Wednesday April 5, 2006 - 12:20AM EDT
I made a teribble in associating RMS with opensource. RMS is GNU and free software not neccessarily opensource. They are two different camps and although they can be related I made a terrible mistake by considering opensource and free-software the same thing.
Tuesday April 4, 2006 - 12:22AM EDT
Went to the supermarket tonight. When I got out it was pouring. I didn't even stop walking. I just slowly trudged to my car. My sneakers got a little wet, but nothing to ruin them and they dried pretty fast. I didn't get much work done today. Tomorrow I will try again. Feel like trash right now. Sleep, maybe I'll feel more motivated when I wake up.
Monday April 3, 2006 - 10:35AM EDT
More work this week, lots more. First a recap of the weekend. I went to church sunday with this girl and frankly it was... haha inside joke. Weekend was relaxing, saw ATL. Will have a review up soon. Few website things to take care of this morning. Then off to the bank then gym. Then back home to work on web stuff for the rest of the day. Well, off to work.
Saturday April 1, 2006 - 6:54PM EDT
Pretty sure I used that title already. Anyway I haven't made a post in a long while now. So busy with website work. It is good though because the service is coming along great. Still need to setup automated billing and create the admin interface for easelweb, but other than that it is all good. I should have at least 6 people up and running in the next 2 weeks. Then I really need to start advertising once the public website is done. Oh yeah I need to get my plans and structure ideas on paper soon. Well, back to work. I need to study spanish and japanese more.
Tuesday March 28, 2006 - 11:12AM EDT
With all this criticism of Iraq for seeking chemical weapons and probably using them during the Gulf War seems that the some in the U.S. government in their fervor for self rightheouness have forgotten about the horrific toll that the usse of Agent Orange took and continues to take on the people involved in the Vietnam war. Whether it was intended as a chemical weapon is non-consequential. It affected people horribly and very little was done about it.
Monday March 27, 2006 - 4:12PM EDT
I have had so much freaking work lateley that I haven't made any ranting blog posts recently. I think I have gotten away from ranting posts in the last 6 months anyway. Most of my ranting came while I was bored out of my mind at work and there was no other way to release the stress of how much I hated it. Damn I need to get back to work. Damn I also need to get back to studying languages again. I want to add French next, but I still need to master Spanish, japanese and chinese first. I'll get to it soon enough.
Sunday March 26, 2006 - 3:03PM EDT
Has anyone heard about this DJ getting fired for a simple misspoken word. I can't believe the huge deal it became. The people who fired this guy should be ashamed of themselves and Condelezza Rice should equally be ashamed for treating this as some kind of big deal. Here is the link. This whole story is just pathetic. The fact that the guy who got fired is just accepting it is the best part about it and even that is almost as disturbing. In a certain sense it is kind of good that this guy is not making this to be some kind of huge thing, but he should at least comment on the ridiculousness of what they did to him.
Rice Accepts DJ's Apology for Racial Slur
Saturday March 25, 2006 - 4:52PM EDT
Damn I have been swamped with work with this new web hosting service. But is is awesome. I think it will take me another week or two to get all the initial setup the way I like and most effecient. Then I can really start trying to get customers. I think I have a good idea of how things will be organized and I really need to get it down on paper soon.
I am hungry.
Thursday March 23, 2006 - 8:43PM EDT
Haven't been making posts for the simple reason that I have been swamped with work. The new service is coming along. Server is up and all setup. Security, email, everything. Well almost everything. Few more things to setup then I'll have my first few customers up and running by this weekend. Been doing so much reading on Linux lately. Even though I really didn't have to with the control panel software is makes things so freaking easy. But I feel better knowing all the little details so if there is a problem I know how to fix it. Already the plan for expansion and organizational structure is forming in my head. I need to get this stuff down on paper soon. While I'm building initial customer base I need to be thinking of larger expansion structures. I have good smart people involved so this could be a winner. I want to create a company that doesn't need an office. Completely efficient without an office. Everyone can telecommute, it is a web hosting service after all. What does someone need and office for? Actually I can think of a few reasons but I want to eliminate a wastefull office as much a possible. I guess I'll just see what happens, but I am always going to be thinking of how best to structure this. Back to work.
Tuesday March 21, 2006 - 2:21PM EDT
I just ordered the server. I'm pumped. I have a lot of writting to do now. Company structure, tech structure, marketing plan. All this stuff is in my head I figure I just better get it on paper. I did the same with LinkZu but I sort of let that project stagnate a little. I will get back to it though, a friend of mine came up with a great idea for it. I think working with someone else will help keep it fresh. One thing I have to do with LinkZu is reorganize the admin software that people log into using my new php structure. Then after that I have to create the three addtional addons to the program. Enterprise, Caves and CMS integration. I almost finished Enterprise but I stopped a while ago and never got back to it. I'll have to integrate my new php coding methods into it now so I'll have to redo some things. I still think LinkZu can be substantial I just haven't found the right thing to get it there yet. Maybe some of these news things I am adding on will help.
Tuesday March 21, 2006 - 1:35PM EDT
I was just looking at my task list on the computer that I use to keep track of the things that I am doing. I have whittled down the list considerably. And I am getting to the really good stuff. Today I get the server. I am calling right now.
Monday March 20, 2006 - 7:22PM EDT
Lots of website work to do this week. Have a name for my new web hosting service and will be getting the server tomorrow. Still need to finish up some other websites before delving into that though. Should only be another few hours though. This is exciting to the max. I am so pumped about getting the server. This will be a real challenge. This will test all my computer knowledge and then some, as well as all the experience working in IT. Well I need to finish these other websites so back to work.
Friday March 17, 2006 - 11:31PM EDT
I feel this calm intensity right now. Partially has to do with the various projects I have been working on and other things. I am making fast and substantive progress. Every few hours as I learn more I hit a key point where everything clicks, something works and it sticks in my mind. It keeps me intense though.
Wednesday March 15, 2006 - 10:22PM EDT
I remember reading some clown's opinion piece of how nowadays we tend to demonize smoking and restrict smoking in public places. The arguement was based on the fact that people can do what they want to and we shouldn't limit that. I forget the article but this person tried compare restricting smoking to restricting another activity that had no business being in an analogy. But somehow he forgot that smoking is an activity that affects those in proximity to the smoker more than most activities. Especially since all it does is bring pleasure and a slow death to the smoker. There are no benefits to it at all to argue that somehow we should ignore the damage it causes to surrounding people. If smoking had no smoke involved then hey, it would be ok. But damn dude how you going to defend it as a personal right in a public place when it actively damages the health of others who didn't chose to smoke. The nature of smoking prevents it from being a choice that one can make on their own in public places. Becaus you decide for everybody so you can't defend it from the perspective of allowing someone to make thier own choice. There are definately a lot of things that can be analyzed by that line of reasoning and skewed either way. But I think the effects of smoking have been demonstrated enough that we are all in agreement, so there isn't wild speculation on effects that might pervert the line of reasoning in another issue. Just a thought.
Wednesday March 15, 2006 - 3:43PM EDT
My new official moniker is Incredibad. I am changing it from Mace Windu Part II.
Monday March 13, 2006 - 6:39PM EDT
I am hungry but I don't feel like cooking. I want to eat a well prepared meal on a warm breezy, not to breezy though, outdoor sitting place somewhere.
Monday March 13, 2006 - 6:04PM EDT
The weather today was insanely good. Mid to upper 70's sunny and breezy. I'd like it to be slightly warmer say mid 80's and I would take that kind of weather all year round. Right now I am on my patio trying to come up with layouts for a website. It is so very warm and the warm breeze and it is awesome. That is not a properly formed sentence.
Sunday March 12, 2006 - 2:56PM EDT
I haven't ripped someone or something good in a while. I think I just got bored of ripping things. Especially religion. There was a while where I was ripping it left and right. Although I did generalize unfairly in some instances I felt I ripped it nice and evenly in most cases. I ripped what I felt were the bad aspects and highlighted some things I thought were good. I fucking ripped science too. That damn korean cloning scientest pissed me off. Damn him and his cheating ways. I fucking rip everything who am I kidding. If there is something I haven't ripped let me know and I'll find the errors in it. Based on my own unique view of things of course.
Note on the new search feature. It won't take into account spelling mistakes. Maybe I'll work on it to improve it in the future as part of a personal project.
Sunday March 12, 2006 - 2:47PM EDT
I've added a new search feature. Hoorah. If you want to search you can. But when I think about it. Who in the hell is going to search?
Saturday March 11, 2006 - 9:49PM EDT
Solid movie with some funny lines by Mos Def. It was a pretty standard cop action flick though nothing really suprising but entertaining nonetheless.