Cartoons - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday February 1, 2006 - 6:00PM EDT

So now there is some dust-up of a political cartoon showing the prophet mohammed as a terrorist. This is hilarious for so many reasons. First it is funnny because how secure is a someone who gets this angry over a political cartoon? Stupid.  Secondly the history of the spread of Islam or any religion for that matter is not something in the common public discourse. The use of force to spread islam was not something that was not absent.

Haha - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday February 1, 2006 - 12:28AM EDT

You know what is funny, all those ass-clowns who defended antonio davis for jumping in the stands after his wife. Then we see the video of his wife cutting the fool and acting like an ass-clown and realize that antonio had no buiness going into the stands and that bullplop about him seeing his wife in trouble doesn't hold water.

You ever pay attention to what peopl eat sometimes? You realize that the so called obesity epedemic is a farce. Doctors and researchers seem to be  so busy  looking for some genetic marker to give people an excuse  for their pigging out. I won't argue that there are people out there who legitimately have a gentic problem but I bet the numbers are much smaller than people think. Besides if it was genetic, i'd first hypothesize that such a thing would probably not be isolated to single population group like americans and the whole world would have a problem. But they don't because diets differ and that is the main cause of being a fat-ass. I just look at what typical americans eat and it is horrible, but it is just what people are used to.

Today was a bad day for dumb-asses. I must have come across more than 50 examples of dumb-asses confident of their stupidity. I think about Hume's categorization of causation as some kind of biological habit and I think that he was right on target with it.  Causation doesn't exist , it is probably a characteristic of the predictive structure of our brain applied to higher level concepts. Searching for final causality and expecting to reach some kind of answer is stupid.

I keep thinking more about Hume and Hawkins. I keep thinking about Hawkins hypothesis and philosophy. Hawkins hypothesis seems to fit and seems like a good basis to begin to try and explain many so called mysteries of the human mind. The whole predictive structure of the brain hypothesis would seem to offer a good view of why people do things and are a certain way. I just like taking that logical approach to things and trying to figure out something by reducing it to the smallest component you can understand and building from there. That  unfortunately is severly lacking as a common method in everyday discourse.

Alcohol - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 31, 2006 - 11:46PM EDT

How is it that a bunch of clowns still want to reason that drinking is healthy. I just don't get how that makes any sense. To even suggest that to have a drink  a day provides health benefits that outweigh its risks is loony. Don't fool yourself by creating reasoning of the benefits of putting poison in your body. That is what alchol is essentially. Poison.  Your body doesn't use alcohol for any useful purpose. It just has to work extra hard to get rid of it from your system. Any benefits of the liquid that comes with alcohol can be gotten from other sources that aren't poison. Have a drink but don't ever think it is doing something good to your body.I need a fucking drink.

save this crap? - comments(0) - email me

Monday January 30, 2006 - 7:23PM EDT

I can't believe people are trying to reform or save the practice of congressional lobbying. That shit is fucked up. How does that crap fit into a fair democracy. You are telling me there isn't a better way to get the ear of a congressman than to pay a well connected group or person. Why don't you just pay the congressman it would be more effecient. The center of discourse for congressman should be their websites. This is way to simple for me to say I just don't get it. Those who don't get it are the ones who support the current system of lobbying.

Good news - comments(0) - email me

Monday January 30, 2006 - 5:40PM EDT

Turns out the rate for this new project is actually $28/hr.  That is good, $20/hr was a joke. Ok so for the moment I am happy with that rate. Better than the last job and I get to work from home. I have the interveiw tommorow. Looks good so far, I'll find out more tommorow. I'll probably be starting the project this week.

Energetic - comments(0) - email me

Monday January 30, 2006 - 5:32PM EDT

Funny thing. I went to bed fairly late last night around 2 or 3. Woke up at 9 without any problems. Went to the gym then had lunch at Atlantic Bread Co. which had free internet access so I worked on website for 3 hrs there, came home did some more work. I am still full of energy. I'll prepare diner soon and then continue with more work. I can stay awake longer and get more done not having to worry about going into a boring office job. I need to find more places with free internet access. I like working in those public settings. It was a sunny day and I worked by the window so it was like sitting outside.

Punishment - comments(2) - email me

Monday January 30, 2006 - 5:01PM EDT

I haven't taken a new picture in a while. I need something interesting.

These no talent ass-clowns - comments(0) - email me

Monday January 30, 2006 - 4:25PM EDT

These no talent ass-clowns who are creating the earthlink wireless internet access in philadelphia are pissing me off. If those clowns need to charge for access then get someone with some balls and some cash to run the network. Fucking idiots I hate this shit. I want to exert my influence upon the world and stop getting slapped around like a little bitch.

Well now that I quit my job another job opp has bounce my way. A work at home gig. Very low rate though only $20/hr. That is piss poor. But it is from home. I don't know if I will take it for only $20/hr. I'll see if I can get them to raise it to $25 at least or $30. They say it is a 1 month project but I could probably blow through it pretty fast. I have to be firm here though. Tell them what rate I am looking for then either they play some ball or I walk. Because my lowest rate freelancing is $25 so I can't really go below that. Even though it is steady. I'll see I guess.

Time - comments(0) - email me

Monday January 30, 2006 - 2:12AM EDT

At first I felt kind of bad for quitting my job the way I did. Then after about a day I couldn't give two good goddamns how I quit. I got a new stainless steel wok. Getting pretty good with the wok, not great but servicable. Shawshank Redemption is on right now. That is one of my favorite movies.

Eyes - comments(0) - email me

Monday January 30, 2006 - 12:53AM EDT

I just spent more than $500 for a new pair of glasses a few months ago. I just was thinking about it and all that I spend on contact lens solution glasses and contacts. I could get laser eye surgery and save money. The surgery would pay for itself in a few years. So tomorrow I will setup free consultation appointments with a few places.  The funniest part about this is that to pay for the surgery I think I will do a sleep study. Ha.

Certain - comments(0) - email me

Sunday January 29, 2006 - 9:59AM EDT

There is nothing about certainty in leaders that comforts me. In fact it unnerves me.  When any leader speaks assuredly about anything it gives me the feeling that they are living in their own world. I think that it shows their weak minded narrow perspective.

The System - comments(2) - email me

Sunday January 29, 2006 - 3:52AM EDT

The system is not nearly effecient enough to handle everyone on the planet living a high standard of life.

City of God - comments(2) - email me

Saturday January 28, 2006 - 12:09PM EDT

That movie was one of the best movies I have ever seen. I still think about it. And could watch it again anytime.

TV views - comments(0) - email me

Friday January 27, 2006 - 1:27AM EDT

Recently, I'd say over the past few months I have developed a different view of TV celebrities. I don't know exactly how I came to this view but this is where I am. I'm no tabloid hound but I do catch the occasional entertainment section story on Yahoo and MSN. If you watch TV you also can't avoid some stories. I guess I'll start with the insane coverage given to the most ordinary things that celebrities do. I don't know why I didn't notice or think about it in this way before but it is ridiculous how some are interested in somebody going to the mall. So part of the view is my newly discovered disgust for that type of hounding. Secondly as a part of my charity rants I think more about the specific times that certain celebrities speak about charity or things of that nature. As I put more of what I hear from them through greater critical analysis the image of celebrity is dissolved in their mess of thoughts as disorganized as my own. With the endless magazine covers, interviews, critical reviews, gossip columns and whatever is used to concoct an image that may be completely different from what that person really is like it is easy to forget that they are just normal people like your neighboors. Furthermore, that it is our own adoration of them that creates their faux images that some like to hate.

Now I look at the various failures of TV shows and movies in a such a light hearted manner. I look at almost anything people do in show business light heartedly. I see it as just normal people playing the part to play a part. The idea of celebrity has vanished from my mind.

This whole rant goes along with a post I made a while ago about a tell. Looking for that mannerism or something a person does that shows their weakness. When I am able to look at someone as not just a character it is easier to deal with them or relate to them. So I look for some common human thing or evidence of a mistake someone made to destroy the imaginary character of that person in my mind. It can vary greatly from person to person. I'm tired and thristy.

Bounty - comments(2) - email me

Wednesday January 25, 2006 - 12:10PM EDT
Space bounty hunter.

Good - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday January 25, 2006 - 2:15AM EDT
I've become critical of preachy goodness. I think it only really happened over the last few years but I look with a weary eye upon those that evangelize being good or fighting against evil. Just seems to me that taking such a simplistic stand is doomed to failure. Good and evil are such arbitrary things some time that basing reasoning off them seems foolish.

Experiment - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday January 25, 2006 - 2:12AM EDT
I like Google as a good experiment in a new type of corporation. Some of the things the do are puzzling and people don't like some things they do but overall I admire them trying out new things in the corporate sphere. Hopefully with their approach to things everyone can learn something. Even if they fail miserably there is going to be something to be got from their existence.

New Info - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 24, 2006 - 2:02AM EDT
I've come across Noam Chomsky's work on linguistics. I've never heard of him until now and I don't know why. A first glance of what some of his work covers looks to be a key piece in my audio harmonics project. I've come across something that I feel like I should have been exposed to before. Either way I will do more study on his work.

You know whats funny - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 24, 2006 - 12:22AM EDT
those Lucille Roberts commercials with hoards of taught bodied good-looking women bouncing around and smiling for the camera with their perfect form. Who are those commercials suppose to be for, women or men? What the hell am I talking about. Damn I'm bored.

Spooks - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday January 24, 2006 - 12:19AM EDT
You know what sub-group of terrorists are the most sinister and scary. Eco-terrorists. Something about it just spooks me. I can sort of deal with religious terrorists because of the thosands of years of brainwashing through religious doctrine sort of makes kind of sense. But slaughtering people for the fairly new cause of saving trees. You have to be really psycho to be a terrorist associated with that. I'd like to mull this over more after some more reading on this.