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Thursday October 20, 2005 - 11:25AM EDT

Old columns by Miers reveal support for diversity, needy

So I read that article. Obviosuly it is supporting Miers by using 10 year old paper as evidence. Pathetic. The least someone could do is point to action as evidence. A paper is a pretty weak piece of supportive evidence. People can write whatever and do another. The writer of that article is playing loserball. Damn man give me something else besides one freaking paper written 10 years ago. The way he smugly ends the article is disgusting. As if one 10 year old paper is going to convince anyone of the slightest bit of intelligence.

I have another view on these so called caring for the poor views that is trumpeted as showing some kind of compassion or as signs of being a "good person". Particularly for those ultra-conservatives whose general behavior and policies do far more harm to the disadvantaged than any good they do with their charity work. Charity so often becomes a self-serving act it is disgusting.



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