper. It has gotten to a point where I feel that eletronic storage mediums are as reliable as paper. Also I want all music and movies stored on high capcity solid state storage medium. None of this CD or DVD bullshit anymore. I know we have that for music already but the DRM is way to restrictive making it better to buy CDs. And the sound quality of downloaded files are lower than CDs, although you really can't notice all that much. It should all be downloaded to massive solid state storage no bigger than my mp3 player. All of my CDs and DVDs take up too much got damn space. Oh yeah, I would accept periodicals using paper. Basically anything that I would read long stories in because display technologies are just no comparison to paper for reading books yet. They need ultra-high resolution small organic LED screens before I start reading books without paper. When these screens do come out, they will be so high resolution that you will not be able to tell the difference between printed text on paper and the screen. Current computer screen can produce around 130 pixels per inch whhile printing is done at 300 dots per inch. Pixels size can vary based on the dot pitch of a monitor. Smaller dot pitch the better. So eventually the dot pitch of a monitor will be as good or better than printer's dot size and also have as good or higher amount of these dots per inch. So when you view the two you side by side can't tell the difference. This will be a great day no doubt.
A note about music and movie downloading. Downloading is a paradigm shift in how people consume entertainment. Yet the industry doesn't want to accept it. With downloading the overhead for producting physical medium and everything else that goes into it drops to almost nothing in comparison to downloading over the net. Yet somehow for downloading they want to charge the same as physical medium, it makes no sense to me. Think about when recording technologies came out and entertainers resisted it because they thought it would take away from their live performances (or something like that). Performers had no money from recording before that, they had to go out and earn their money through performances. So it has to change again. They might still be able to earn money through recordings but not nearly as much as they did before. They will hold on as long as they can but eventually downloading will be much cheaper than it is today and the DRM will relax. If those bastards know what is good for them.
Friday May 13, 2005 - 11:30AM EDT
Somtimes I don't understand how Apple is not dominating the PC market. They have pretty much always had a superior OS to Windows. Yet their breif period of dominance in the early 80's was crushed by Microsoft and its licensesing strategy. Sure, maybe they couldn't control the quality of the hardware as much as they do now but I wonder what could have been if they allowed clones of their hardware since the begining. There was a short lived mac clone period in the last 10 years but they charged such outrageous OEM fees that it just wasn't profitale for those companies. Microsoft has Intel chips and Apple uses IBM/Motorola so in that area they are equal. Ever since Jobs came back to Apple the company had been revitalized. The IPOD is huge, but I wonder how much bigger it would have been if they decided to offer it for both Windows and MacOS at the same time. I guess it is just the way they have always done things. Now the Wintel monopoly is huge with companies like HP and Dell making those systems Mac can never catch up with all those computer manufacturers. I'd love for them to do an about face and finally allow other computer manufacturers to make and sell their computers. Maybe it is just not feasable anymore. But I think that would do more than anything to dent the Microsoft's monopoly. I think it could turn out to be a bigger blow than open source software. The microsoft monopoly starts with the desktop computer and extends from there. You attack that you bring down the beast. I guess Apple has no interest in attacking it. Frankly, Linux just can't compete with Windows on the desktop as far as usability and support goes. Mac OS on the other would be equal if not much better in those areas. Just think. What if Dell and HP started selling systems with Mac OS. I supposed Mac OS could be ported to i386 architecture. That may be another strategy, to go head to head with one of Microsoft's pillars (the other being the Microsoft Office). That one may be difficult though. Then again I don't know what it would involve to allow hardware clones and getting place like Dell and HP to make them. I want to see Apple take on that challenge. Maybe it is too late with Linux and open source for them to mount such a challenge. But their OS has never been better than it is now. There seems to be this elitest attitude among Apple and some of its users. That is what I think ultamitely kept and will continue to keep them out of market dominance on the scale of microsoft. I want to see them take on the challenge, they are the only legitamite challenger to Microsoft yet their focus is elsewhere. Meanwhile Microsoft continue to spread it dominance by moving into different arenas (XBOX). A note on XBOX 360. This next round of console wars will be interesting because the hardware for all three players is essentially the same (IBM/ATI chips, built in harddrives, wifi and online service). The current generation hardware differs considerably. I am not sure what the winning factor will be, but again this time it is anybody's game. Microsoft is trying the Windows link to be its draw. I don't know what the Sony and Nintendo strategy will be. Nintendo has repeatately said that it is going to introduce revolutionary new ideas to video games and high quality games. They are being tight-lipped though and I really want to see what they have up their sleeve because they could be back on top with this new system. Sony once again is going with brute force methods or software library size I think. E3 may be an eye opener.
Friday May 13, 2005 - 10:44AM EDT
Screw it. I am GPLing the software. That is the only way to go. I just want people to use it. Of course if they want tech support from me they will have to pay. But I was redoing my test server last night and it was a pain in the ass to install Debian. I couldn't start the Xserver because agp was missing from the kernel. So instead of doing kernel configuration I will just reinstall and configure the kernel with agp and it should work. I really don't need a gui but I want it. So after I get that setup correctly I'll go ahead and make it a web/database server to test out the enterprise version of the software. Won't be long now, before I have the web hosting beta testers.
I've come to tune out OS debates even more now. I just need the computer to perform certain functions and I don't care how it does it as long as it does it. I really only need a few core functions and pretty much any major OS can do them pretty good. I am going to order that 15-inch Powerbook next week probably. It will be good to have a top of the line computer to work on for the first time since 11th grade. Less slowdown headaches hopefully.
Friday May 13, 2005 - 2:43AM EDT
Coming to America is the funniest movie I have ever seen. Still nothing compares to it. Office Space would be the only close one. Those are probably my two favorite movies. Along with Friday. The Matrix movies and Lord of the Rings movies follow those top three.
I have four favorite books. The Count of Monte Cristo, Angry White Pajamas, The Cuckoo's Egg and Robinson Crusoe. With the exception of The Count of Monte Cristo I finished the other three all in less than two days. That is quick by my standards. I'm not someone who reads novel all the time. I've started Don Quixote and it may be added to the list.
I've have two containers full of coins on my dresser for a few years now. Just the change in my pocket that I have collected over a few years. I took that change to a coinstar machine tonight and it came out to $154. So with that money I've ordered a new mp3 player to replace my ailing 3 year old 128mb one. New one is from same company and is 1GB but it is the same size and the battery lasts longer. Iriver ifp-799T.
Thursday May 12, 2005 - 4:42PM EDT
Noodles were excellent at lunch. Trying to figure out where my projects are going. Which one is going to be the one. I think it is the art hosting one.
Thursday May 12, 2005 - 12:03PM EDT
Sometimes at work I just want to yell RITA'S? to ask to people if they want to get waterice. I think while working here I'm clinically dead for 8hrs. This is probably the least stimulating of all the places I have worked at. Somtimes I laugh when I just want to break your face open for acting like a turbo idiot. I'm so bored right now. Even the original project that they wanted me to do I estimate will only take a week to finish. It is turbo easy. There is a second project that is sort of linked to the first that may take 1.5 weeks or less. I'll usually finish things at work in the time they take me, I won't fuck around and extend shit for no reason. But then when you finish too fast some jobs like to give you busy work. Damn fools. I hate busy work. I would kill over busy work or at least brutalize. Weather is turbo nice recently, that is a fairly sharp assesment. I've never had a job where I was constantly busy more than 10% of the time. I've had days at jobs where I was busy. But overall I am usually sitting around doing squat. I suppose that is how it is for most. Who are these american workaholics we hear so much about? I think it is a sham, those people are just afraid of the boogeyman in their closets at home.
A coporation is like the internal combustion engine. Only 5% effecient and produces dangerous waste
I'm getting noodles for lunch.
Thursday May 12, 2005 - 2:01AM EDT
Finally getting some stuff to do at work. It isn't too exciting but it is not uninteresting. I really have no complaints about work. This is unprecedented. I think it is the short commute. Reduces stress a lot. Strange though, have a lot of energy lately. Even though I wake up at bewtween 7:30 and 8 and stay up until 2am I don't sleep at all through the day or even feel tired throughout the day. The normal crash periods where I can barely stay awake (10am - 11am and 1:30pm-2:30pm and 6pm - 8pm) have turned into just a slight slowdown. I don't know what it is.
I have nothing else to say. I am tired. Oh yeah I need to get those pictures of meals taken care of. I'll see what I can click tomorrow morning. It is usually oatmeal in the morning. I'll use the white IKEA bowls.
Wednesday May 11, 2005 - 1:40AM EDT
My got damn check engine light came on today. Fuck, ah well. I'm eating Wendy's chili right now. I was thinking again about a society without rampant consumerism. I am referring to not having 25 different kinds of toothpaste to choose from where the difference between them in ingredients is about .0001%. What would that be like? I'll probably never find out in my lifetime. You know what sucks. Is that if I live the average time for an adult male in the US I think I'll die just before all the cool stuff starts happening. Regular space travel, solar powered everything, batteries that never die, fresh strawberries anytime you want, plane travel to anywhere in less than 10 minutes. All this wicked awesome crap is going to happen at the end of my lifetime. I wonder what the future world will be like. I try to compare it to movies, tv shows and whatnot. Will it be like Star Trek, Star Wars, Cowboy Bebop Outlaw Star or Midas World? There has got to be something to learn from the recent rash of corporate scandals and collapses. Is it a signal of weakeness in the system that needs to be addressed or is it a anamalous occurence or just normal. The expert economists are probably asking themselves the same thing. I'm tired.