Favorite edible - comments(2) - email me

Tuesday June 28, 2005 - 1:32AM EDT

I like the following food combinations. Sushi and pizza. Gatorade and bananas. Dates and creamcheese. Croisants and strawberries. Oatmeal and blueberries.

Soaked - comments(0) - email me

Monday June 27, 2005 - 9:16PM EDT

Today was a very bad day. It felt like one of those hopeless weekends in high school (which was pretty much every weekend). I got a few things done. Shipped the speakers and got payment from them. Recieved payment to end the 2nd quarter work on a website. But still I needed to work on a website but there wasn't anything going. I can't force it sometimes though because it just makes it harder.

I ate chinese buffet for diner. It wasn't that bad, wasn't that good either. Not sure why I ate it though. I was hungry I guess. 9pm right now what to do? I'm sitting in my room with no lights on no tv or music. All that I hear is the fan in the window.

What is this? - comments(0) - email me

Monday June 27, 2005 - 7:15PM EDT
"Our main mission as a company is to contribute to a better society," President Katsuaki Watanabe, who took up his post last week, told a news conference on Monday held to introduce the company's new management team.

"We need to do much more in this field than we have been." - full article

I think that is the first time the head of major corporation has said they are in business for the betterment of mankind. This somehow is unprecedented. Are they serious though or is it a ploy to prevent the "political fallout" they are afraid off?

I gotta - comments(4) - email me

Monday June 27, 2005 - 4:02AM EDT

Keep better track of my finances. I don't know how, but I am broke once again. Well not really, I still have a few thousand in the bank but once I pay my amex bill for the month and take out money for Venezuela I'm going to be down quite a bit. I keep track of everything in quicken. Buying the new computer took a big chunk out of me. I was able to sell the other pair of speakers which is good. June is the end of the 2nd quarter. Yes I've started to keep track of work and finances by quarters. I think 3rd quarter is going to be tight because I won't be working. But hopefully I can take advantage of the time to get things ready for a strong 4th quarter. That means finishing projects and preparing for website launches. I can do it. I have a good idea of where my focus needs to be. One thing I do have to do is get my clients organized better. I've gotten progressively better but I need to make a jump here if I am to be effecient at using my time. Going to try out this online software to manage that stuff that I heard is pretty good. I'll signup for the free trial first to see how it is and if I like it I guess I'll go head and pay the monthly fee.

It is going to be tough no doubt. To see if I can finally make enough doing the freelance thing and projects to live off of. I think I can. Having a better computer wasn't all that important but it certainly helps a lot. It increases productivity when I don't have to wait while the computer catches up while opening or manipulation huge picture files.

Now that I won't be working everyday this will be the first time since I declared myself not a slacker anymore that I will have my days free to work on projects. I have to fucking get it right this time. 9 projects I need to focus on. They are all of varying size. Actually one I will try to knockout tomorrow. Hopefully.

Split blue canvas - comments(0) - email me

Monday June 27, 2005 - 2:09AM EDT

I leave Wednesday morning. Don't worry the blog should be updated regularly as I will have a laptop and high speed internet access. I'll also have my digital camera so hopefully I'll have pictures. I think we'll be driving through the mountains again so that will make for interesting vistas. I don't think I'll get to base jump Angel Falls though, which is regretable.

Invasion - comments(0) - email me

Sunday June 26, 2005 - 12:34AM EDT

I wish aliens would invade and massacre the people of planet earth sometimes. It seems like the only way to get humans to stop acting like idiots. Not even a massacre is needed. Just alien contact in general then we would realize that we aren't alone in the universe. Hopefully it would take us down a few notches.

Land of the Dead was solid. Left the story open to more sequels. This obnoxious bitch sitting behind me wouldn't shut up and stop screaming though which was annoying. Not to mention her spewing moronic cliche after moronic cliche every 5 minutes. It was a good zombie movie.

France - comments(1) - email me

Saturday June 25, 2005 - 9:55PM EDT

I think I want to learn french next. How should I go about doing this? I don't know yet. Going to see Land of the Dead now.

Experiment? - comments(0) - email me

Saturday June 25, 2005 - 6:16PM EDT

Now that they have solar cells that work using the photovoltaic effect in the infrared specturm maybe I can reclaim some energy from the heat my laptop gives off. I don't know. I really want to research those new solar cells more. I think I can order them in small quantaties from a company on the internet.

Recap - comments(0) - email me

Saturday June 25, 2005 - 6:04PM EDT

Well, my last day of work was Friday. All in all it was a uneventful experience. I learned XSLT, Cocoon and Ant so that was good. It was mainly boring though and the work wasn't that challenging. It was much better than working at MBNA. Although MBNA was bigger and there were more people to talk to which made it slighty less boring than the place I just left.

I got another call from the staffing company I used to work for at MBNA. They have some web development positions available for "major companies" including MBNA. I know what kind of web development positions are at MBNA. Garbage ones. The whole MBNA thing just keeps on getting more amusing.

Accessories - comments(0) - email me

Saturday June 25, 2005 - 5:55PM EDT

I got a cooling pad for my laptop. It was badly in need of it because it gets so freaking hot. Basically the cooling pad just lifts the laptop of the surface a little so that air can flow under it. Works great and the slight raising makes the screen a little higher so it is a little bit easier to work with. I also have this wicked awesome wireless mouse on order. That way I can do away with my corded USB Microsoft mouse. The less cords the better. Now all I need is a solar recharging station for the batteries and I will be set.

I was just looking at the CDs I have. I listen to really cheesy music.

New Pres - comments(0) - email me

Saturday June 25, 2005 - 3:21PM EDT

Well, an ultra-conservative hardliner as they call him won the presidential race in Iran. Which essentially is garbage anyway because the clerics run the country. Of course the first thing this guy says is he wants to create a modern Islamic Iran. Fucking disgusting when people start talking about modeling countries from a religious base. I fucking hate religion and its mysticism being used as a basis for country building. Fucking punk. What is even more disturbing is how people are winning elections by bamboozling the poor. Chavez did it in Venezuela now this punk in Iran. Damn uneducated fools.

Guess what time it is? - comments(1) - email me

Saturday June 25, 2005 - 12:44AM EDT

It is 12:30am which means its time for losertalk with chodabot. This is garbage. I'm still wasting my life.

White CD case - comments(0) - email me

Friday June 24, 2005 - 2:16PM EDT

I was thiking. If I had a few billion dollars lying around I would start a pilot program making all Philadelphia Septa buses hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. These corny pilot programs by Toyota and Honda for their fuel cell cars aren't nearly ambitious enough becaue no one wants to spend that much money on it. I'd dive right it. The goal would be to make all Philadelphia public buses and school buses use hydrogen fuel cells in 10 years. Then the whole wolrd's public buses and school buses in another 10 years after that. By this time fuel cell will be common and it will become the standard for powering any automobile. 20 years thats it. These bastards talking only 5% market share for fuel cell vehicle by 2020 is losertalk. They are playing loserball. High costs is a businessman's illusion. They cite it when they don't want to try too hard. I say stop being a bunch weak babies.

Last day - comments(0) - email me

Friday June 24, 2005 - 12:27PM EDT

Last day of work today. Will I return? I don't know. Maybe if I get desperate again. Maybe as part time from home. I'd be amicable to doing that. Remote work would be good. Some steady money and still have the freedom and time to work on my "projects". Time for lunch.

Missing the train - comments(13) - email me

Friday June 24, 2005 - 11:23AM EDT

Recently a new drug that goes by the name of BiDil has been approved. It is a drug that is specifically target at blacks. So obviously there is controversy. I don't see how any self respecting scientest would allow a drug company to debase science in the name of marketing. Race and ethinic groups are social classifications that encompass broad range of scientific classifications. Race is not a genetic grouping. By promoting this drug they are glossing over the real science and bowing to social classifications. They must find out what it is about this group of people they are targeting that makes the drug effective. It is lazy science and although it may help a little they will run into problems when they can't figure out why the drug stops working or something like that. To say the drug is more effective for black people is saying nothing. Is it what these people eat, is it the environment they live in, is it their genetic ancestory? These are all questions that are glossed over with the social classification of race. It is dangerous half-assed science. Damn fools.

Zombie - comments(1) - email me

Friday June 24, 2005 - 1:05AM EDT

I love zombie movies and the legend's new movie comes out tomorrow. George A Romero's Land of the Dead.

I've been thinking - comments(0) - email me

Thursday June 23, 2005 - 11:19PM EDT

About this post since about 5:15pm today. In fact the following paragraphs will be a concise summary of my thoughts from 5:20 to 5:25pm today. Which is when I was thinking about the exact wording to this post as I was driving to my ultamite game.

huck - to throw the disc deep to a cutting player in an ultamite match.

The definition will become important later. So I walk into Wawa around 5:15pm to get some water for the ultamite game. I get in line and two people ahead of me is the hottest women I have ever seen. I am wearing my ultamite jersey and it has the slogan "20 hucking years" on it. An old lady standing in front of me in line asks me what hucking means. I tell her that it means to throw the disc really far. She is satisfied with that and replied to the hot women that she learns something new all the time in her old age. The hot women smiles and laughs politely and is next up at the register. I notice that she is buying doughnuts and a bag of mesquite barbeque potato chips. I think to myself, she can't really be eating that crap with that tight little body. She pays credit and leaves. She gets into a maroon hyundai and I think, nice, she drives a sensible reliable car.

I won't go into details about how she looked. Lets just say "hot" will suffice. Honestly all I remember about going into Wawa was seeing that woman and thinking, what am I doing with myself I am wasting my life.

Guest Post - comments(3) - email me

Thursday June 23, 2005 - 10:44PM EDT

I just had to put this up. It is a funny story from a guest blogger.

So, last night me, joe, and mack go to the oasis concert.  I drank 

almost an entire bottle of Jim Beam.  I wanted to save a little for 

when I got home.  When I got to MSG, I played joe in sports trivia 

numerous times where he lost numerous times and therefore had to keep 

payuing for the next game, which was funny.  At this point, Im 

hammered.  We get to the concert, I had good seats but unable to find 

them.  So, we stood in the back where I proceeded to take pictures of 

the crowd so I could show people what it was like there and whatnot.  

Next thing I hear, "don't take a picture of my girlfriend."  I turn and 

see some guy giving me the middle finger---so i took that picture 

instead.  He then said something and I said f-you of course and nothing 


The night progressed nicely after that.  On our way out of MSG down 

into penn station.  I began singing wonderwall and Im not sure but I 

dont think many travelers were too impressed with my singing 

ability/skills.  Then, I came upon a group of my sister's friends who 

happen to be at the concert and who I had met earlier on the trainride 

in.  One individual made a few snide remarks that I didn't take very 

well and responded with obscenities and then he said he was going to F 

my sister, whereupon a chase insued.  As I ran after the kid filled 

with rage and jim beam, I was stopped abruptly by your neighborhood 

policemen (5) and a dog.  "What the F are you doing?"  "Let me see your 

ID"  "Sir, I was looking for the bathroom I have to go real bad thats 

why I was running"  "THe F you were, let me see your ID, you drunk 

SOB"  A few minutes go by and I stand there.  People are talking but Im 

just wondering about how much trouble I would get in if I said 

something smart to the cop at this point.  As I laughed in my head 

about how funny that would be, somehow I was able to supress it.  "Your 

friend Mack is going to babysit you, dont let me see you 

again."  "Yes officer, have a nice night officer (hand salute) (me 


Oh you thought the story was over?  No no no.  Me and joe get back to 

westfield, and decide to grab a beer at the jolly trolly.  Just missed 

last call.  However, two pleasantly wasted girls sitting there.  We 

talked.  They gave me a ride home. Joe walked.  Strange.

I hate this crap - comments(0) - email me

Thursday June 23, 2005 - 3:28PM EDT
Holloway, an 18-year-old honors student from the Birmingham suburb... - full article

What the fuck is wrong with people. Why does her being an honor student matter or have to do with anything. Yet every mention of this person has that attached to it as if they are trying to imply something. What if I attach crack whore megaslut ho to every mention of her name? What then? Journalists never had any so-called integrity that is lamented over so much. Their job is to concoct views so that people read their stories.

More thoughts - comments(10) - email me

Thursday June 23, 2005 - 1:00PM EDT

I was just reading more articles on this Zimbabwe thing and it said something like 1 million people will need food aid or they will starve. I laugh. Here we are arranging "debt relief" and having concerts to raise awareness and yet again more african famine will unaboutably strike. How in the hell does that happen? Please email me, because I can't figure it out. I go back to my question about planetary resources and the fear. Can the planet support the amount of people we have on it right now at a decent standard of living? No one knows, everyone is afraid of the answer to that question. They don't want to find out that it can't. But at the same time their fear prevents them from finding out whether it can.

How is this for funny. I came in to work 2 hrs late today because I had a facial appointment in the morning. Ha.