Ripping - comments(2) - email me

Tuesday January 17, 2006 - 8:23PM EDT

Oddly enough I am taking out my anger on job descriptions by replying to a bunch of particularly bad postings and ripping them.

Job Descriptions - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 17, 2006 - 8:04PM EDT

I'm sick of reading these fucking job postings showing that whoever posted it has no idea what they are looking for. It is clear that whoever makes a choice on who gets hired is going to fuck it up. They make technological lists that needlessly repeat themselves or mix technologies that can't ever be mixed. Most of them also have such filler for job description that the job could really be anything from secretarial work to designing nuclear bombs. Ha not really that was an exagerration.  Their experience requirements sometimes are freaking senseless. Because almost no one would stick with some things they want experience the time they want unless they are completely incompetent and couldn't find anything else to do. Then they list skills, which really should be put under the heading of "you should know how to do this if you are aren't mentally disabled or an alcoholic".  I particularly love the job postings that have requirements that would make Stallman squirm then end the posting with we offer "competitive pay."

Ripping Wrong - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 17, 2006 - 4:33PM EDT

A few posts ago I ripped a former Harvard Librarian for being paranoid about losing libraries.  Mainly I was peeved at what seemed to be a fear of technology.  But in further thinking about it today I liked almost all of what he said.  I think what came to mind was the metaphor of the library not the actual physical place.  To lose that library metaphor would be a terrible thing. Not sure if he meant the metaphor or the physical place or a little of both. I think I was just mad at his criticism leveled against technology and technologists.

Peeved - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 17, 2006 - 3:56PM EDT

After reading some shitty story about dog whispering I am pissed. Reading shit like that makes me want to murder the planet. Or something along those lines. Then I read about the glory of Google Maps. That shit just boils my piss. The US government collected and still does collect the majority of the data on all mapping websites. In fact the new census that is coming up soon is planned to collect even more mapping data. All these companies do is organize it better than the government. Which just makes me want to vomit that there are not compentent people in government to do a better job. Admitedly though many companies have spend great sums to enhance the mapping data and collect their own. All I want is people to know that the basis for all these maps came from their tax dollars. Not to anger people but to show them that tax dollars do work to do some useful things and that not everything needs to be privatized.

That is an unfortunate consequence of the current privitization thinking. People have forgotten about the successful government programs that serve as the foundation of the country. The interstate highway program created the suburbs. NASA, census, USGS. I bad mouth government no doubt, but I also recognize that they have done things that no company has ever come close to accomplishing. With all this governmetn badmouthing and privitization and smaller government talk some are forgetting or don't even know anymore what government has accomplished. I don't know what happened in the 80's that made government so unimportant. Fucking Regan happened. Talk about Saddam Hussien as a world scourge. Regan set back the United States 50 years with his privitization and smaller government trash. Government got to the moon, private companies still haven't broken the stratosphere. Sending up a rocket 62 miles into the air and watching it float down is progress to private companies, ha. That was a few month's work 50 years ago for the government.

Damn I am hungry. But I want to wait until I leave work to eat. Tomorrow I have a glycolic peel.

It is not that I don't like this job. It is just boring. Very boring. The work is boring, the environment is boring and I just don't like coming into an office on a regular schedule and having to wear special clothes for it. I wonder who thought up business attire. I guess it was the product of a different time when people wore these kind of clothes as everyday attire. Not anymore.

I've ragged on corporation many times before. Here goes again. Fuck man, this is not a manufacturing plant. You can't keep people in little spaces for 8hrs a day everday. That kind of practice just doesn't fit well with what a corporation is trying to accomplish. I think the current structure of corporate work was extended from manufacturing of the industrial revolution. It grew organically and no one bothered to try and update it to be more efficient.

MLK b-day just passed. All I can think of is that there hasn't been a leader like him since. The sorry sacks of leaders in all walks of life since him are no comparison. He organized and galvanized a group of people to attack racism, without a major war mind you.

I just can't think of anyone since who has had the impact he had. I guess people are just afraid of getting shot.

Fuck I'm hungry. One more hour to go until I go home. You know what I hate. That saying that everybody can't do what they want. I am referring to career. Not the superlative and obligatory sports superstar or moviestar trash. But the idea that we have to subjugated ourselves to whatever life deals us. That is losertalk for losers who should be shot in the head by me. That is crappy thinking. I am firmly in the camp that everyone can do what they want to do and not have to worry about this obligation to work in order to survive. It is the rampant ineffecieny of the system and the clueless hogs at the head of the table sucking up all the resources that is the problem. So instead of fixing the system we are implanted with this idea that it has to be this way. What a load of trash. Human society is woefully immature. They are like little kids. It needs to grow up. How long does it take a society to mature? Well looks like way more than 50,000 years. Fucking losers. And then there are these ass-clowns who lament the loss of work. Those crappy menial jobs that no one really wants to do but everyone wants to keep around. They are slaves to a system and are to stupid to realize that it doesn't have to be that way.

America - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 17, 2006 - 8:39AM EDT

I just read this story about how there is some evidence that the Chinese got to America before Columbus.  Why is anyone still having this discussion. Besides the fact that there were already natives on this land I thought it was commonly accepted knowledge that Chris and his cronies weren't even close to being the first after the natives to land on the land mass known as the Americas. Who it was is still debated but that C-bear was first seems almost ludicrous in the face of some evidence.  There just hasn't been enough cohesion in the evidence to point to one person or group and it is also pretty hard to destroy the myth of the big C's great discovery.

Havard Librarian, ha. - comments(0) - email me

Monday January 16, 2006 - 11:51AM EDT

Libraries as places to linger and mingle  

 What can I say about this? What a moron. Somehow this loser has made this logical leap that the digitizing of books means no more libraries. What a fucking idiot. This is one of those things that I hate. People jump to these weird ass conclusions from absolutely no firm standing. No one said a damn thing about closing libraries. It is twisted paranoia and ignorance that causes this person to wrongfully assume things about "technologists".  Viewing this as a problem that is a product of technologists' view of the world is assinine. I love how people do this though. They love to level criticism against technologists' for being mechanical and not see these other human things that futz up the world.  The world is mechanical. All this crapola about beauty and greatness and arbitrary ephemeral things like that are figments of a human imagination. You can't live off that, you can't base a society off that.  You can admire it, but beauty is not going to make your next kill in the hunt. It isn't that the view of technologists' don't take these ephemeral things into account. Technologists' just have a better idea that that crap isn't going to help you in crunch time.  They can divorce those things from practicality much better than others.  Actually my main gripe with this article is this goofball's paranoia at losing libraries in the face of digitalization of all information. It makes no sense to me. The assement of the situation is piss poor and criticism level against what this person calls technologists' is ignorant.

Audio - comments(0) - email me

Sunday January 15, 2006 - 11:42AM EDT

Found the audio physics started books I need to start working on this project. I'll start with audio then move into the anatomy of the human ear. Haven't done much this weekend. Just relaxed.  I need a new job.  Actually I need to start devoting more time to my side work. That stuff is actually getting more plentiful. I maybe could make more money doing that soon.

5th grade recess - comments(0) - email me

Friday January 13, 2006 - 3:46PM EDT

Our government and its policies along with popular notions of how to carry yourself in society are turning into something out of 5th grade recess. The reap what you sow attitude and the continuing posturing of not being intimidated is childish. Right now I see those two things becoming more extreme. It is becoming reap what you sow and be damned to everyone else. That is 1700's thinking. Protect your neck. It is us moving past that thinking that advanced us to right now why are we going back to that? I rememeber as a kid being told that one is not rewarded for every "good" thing they do. That was supposed to be the hallmark of growing up, right? Not being so selfishly involved as to expect some tangible offering of reward. It is still true in many aspects of life but what is happening now is that kind of philosophy is being chipped away at. Some things are becoming perform and be rewarded with some tangible things. Money or power. It is similar to that philosophy of everything needing to be a private business in order for it to function. The idea that because someone will receive somekind of monetary gain from doing something they will do it the best. The rise of social programs and collective responsibility from the FDR era through the 70's is being weakned by a new philosophy of "get mine". Interestingly enough what sparked the rise of the social programs was the remnants of Industrial Revolution "get mine".

Why are we going back to that attitude? It just seems like advancement of human society has gone along the path of more collective responsibility and cooperation. The trick today is that people are being bamboozled into thinking that that is what is happening when the smoke and mirrors are concealing what is really going on. What is happening now is that large programs are trumpeted to help the little guy. But at the crux of these programs lies the requirement of active pursual or enrollment into these things through a tightly controlled gate. The idea of making someone go and get something may sound fine and dandy and even superior in some cases. But that shit doesn't work all the time. Passively pursuing something by offloading responsibility onto the individual is only going to work in some cases. One could argue that it may work well, but the bottleneck is that gate. That is where everything goes wrong. It makes entrance arbitrary. Whoever controls the gate controls the system. Funny, now that I think about it. What is the deal with a gate in heaven. That concept of heaven being this gated paradise seems gross. A concept born of peasants clawing their way for scraps. Oh wait that is where it came from. What was I saying? Oh yeah, the gate of the system. To summarize, pathetic is the regression to private "get mine". I guess the question may be how do you allow the private "get mine" to coexist along with collective responsibility? That is what is still being debated and figured out in human society. Maybe we need to change what exactly we desire privately. Let's be honest here it is the accumulation of wealth everyone life is based on. The pinnacle of life is being rich. Not even rich but just having certain things. When was the last time some celebrated person was living meagerly. Ghandi probably. But for the most part we look up and celebrate those who are good at getting stuff. Which I guess is ironic because they are the people who most likely put the biggest drain on society in relation to their contribution. Not on purpose though, simply as a consequence of the system. It is going to be hard to change though, change the drive for stuff. Everything is built around that. And frankly I don't know if anyone knows or is sure that we can come up with a better way. I'm hungry

Snowboarding - comments(0) - email me

Friday January 13, 2006 - 2:51AM EDT

Went snowboarding for the first time. I think I did ok for a first try. Got the hang of switching up and stopping on one side. I still have to learn control myself and stop much better on the goofy side. The snowpants I bought were perfect.  Completely waterproof, my legs were bone dry. My gloves and jacket on the other hand was a different story.  I need to get a pair of good waterproof gloves when I go again and a good waterproof jacket.

Inventions - comments(0) - email me

Thursday January 12, 2006 - 2:03AM EDT

I want to invent an better version of e-ink. If you don't know what that is. LinkZu that word. I wish I was a materials scientest.  I'm sure I could come up with something wicked cool like a better version of e-ink.  I also think I could cram from and get a good score on the MCATs then go to med school. I think I can fit an undergrad bio degree's worth of knowledge into a year of reading.  Why didn't I do that in school. That is what I am good at. Memorization of things. I'm tired and bored.

Return of Boredom - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday January 11, 2006 - 10:47PM EDT

I think I have reached that age were I have finally watched enough TV that everything is pretty much the same rehash. Even so called new shows you see the same themes issues and plot lines come up over and over agan. I'm bored of this blog post already. Again more rehash.

Fun with Dick and Jane - comments(1719) - email me

Wednesday January 11, 2006 - 9:54AM EDT

This movie had some funny parts. It entertained me on Sunday night. Not much else to day. If your bored and like Carey comedy you'll probably be entertained too.

Nanomorons - comments(3) - email me

Wednesday January 11, 2006 - 9:52AM EDT

Report Examines Safety of Nanotechnology

The title says it all. I don't even known how to rip this crap anymore.

Unix - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 10, 2006 - 3:23PM EDT
As it happens, I dislike UNIX and its kin because it is based on the premise that people should interact with computers through a "command line." First the person does something, usually either by typing or clicking with a pointing device. And then, after an unspecified period of time, the computer does something, and then the cycle is repeated. That is how the Web works, and how everything works these days, because everything is based on those damned Linux servers. Even video games, which have a gloss of continuous movement, are based on an underlying logic that reflects the command line. - full article

Reading this essay on the Internet and I cam across this snippet that I absolutely love. I've been articulating this using the overtext of crappy user interfaces in today's computers. I hate the command line. And anyone who does like it can suck my nuts. Oh yeah and then can also realize that a GUI based OS rules the world (Windows).

This post is weirder than the last - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 10, 2006 - 3:26AM EDT

Not sure why. But I've been rolling over this thermodynamics thing in my head.  From a little quick research I found out about Maxwell's Demon.  It is an imaginary situation invented by James Clerk Maxwell to break the second law of thermodynamics (entropy).  So far no situation has been discovered in which the situation can be true.  I was thinking about the photoelectric effect and how new solar cells can capture infra red photons and turn them into electricity.  Could this the photoelectric effect make Maxwell's Demon succeed in breaking thermodynamics.  Photoelectric effect only is feasable at high frequency radiation (certain colors of visible light).  What if it could apply to all frequencies of radiation feasably. Is Maxwell's Demon the photoelectric effect?  Did he unwittingly hypothesize something that wouldn't be discovered for another 50 years.  Maybe the photoelectric effect isn't complete yet. I probably have no idea what I am talking about but it is interesting to think  a little.  Not too much though.  I need to hit the library and do more research.  High school physics just ain't going to cut it here.

Weirdest post ever - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 10, 2006 - 2:29AM EDT

I was just lying in bed awake as usual and thinking about various things.  I started thinking about The Simpsons episode where the school teachers go on strike and Lisa makes a perpetual motion machine.  I remember somone mentioning that those things don't work becaue of friction.  Then I remember was homer said when Lisa showed him the machine.  He scolded her and said in this house we follow the laws of thermodynamics.  I thought I understood that line because it had to do with fricition.  But not until that moment a I was just lying in bed did I really understand it. Funny part about it is that I had all the seperate understanding I just never put it together until now.  The scolding by Homer has to do with entropy in a system. Specifically a thermodynamic system.  Thermodynamics says that entropy is the tendency of a system to reach a balance in which there is no more usable heat energy in the system.  In other words a closed thermodynamic system will reach a point in which there is no heat that can be used to do work.  The perpetual motion machine is impossible in a closed thermodynamic system because  friction is  heat energy that can't be used to do work, however for the machine to work that heat energy would have to be usable.  So it violates thermodynamics, perpetual motion machines are impossible in a thermodynamic system because of friction. You either have to have no friction or friction has to do work.  Friction doesn't do work, if it did than thermodynamics would break down.  But it doesn't do work so thermodynamics hold up.  Hold up in the classical sense.  Quantum mechanics are a whole different story.

Believe It. - comments(0) - email me

Sunday January 8, 2006 - 12:41AM EDT

I am watching Ebert and Roeper and Roeper is speaking his mind a bit on how the Academy ignores comedy.  He mentioned giving Vince Vaughn a nomination for supporting actor in Wedding Crashers or Mr. & Mrs. Smith.   Beleive It!  Wedding Crashers, Vince Vaughn best supporting actor. Believe It.

Paganism - comments(0) - email me

Sunday January 8, 2006 - 12:17AM EDT
You know what the funniest part about the major religions are.  Is that some will decry paganism and worshipping "false idols" or some shit like that.  But organized religion is just more specialized and structured version of paganism.  The idea of having mystical creatures and mystical explanations is what paganism is all about.  Religion is just more organized paganism. Its fucking pathetic.

I'm badder - comments(0) - email me

Saturday January 7, 2006 - 5:03AM EDT
President Ronnie
This is the final screen after you beat Bad Dudes. Burger with the pres. How cool is that?

I'm Bad - comments(0) - email me

Saturday January 7, 2006 - 4:46AM EDT
I downloaded MAME and played Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja. I beat it. Here is my stage 2 celebration.