Ultraviolet - comments(2) - email me

Saturday March 11, 2006 - 9:46PM EDT

This movie is just plain bad. Out of nowhere this movie is about vampires. Vampires? Nowhere in the trailers was vampires mentioned but it was a pretty big part of the movie. The vampires were created with a virus but still, it came out of nowhere. Normally I like Mila Jovavich action movies. Like Fifth Element and Resident Evil. I was expecting something similar but this movie couldn't even measure up to those movies. The action scences were sort of cool but they dragged on and were repetive sometimes. Plot was to shallow, it seemed like there was more they could tell but didn't. I think this movie may have been a comic or graphic novel.  It seemed like you had to have read the comic to get into it.

Pull - comments(0) - email me

Saturday March 11, 2006 - 1:46AM EDT

I'm hovering between this feeling of slight anxiety and complete calmness. I want to do something about it, the only thing that makes sense to me, but often times that is the only person it makes sense to. I'll sleep and see what I feel like in the morning.

Real Life - comments(0) - email me

Friday March 10, 2006 - 4:20AM EDT

So there is this video of The Simpsons intro using real actors. It was a promo for british TV station. I saw the video on the internet. Its weird though because  although The Simpson family is supposed to represent a white family seeing them as a real white family just doesn't work for me. The Simpsons don't have a race, no cartoon character does. They have coloring but I can never picture cartoons accurately as real people it just doesn't work for me. Cartoons are an entity unto themselves. Like all the Japanese animation cartoons that I have watched. Even though many characters' skin represents different races I never am able to associated cartoon characters with race. They are a classification on their own. I can imagine them as being real people but never with that characteristic of race that we like to use on humans.

Warm nights again - comments(0) - email me

Friday March 10, 2006 - 1:55AM EDT

Warm night tonight (well, relatively). I love the warm nights. I always stay awake on warm nights and have a lot of energy. Which is good tonight because I have some important website work to do. I can blow through it pretty fast though because of the system I have in place already. The window is wide open.  I haven't had the window wide open in months. I can smell the warm air as it permeates the screen and settles in my room.

Vision - comments(1) - email me

Thursday March 9, 2006 - 9:08PM EDT

I have this vision of a what a really good day would be like this week.  But it will never fucking happen. It isn't even that far fetched, just damn near impossible.

Cubes, i used this already - comments(0) - email me

Thursday March 9, 2006 - 6:56PM EDT

Pretty sure I used cubes in a blog post title already. Ah well. Look at this.

Cubicles: The great mistake

I freaking hate cubicles and so do most people probably. I love the end of that article where it goes into how some companies are abandoning the cubibicle and even the concept of coming into an office. I love it.  I've written many posts on how I think coming into an office is senseless and makes no sense most of the time. I am always thinking of a way to structure a  company where you don't need these massive complexes to house people for no good reason. Wasting electricity and resources and most importantly spreading road rage. The amount of time I and various other people spend doing absolutely nothing in an office setting is ludicrous. I've blogged plenty on that. I'm just thinking now how many so called problems are a matter of effeciency. It would be a cascading effect to attack issues from a practical effeciency standpoint. You find the practical issues that create these major problems and solve them. I just feel like sometimes people don't look at it in that way. As if all complex problems require complex solutions.  Some problems are only complex because you are an idiot.

Awesome day today and tomorrow is suppose to be even better. I need to get some new running shoes because the ones I have now are in sad condition.

Dynamics - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday March 8, 2006 - 8:08PM EDT

Today was awesome. Got a lot done on website projects. Everything is on a good schedule. I think I will try tonight and bang out some major work on a contract site I've been doing. If I do I will be way ahead of schedule. So that next week I'll be able to finish it up. My art hosting project is going well to. I'm on schedule to get the servers next week asuming I take care of all the administrative stuff and create the website in time.

Indoor soccer game tonight. It is a good workout. Team is getting better, maybe we will pull out a victory. When I glance over my previous posts sometimes, I see the horrific grammatical and spelling mistakes I make. I rarely review a post for those errors and you'd think I blog so much I would catch a lot of them before they got out. Nope.

You know what I find amusing? Being a casual observer to the relationships between other people. It is amusing to me how people will act one way to a person and think of them in a completely different way. Especially when I know both people and to me they are part of the same organizational group in my mind, but are adversaries in their world.  I think maybe that I am so laid back about everything and will pretty much accept anything. Except THE MAN's foot up my ass! The banality of everyday life is such that to me all of these little things about people we make up in our head can't be taken seriously. Even to expect anything from a person or anybody is ridiculous on some level to me. Sure there are practical things you expect like them not killing you in your sleep but even that can be looked over sometimes. What pisses me off is how people we trump up little things but still accept things like garbage in a landfill as normal. I guess it is just easier to get pissy about someone not saying hello or shaking your hand wrong than it is to contemplate the consequences of burying garbage. It is easy to get into that mode though of focusing concern on insignificant things.  Though everything is really insiginificant in my mind.

I'm begining to think about, again, the idea of a human goal. The illusion of a unified human goal. There is none. But you'd think that we did have one with all this morality and sanctity of life bullplop. It is just everyone selfishly pursuing a path to an end in which is unknown. No not even unknown. And end that is NULL. When I think of humans in the context of biological machines it gives me a sobering hope and confidence. That mystery is just a figment of our imaginations as much as  is order. That there is nothing special about us in a larger context. That as so many have already said this life just piles up to one big nothing at all.

When I think about various views and opinions that don't fit with mine I always think in my mind why? But why holds nothing so then I go to other questions.  What is this person expecting to achieve with this? Where are they going with this? In the context of biological machines I think the question of why is a fool's game. It is a mental trick our brains play on ourselves. I tend to think that the answer of why will always come down to some pratical or mundane set of details in a person's life.  That the mysteries of motivation and why are illusions that we are not willing to probe deep enough to find the details. Just seems like when the question of why is brought up people will accept or make up anything to fit into it but objective. Indoor soccer game soon, must prepare.

Posting again - comments(1) - email me

Tuesday March 7, 2006 - 7:40PM EDT

Almost 3 days since a post. That is strange. Been doing a lot of work on various projects. I feel like trash right now.

Programming - comments(0) - email me

Friday March 3, 2006 - 12:25AM EDT

Now that I have really studied how .NET works. I realized that my current system of programming applications in PHP uses the same kind of structure and framework. It is partialling based off of Coccon and JSP and .NET stuff. It works nicely. I hear that they are creating a framework for PHP now though. I wonder what it will be like.

Comedy - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday March 1, 2006 - 4:41PM EDT

I was just thinking about Dave Chapelle's comedy. Specifically his racially charged ridiculousesness. I love it. The genius is its absurdity as a comment on the absurdity of race. Whether he meant it that way or not it is a great commentary.

More Mimic - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday March 1, 2006 - 11:31AM EDT

I wrote about mimicry last post. Here I go again. What is considered opinion which I wrote about a few posts back as being very popular in today's open culture is to me in many cases is another example of mimicry. I am just baffled by how many times I see people learn things or do things in the absence of objective thought and simply just copy what they see or hear. To me that makes no sense. Until I think about that experiment and then think that maybe it is just how their brains work and that is simply the dominate mode of operation in humanity. Then I think that it may be more complex than simple brain function or not.

Rad ass Mimics - comments(1) - email me

Wednesday March 1, 2006 - 1:11AM EDT

I was just thinking about how most people go about their lives in that normal everyday manner. Then I was thinking about that experiment with chimps and children I wrote about a while back. It was some preliminarly evidence on a greater complexity to the human practice of mimicing. The copying of what we see may be a much more complex behavior than previously thought and that has helped us from an evolutionary standpoint. The experiment, what details were given, also showed that this behavior may have detrimental effects in some cases. In that context I think how a single person even a single person's single thought or action can have effects throughout all of mankind. Is it our complex behavior of mimicry that is both a boone and bane? Will this always be the case where the human race just because of the way our minds work will be at the mercy of a few loudmouths who put themselves in front of our eyes? I guess for the few bad loudmouths we get a few good ones. Maybe as we evolve we our mimicry well develop to weed out the bad loudmouths. Maybe not.

I always hear about various programming frameworks being better and faster. Not being a supercode but someone who is competent and been exposed to a few programming languages I tend to take lightly any type of framework or system of programming. I've come to realize that in programming what matters is the end result. I don't discount how you get to that result but still the result is of most utmost importance and in the majority of cases if you start focuses on frameworks or languages or anything like that your result is going to suck no matter what. That is popular thing today in programming. Frameworks. Everyone is using frameworks for Rapid Application Development. Maybe it helps some maybe it doesn't. I do like the concept of frameworks. In fact I love it. However any arguement of what framework is better is the same as the arguement over what programming language is better. It because moot at a certain point. Where am I going with this? Oh yeah, emphasis on learning a framework. My approach to programming is simple. Logic is logic no matter what computer language it is in. I completely lost my point here, I have no idea what I am saying now. Crap. Ah well, it will come back to me another time.

Jolt - comments(1) - email me

Tuesday February 28, 2006 - 10:34AM EDT

Another day where I am full of energy. This is great. I think I am being driven by how close I am to finishing projects. Time for oatmeal.

Cold Snow - comments(0) - email me

Monday February 27, 2006 - 8:51PM EDT

Winter is almost over. Hoorah! I can't wait for the warmth.  Got a ton of work done today I felt energized all day.  Now time for my custom exercise session and stretching, shower, then back to work on websites. I can't beleive how much I got done today. Everything is getting so close to completion. Could I finally be pulling THE MAN's foot out of my ass?

Trash pickup - comments(2) - email me

Monday February 27, 2006 - 8:24AM EDT

Don't feel like trash anymore. In fact I feel energized. I think I can bang out a major website this week. Maybe even today alone.  This is going to be a long marathon session.

More Trash - comments(1) - email me

Monday February 27, 2006 - 1:54AM EDT

I still feel like trash.

Trash - comments(2) - email me

Monday February 27, 2006 - 12:06AM EDT

I feel like garbage right now.

Holy Images - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday February 22, 2006 - 9:31PM EDT

I was just thinking about the uproar of Mohammed depicted in cartoons. It stems from the idea in Islam that Mohammed should never be portrayed in pictures.  What a brillant idea by the founders of Islam to institute such a rule. I am not being sarcastic here. It makes a whole lot of sense when I look at in in comparison to images of Jesus Christ.  The current popular image of Christ is so radically wrong it is absurd. To think that someone from that region of that world looks like what is portrayed in popular western culture is ludicrous. I'd like to think the founders of Islam instituted the rule about not portraying Mohammed to prevent such false images from being manifested. Also I've heard it has to do with preventing idol worship too. That is one of the most disturbing things I find about Christianity. That it doesn't present its founder in a correct visual manner.  It seems to me that it is the height of arrogance.

Played an indoor soccer game tonight. Still not in good aerobic condition. I'm physically stronger than I have ever been, but not in my best aerobic shape.  I need to find something to do to get back in better conditioning. Maybe spinning at the gym? I don't know. I want to be in tip top shape for summer ultimate season. Spring ultimate should help that. But my neighborhood is not conducive to running.

What the? - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday February 22, 2006 - 6:21PM EDT

So there is outrage over this port deal.  It doesn't make sense. This is pure discrimination. People are like the Arabs are going to take over. What the fuck dude. Americans are still going to be working at these ports, they are not going to suddenly stock them with foreigners so it is absurd to think that ownership changing hands is going to be suddenly dangerous. I guess people have no confidence in the rules of law any more. Because if you own a company in America you are subject to our laws. So it is not like all of a sudden importing a piece of the country into the United States. If we can't keep a port safe in our own country governed by our own government subject to the rules that every other enitity operating in the US is subject to then it really doesn't matter who owns the damn thing. This is a knee jerk reaction related to the horrific ignorance and current bad attitude related to anything in that area of the world. The concern if any should be this. That this country will be another example of using American resources for financial gain in a place where women's rights are neglected and the government is a unelected by the people. There is a reason we have government inspections and regulations. So that not just any company no matter who they are can damage the welfare of the people of the United States.

Bush supporting this is a whole other issue. Is it that he is actually seeing it as it really is a pure business transaction and that we shouldn't discriminate or is it that he really is not paying attention and any kind of business deals he automatically supports and doesn't get involved in. Especially if they involve big money. I'd like to think that for once he would actually be doing the right thing here and speak about not being discriminatory and attempt to help the american people really understand a situation for once. I can hope can' t I?

Awesome Movie - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday February 22, 2006 - 3:56PM EDT

I'd like to just say once again how great the movie The Shawshank Redemption is. One of my favorite movies ever that isn't a comedy.

The idea of time travel and that previous quantum states are saved and accessible and even more outrageous that these saved states are linked through a logical cause and effect is weird.