Thursday October 20, 2005 - 11:25AM EDT
New tests in high schools? They have enough already.
So this article has some good stuff in it. Not much though. Somehow it is supporting No Child Left Behind a little. But it is calling out the farcity of test scores somewhat. Now, to get real. Why is it that pea-brained losers like this have jobs? What a deplorable editorial example. There is little if any intelligent analysis and this person supposition that standardized testing is at all useful is ludicrous. Ok so maybe the editor cut the article to shreds and robbed it of its umph. I do like the last bit about the way of using testing but it doesn't go far enough. I need more than that. I love how this fucker says that the federal law's stiff accountability exposed schools. Holy shit dude. What side of the train did you ride on? Exposed! You have got to be kidding me if you think this fucking testing did an impressive job of exposing schools. These schools have long been exposed. Educators in these hell holes have been yelling for years that these schools aren't doing the job. They were exposed when those losers they graduated got into society and continued to be losers. Look bitch. If you can't realize the correlation between an uneducated populace and its problems then your ass needs to go back to school. You must be a freaking idiot if you think this "exposed" anything. What it did was in a round about way stopped the federal government from ignoring and made it seem like they were doing something good. Accountability my ass. The federal government is the accountable one here. They've played their smoke and mirros trick to switch accountability to the schools. Education spending should be like 10 times what we spend on anything else. But it isn't. Exposed, please. School districts around the country have been crying for money for years before this law and the feds did nothing. How does such horrific analysis of a situation get put into mainstrain media. What the fuck man.