Bank robber - comments(0) - email me

Thursday December 29, 2005 - 1:36PM EDT

Bank Robber Turned in by Sons Gets 40 Years

This is a tough case. The guy is 60 years old and seemingly for all of his life he lived as a positive contributor to society. Then robs a bunch of banks and gets to probably die in prison. Maybe he always had a secrete darkside that no one knew about and he has just finnally got caught now? If he didn't what made him do what he did now? How vicious a crime is robbing banks anyway? Does it make you dangerous to society? Is he now actively seeking to get off drugs and clean up his act? Maybe he just doesn't care anymore? Maybe 60 years of being normal was enough for him? 40 years is harsh for a 60 year-old who accordingly to the article has never done anything serious before. I wish the article gave more information. You never hear about things like this were people radically change like this after being a certain way for a long time. Maybe though the article didn't say that he was found out to be a huge criminal his whole life. I don't know.

Cloning Ass-clown - comments(0) - email me

Thursday December 29, 2005 - 1:10PM EDT

I made a post of that cloning doctor from Korea and said how awesome the work he was doing was. Now we find out this ass-pirate fakes all his breakthroughs. Now this is someone who deserves ripping. Here goes.

Why would this clown go through all the trouble to puff up cloning stats. For what? He cured nothing and sullied the reputation of himself his collegues and cloning. This ass-clown is just giving more fuel to the ignorant bastards out there who want to curtail cloning and experimentation and learning. This clown is one of those ignorant bastards. Clearing I know just about as much about cloning as this loser does. Fucking loser playing loserball. You should just commit suicide right now because you obviously are of no use to scientific advancment. What a waste of human tissue this clown is. Clowns like this make me more angry than the religious zealots. Because at least you know the zealots are just crazy stupid. This guy on the other hand had everyone bamboozoled into thinking he was some innovative genious. Damn him and the horse he rode in on. No one knows where he is now. They should send him to a North Korean prison camp. What would posses somebody to fake scientific data. Was it pressure from somewhere else? The allure of fame? A scientest driven by the allure of fame is the worst kind of scientest.

Leprechaun - comments(3) - email me

Wednesday December 28, 2005 - 1:14AM EDT

Is it me or has the movie Leprechaun made leprechauns the scariest little demons ever.

Inefficient - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday December 27, 2005 - 10:33PM EDT

So I see this video on TV of a knife wielding lunatic and what looks to be 12 or more police officers surrounding this person with at least 7 of them guns drawn and aimed at this man. All I could think of was how horribly ineffeicient handguns are in some situations. All these officers want to do is stop this man from hurting anybody or himself. The most effective way to do that without them getting hurt is their handguns. How pathetic is that. The police don't have a choice. Well they do sort off. Go hand to hand combat with a knife wielding crazyman and probably get stabbed or take a shot. There are probably a good number of cops who would go hand to hand but you can't blame someone for not doing that. The police have nothing in their arsenal to incapacitate a person reliably instantly without having a high chance of hurting someone permanently.

In the movies you always see hightech non-lethal weaponwary. Traquilizer darts that instantly put someone to sleep, stun guns that work with unbelievable efficiency, incapacitating foam. Those things don't exist.

Thundercats - comments(1) - email me

Tuesday December 27, 2005 - 10:45AM EDT

I just woke up and the Thundercats theme song was in my head. Feel the magic hear the roar thudercats are loose.

Saturation - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday December 27, 2005 - 2:47AM EDT

Seems like there comes a point within every field, area, group or whatever where it becomes saturated. What I am trying to say is that things that are fringe or underground or something along those lines become mainstream then they become popular. It can be good or bad I suppose and it sometimes depends on the observer whether it is good or bad. Now all things tech are becoming popular. That is too broad. Tech news and advancing...fuck I don't know what to say. I just don't like ignorance of technology and science. I also don't like techie arrogance. There can be a high degree of nonsensical inflexibility when techs and non tech communicate. There has got to be a better word than tech. I guess "geek" is all the rage now. Geek becoming popular, yeah that is what annoys me. I guess I have no good reason to be annoyed by it. Other than it used to carry more weight and reverence than it does today. Now any clown can call themselves a geek without really being a geek. What the hell I sound like an old man. Ha, crap.

Amped Tired - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday December 27, 2005 - 1:12AM EDT

I was thinking before that I rip people and ideas a whole lot in this blog. That is all.

I've been working on various softwares and projects a lot the last 4 days. Right now I am very tired but amped up that I can't really sleep. I am also pretty hungry.

Baffled housing - comments(0) - email me

Monday December 26, 2005 - 11:31AM EDT

I am always puzzled when I read about Israel building new houses for settlers. Mainly because of the term settlers. Since when does any place on this planet have settlers anymore. All land is known by pretty much everyone so the idea of settling to me is something that ended 100 years ago. I imagine they use settling as a claim to land. Not neccessarily a claim but a reaffirmation of land that is in dispute. Which somehow is a terrible idea. Let's just house people on land that is disputed and prone to conflict. I don't get it.

Wednesday December 21st at night - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday December 21, 2005 - 9:58PM EDT

I'm playing the comb right now staring at the empty space on the left side of my laptop. TV is on as background distraction.

Gaelic - comments(1) - email me

Wednesday December 21, 2005 - 1:35AM EDT

I just caught my first Gaelic programmming on TV. Never heard Gaelic before. The weirdest part was how english words and expressions were injected every once and a while throughout the speech. I wonder how common that is to modern gaelic speakers? Whether it has become an organic part of the language like the way Japanese use some foreign loanwords or are the words not considered borrowed anymore.

How did this happen? - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday December 21, 2005 - 1:23AM EDT

When I look at the junk I have lying around sometimes I wonder how in the it got to be that things like that have no place to go but a landfill. The mass production of consumer goods has come at a terrible price. Sure it makes things cheaper because of increased effecieny but at the consequence of having a whole bunch of things that will go unused and take up valuable space. I guess the way manufacturing developed the consequence of leftover goods and what to do with them never was thought of. I have the most ridiculous odds and ends just lying around that I will never use again yet the only options I have are keeping them or sending them off to a landfill. If mankind is really to progress and evolve the economy and way of living then finding a true end to end solution for manufactured goods need to be found. We should never have any waste products ever. Everything should be recycled or dissasembled somehow into smaller parts for reuse. It is all really about energy anyway. Right now we probably don't have the energy to do that. The more I throw away things and the more I think about why I have to do that the less sense it makes.

Awesome! - comments(1) - email me

Tuesday December 20, 2005 - 1:12PM EDT

Einstein and Darwin: A tale of two theories

Read that article. It is great.

Balloting - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday December 20, 2005 - 12:19PM EDT

Seems like every time there is an election someone calls fraud. Maybe I'm just paying attention to it more, maybe the press is paying attention to fraud calls more? I don't know. All I know is that I don't think I've ever heard of a major national election being run recently and covered by the press that didn't have some kind of fraud accusation. Is it related to the U.S.'s presidental election disputes back in 2000. After witnessing that and looking at how some voting is handled it was apparant that current voting standards are pathetic. Because of the nature of secret ballot voting everything is shrouded in secrecy and it is damaging to a fair vote in some cases. It comes down to trusting whether your vote was counted. I like my numbering system I detailed way back in a post. Preserves the secret and allows the voters a way to verify votes. I still see holes even in the number system and ways that people can lose trust. But I think it is worth a shot nonetheless. Or just screw secret ballots and make video balloting. Everyone usually tells who they voted for anyway.

Praise - comments(2) - email me

Tuesday December 20, 2005 - 11:29AM EDT

Judge Rules Against 'Intelligent Design'

One battle against ignorance has been won. PRAISE JESUS BROTHER!

Patience - comments(0) - email me

Monday December 19, 2005 - 3:44AM EDT

As laid back as I am about some things. I really need to learn patience in many cases. I just get way to antsy sometimes and it is not good. I lose out. I remeber reading some anecdote about Bruce Lee saying that in martial arts that he valued timing over anything else. This begs the question in my mind right now. Without patience you can be scattershot and lose out. But patience doesn't exactly mean taking things slowly. Timing. This is the game I must be able to play. How do you find the right timing? Preparation, information and education. If you educate yourself and find out everything you can them maybe your openings will be greater making it easy to have good timing. It is increasing your speed without getting any faster. This may be a little abstract but I like the way it sounds.

Kung-Fu Fighting - comments(0) - email me

Monday December 19, 2005 - 12:57AM EDT

Now that I am thoroughly bored with just about everything I have come up with something new to pursue. Last time it was my NFL dreams. That is on hold for the moment. I am planning a new look. 70's kung-fu master. In the mold of Jim Kelly and whatnot. I'm growing out my hair and ramping up my workout schedule.

Agreement? - comments(0) - email me

Saturday December 17, 2005 - 7:32PM EDT

This may be unprecendent but I'm going to side with the whitehouse and Bush on this NSA hoopla. Why are people getting so peeved when it comes to agencies like the NSA and CIA spying. First of all you all know how I feel abougt privacy. People are just paranoid, we need to have much more information gathered on each citizen and stored. It is for the greater benefit of mankind. Secondly, what in the hell does the NSA and CIA do anyway? Make fruit baskets. It is their job to collect information on anything and everything so don't be suprised when you find out that is exactly what they do. If we didn't want them spying they wouldn't exist. And why is this some recent revelation that the government gathers data on its citizens? The book 1984 instilled a paranoia in today's society that is ridiculous.

The whole spying thing is just retarded anyway. Why we hide so much baffles me sometimes.

USA hockey - comments(0) - email me

Saturday December 17, 2005 - 2:32AM EDT

What is the deal with still celebrating the 1980 US hockey win over Russia. Symbolism my ass. They kicked our ass every other time except that once and US hockey has only won a single medal (silver) since then. Instead of making a movie called Miracle they should have made one called Losers to commemerate the futility of US hockey over the last 30 years.

I gotta blog this shit - comments(3) - email me

Thursday December 15, 2005 - 11:07PM EDT

I'm watching the last peter jennings report on health care costs. They get to the part related to whole foods and what they call consumer driven health care. The whole foods owner is advocating consumers controlling their health care costs. Holy freaking shit, I can't believe this clown-ass is so cloud headed. It didn't say whether he thought this was a short term solution or long term so I can't be too hard on him, he is just trying to save his company money so he can continue to provide healthcare. However the notion that one should try and be conscious of cost when it comes to dealing with your health and possibly your life is not exactly a good thing. There has to be another way before even bringing that conversation up. I can't even believe that cost is even ever considered in healthcare decisions. Ok there is a larger system of economics to consider but you have to come up with something else when it comes to healthcare.

The underlying tone I am getting from this report is that high healthcare costs equals more lives saved. That is the bottom line. Costs are higher because people are dying less and more things are being done to maintain health. There was a presentation of a Dartmouth report that seemed to say something to the contrary though. The study found worse health in areas that spent more on healthcare. Without knowing the exact details of the study drawing a conclusion from that statement alone is very dangerous.

The report did end with a representative for the Dartmouth study saying something good. To paraphrase, he said that he was confident that high quality healthcare could be provided to all americans but that the question was whether anyone has the will to figure out how to do it. I love that statement. That is the question. None of our elected leaders have stepped up yet so who will? It could come from anywhere. A pharmacuetical company, the government, a healthcare company, who knows. Who will come up with the plan and find a way to transition the current system to it?

Matrix Errolutions - comments(0) - email me

Thursday December 15, 2005 - 9:01PM EDT

Damn that title is corny and for posers. But anyway. I don't know why I missed this before but the whole idea that the machines needed humans for energy is very suspect. Mainly becuase humans don't produce energy. They consume it. The idea that they are the optimal storage mechanicsm for energy doesn't really make much sense. Because where do the machines get the energy to store in the humans without the sun. The humans apparently are the only thing on the planet that uses geothermal energy in the world of The Matrix. So where are the machines getting this energy to store in humans? That doesn't make a lick of sense. The idea that dead humans are fed intravenously to the newly grown humans still begs the question of what the outside source of energy is? The laws of entropic decay are blatantly ignored. How did I not pick-up on this glaring violation before.