New features - comments(0) - email me

Saturday January 7, 2006 - 4:28AM EDT

I am testing out a new text editor for my blog.  It should allow my to add pictures to my posts.  Along with testing it out here it will be added to my other software.  I just need to customize it and figure out what is wrong with the picture uploading functionality. It is not working right.  I also need to add and autosave feature. My sleep schedule is way off again.  I can't seem to get to bed at a decent time.

Excuses, I think I used this title before - comments(0) - email me

Friday January 6, 2006 - 12:10AM EDT

I've been exhausted the last few days working on various websites. I need a day or two break from all things web. That is what the weekend is for I guess. I'm tired, maybe today I will get back to normal sleep schedule.

Security of Computers - comments(2) - email me

Thursday January 5, 2006 - 3:40PM EDT

Each time I make a design upgrade to this site I like admiring my work. This time is no different. I need more pictures for the top banner. I also need to replace some I had before with the new type. What I really need more is a redesign for my web development website. It has become stagnant. I also need to break up archives by Month and Year along with the pages. I'll be adding image uploading capability soon. It actuall goes along with another project so I'll get a two for one here.

I am actually pretty pumped for the new Windows. Windows XP is pretty stable but they rebuilt the whole sytem and adjusted the way the build their OS with windows Vista so I expect it to be better than XP. The thing I am most excited about is the interface enhacnements. Finnally something that looks as good as MacOSx from Microsoft. I tend to agree with Gates' assement of Google right now. That they are overhyped. Search is their best game and they do it well. But so far nothing else really impressive has come from them yet. What I am really waiting for is the semantic speech recognition technology that will change everything about computers. You could feasibly interact with a computer for many tasks without a screen. It would be huge. I think security of computer systems will continue to get better and better until it reaches a point that they are virtually unhackable except by really brillant individuals or groups with a lot of resources. If you look at the ways computers are hacked and viruses spread almost all of it is the result of what can be called poor design. Basically it boils down to that when computers were first being created they didn't worry about filtering input. It was unfeasable at the time and would have created more headaches in the early years. Think about it. Computers were created by relatively small specialzed groups who knew the intimate details of the system and what to put into it to get it to work for them. When computers became mainstream and added networking we now had people who didn't know the inner workings putting in all different kinds of input and expected it to work for them. It will take some time but computers will become much more secure in general.

The OS user interfaces are finnaly catching up with those beautiful interfaces we see in movies.

New look - comments(1) - email me

Thursday January 5, 2006 - 4:02AM EDT

A slight tweak to the look of the site. I think it looks good. I don't know if it is wicked cool. But cool nontheless.

Redesign - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday January 4, 2006 - 4:01PM EDT

This website needs a visual change. Something really nice. I'm merely a serviceable web designer and not that visual adept. But I'm getting better. Let's see if I can pull off something wicked cool for the redesign.

Obsolete - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday January 4, 2006 - 3:59PM EDT

So I've bashed charity throughly. Now I have to figure out something to obsolete charity. Can't bash something without coming up with something better, right? So what is there? What need to be done to obsolete charity. There are a lot of things I want to obsolete. The coporate structure. Horribly ineffecient coporations are. I don't know if has as much to do with structure as it does with attitude. I want to obsolete capitalism and socialism. For now everyone is on a side. They both have proven to suck ass at a certain point so something more effecient needs to be came up with. The incadescent light bulb. Dude, LEDs are ripe to take over for that oldy.

Getting closer - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday January 4, 2006 - 12:50PM EDT

Woke up late today again. It was another late night working on website stuff. Had oatmeal for breaksfast then heading to make a deposit at the credit union. All the while still thinking of how to make this website software the best it can be. I found this open source LGPL free web based text editor that is going to really add something good to the software. Also to this blogging software. I still need to make a few modifications and upgrades to the current software I am working on but it is almost done. I also need to polish the interface. Should only be a few more weeks before I am ready to put it on the test server setup. I already have a good idea how the server setup is going to be done and how I need to construct the software to automate user sign up. I orginally thought end of Janurary but to make sure everything is solid end of February. This is looking good.

Side note: I'm making my other software GPL soon, I just have to get around to modifying the webpage to reflect it.

4 other pieces of software I need to work into the two I spoke of earlier. I'll be working on one today. I'm a much better and faster coder now and the way I structure things now makes it easier to maintain and add to things. Apache Coccon inspired the way I structure things now. It is really a nice system what Coccon has and that is what I base my structure off of. Very flexible and very powerful and very easy to maintain.

Idiomas - comments(1) - email me

Tuesday January 3, 2006 - 6:36PM EDT

I need to make language study part of my daily routine again. Don't know how to work it in yet, but I will figure it out. I also need a slight redesign on this site. It is looking a bit corny now.

Now this is funny - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 3, 2006 - 3:18PM EDT
"It's pretty clear who won," Rosso said. "We always knew that this free trading of all this copyright material couldn't go on. It just wouldn't work." File-Sharing Barons Face Day of Reckoning

That is the funniest quote I ever heard. The article title is even funnier. How in the hell did this reporter try and spin this one. In fairness there are a few paragraphs at the end that acutally tell the real story. To even begin to insinutate that shutting down these networks is doing anything is ludicrous. Besides like I said before they can't erase the software concept. Once that is out there any schmoe can write software. They are just wasting money, the RIAA and record companies. I can still log onto Gnutella network and get loads of music. If anything it is proving that these clowns who try to make a profit off of file sharing with their software lose out. This article is hilarious.

Lobby - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 3, 2006 - 3:11PM EDT

When I first learned how congressional lobbying about worked 7 years ago I was puzzled. Mainly because at first glance it seemed so freaking wrong but was the accepted practice. You pay a lobbyist to talk to and influence memebers of congress. It is kind of like putting in a middleman in bribery to make it legal. I guess the idea was that this buffer of a lobbyist would make things fine and not cause problems. But you are still paying for influence regardless of whateer buffer is in the middle. It should be illegal to pay to have the ear of a congressman. But this has been the accepted practice for decades and it is disgusting. I just don't understand how this became part of how congress works. Lobbying is such a sinister business. Your paying someone to influence laws in your favor. That is horrible and will lead to so many problems. This is why I am kind of puzzled at the current outrage over the Abramoff scandal. Republicans are saying that it is a witch hunt or something and that nothing illegal was done. I'd tend to agree with them on the nothing illegal was done. People have been paying lobbyists to influence congress men for decades why the sudden outrage. The rage should have come decades ago when the practice of lobbying became so common. So common that a major credit card company can pay lobbyists to get the supreme court to overturn laws to help only their business (MBNA).

Cubing TM - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 3, 2006 - 1:45PM EDT

The #1 detriment to most companies today I think is work environment. Especially when it comes to hiring younger workers. Young people can't take the bs tension of the corporate work environment. I've worked in a variety of places, some more comfortable than others. But I haven't yet worked at a place in which the environment was comfortable enough for me to be myself. Usually most work tasks I cannot concentrate on for a very long time and be productive. Not because I can't focus it is because I get them done so fast and the tasks are usually stupid easy. If I could just chill with some gameboy when I felt like it and nap throughout the day I'd get so much more work done. Sounds crazy right? But honestly a lot of office workers do so little that they go crazy.

Others - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 3, 2006 - 3:49AM EDT

When did the responsibility of making sure everyone has what they need shift to personal giving a charity and become completely removed from the social responsibility of government? The gung-ho give to charity messages are making me want to throw up. Why in the hell do I pay taxes? Oh wait they keep cutting taxes to "stimulate the economy", what a load of garbage.

Why do american car companies suck so freaking much compared to toyota? Damn, were they ever good? Probably not.

I got a lot of website work done today. Still more to do though. I'm tired.

Fake wood desk - comments(1) - email me

Monday January 2, 2006 - 4:07AM EDT

I am so freaking tired but I can't sleep.

Charitable causes - comments(0) - email me

Monday January 2, 2006 - 4:06AM EDT

I've made quite a few posts on charity. And since I can't sleep even though I am exhuasted from working on websites I will make another post about it. I've heaped criticism upon charity givers and spare pretty much no one. I've appluaded some particularly interesting charitable causes that appear to be different from the norm. I just can't seem to find the reasoning to support charity as it is today. Not after seeing virtually nothing from it except a few feel good news reports. It has caused no widespread change. All it does is make those who give feel less guilty. Which is funny because charity is such a Christian thing yet guilt is so Jewish. I hope I am correct on that assumption, what little research I have done on Judaism, guilt is a recurring theme. Maybe I have that wrong. Anyway, charity is stupid. I've still haven't seen another news story like the one I posted about a while ago where someone finally called out charity for the sham it is.

The most disheartening part about this charity thing is that there are a whole bunch of people that think it is good and that they are really making a difference. There are another bunch of people who don't even think about it. Then there are others who have been giving forever and don't know what else to do. When is someone going to finally blow this thing up and expose it for what it is and come up with something better? I'm pretty sure the kids in Ethiopia are still starving or did that MJ song make it all better?

hoy - comments(1) - email me

Sunday January 1, 2006 - 9:01PM EDT

Didn't do much today. Worked on website, fixed computer. Ate, sleept. Still working website.

Watchmaker - comments(0) - email me

Sunday January 1, 2006 - 8:53PM EDT

First question. Who came up with the idea of nuns' and priests' celibacy? That shit is fucked up. If you need any more proof for the wackiness of Christianity than that your crazy.

Read the last few pages of Edison's diary. He briefly went over criticism of humankind's idea of god. Seems he believed in god but heaped criticism on those who believed god is this active being listening to problems and affecting the ways of the world. To him god created the world and just let it be. I'm pretty sure this was the Watchmaker view that was prominent back then. Especially for someone like him. Man of science and whatnot. I remember for some odd reason in my ethics and philosophy classes going over it briefly but the teacher talking about it being dismissed as wrong or obsolete. Not sure why it was dismissed.

When I think about the structure of society sometimes things just don't make sense. Too many things are just taken because of tradition. The idea of afterlife or heaven or hell or whatnot is so utterly damaging to society. Thinking that there is something else out waiting for us after death makes people act crazy. The reasoning that makes the current world scourge of terrorisms' suicide bombers righteous in their minds is the same reasoning that packs many faithful into churches and temples.

Cookie users - comments(0) - email me

Sunday January 1, 2006 - 2:19PM EDT

Anyone else find it retarded that people are making a big fuss over the NSA and government websites using cookies. How is it that they can't use certain cookies but every other website in the united states can. This is so stupid. Besides they have no real control over cookies anyway. Cookie expiration never works properly so when I read that they put cookies that expire in 2035 I just laugh because that expiration mechanism is notoriously known for not working properly. Most cookies last pretty much until you manually delete them anyway. So it is ok for advertising companies to track everything you do on the net but the government can't. Tell me how much sense that makes.

What is most annoying is how these loser reporters who write these stories like to mention personal data without even having a clue about how cookies work. With their fucking reporter voodoo they put the idea inside people's head that cookies somehow can gather all this personal information on you from your computer. Like it is some kind of magical social security number grabber. If it was and the only thing to stop it was simply the government honor system to not use it what about all the millions of other websites not bound by that honor system. There would be a real problem. But their isn't a problem because once again loserball playing writers and reporters are spewing mouth diarreah again.

Ha, this is funny - comments(0) - email me

Sunday January 1, 2006 - 1:59AM EDT

I am watching a documentary on the History Channel about how the first anti-drug laws came into use in the United States. The whole idea of marijuana being a gateway drug seemed to have been started in the 1930's during a campaign by the head of the newly formed Bureau of Narcotics, Harry Jacob Anslinger. That idea has lasted until today and I bet most people don't even know where it came from. It is interesting to see that the illegality of drugs was not something that always was but developed over time under various circumstances.

Speaking of history I searched for and found the Edision personal diaries. Rutgers university has a website for them. They are the only known personal diaries Edison kept and it is only for a few days in the summer of 1885. When reading the diaries what struck me most was the informalness of it. Obviously diaries are informal but it read like mine or any other personal blog on the internet. What and how he thought was pretty much along the same lines as someone today would think. When you study history you through the filter of history books one often isn't able to empathize with historical figures. They seem distant and completly unlike yourself or anyone from your time. But reading these diary entries, aside from the setting and some slightly different language I can totally see Edision as a everyday person now. He talks about his dandruff and not lingering in bed in the morning. His entries are almost like streams of thoughts. They jump from topic to topic abrubtly sometimes. He will sometimes just interject a sentence of random thought into a larger narrative of something else. He spoke about how when he first tried to catch a ball he almost broke his finger. It is just different to have a mundane view of someone who is otherwise seen as this great pioneer only. Speaking of mundane views I really hate those "reality tv" shows that purport to be that mundane view of life but are just as made up as any sitcom. Edison talks about how he needs to not smoke so much, its kind of funny sometimes. I'd like to read more things like this of other historical figures. In addition to getting the structured filtered stuff.

Crap on a crutch - comments(0) - email me

Saturday December 31, 2005 - 9:36PM EDT

Was supposed to go to New York for some New Year's shenanigans. Most likely involving eating chinese take-out somewhere in midtown. But my piddly ass got hosed up with fixing someone's computer. I hate this shit. I shold have fixed it earlier instead of waiting until today. Or maybe I should just stop taking computers to fix. Honestly this is the first time in a few months someone has asked so no big deal i guess. Still it hosed up today. I'm still working on this trash and it going to take a few more hours and I am not even going to get that much money for doing this. Crap on a crutch I have other things to work on. At least I have some leftover japanese style curry to eat. I'm hungry.

Denim - comments(0) - email me

Friday December 30, 2005 - 12:16PM EDT
The label's makers say it's more of a joke, but Atldax insists his graphic designs have a purpose beyond selling denim: to make young people question Christianity, a "force of evil" that he blames for sparking wars throughout history. - full article

I don't like religion because of its mystical explanation for things. And mainly I rip the people for buying into such mysticism. That is my main gripe. But this guys simplistic "force of evil" rage against christianity is just as bad as believing in christianity's mysticism itself. Such simplistic displays are not the way to get rid of religion. Besides what we want to get rid of is the mysticism not something like honor thy father and thy mother. We want to make religion obsolete. Make people realize that such mystical things are of little use in life and do more harm than good. You can't do that by simply saying Christianity is evil. That means nothing. What is ironic here is that the theme of good versus evil is very Christian. So this clown is buying into Christianity in some respects at the same time he is deriding it.