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Whoa dude

Wednesday October 19, 2005 - 1:48PM EDT
"The work being done here is not about getting ahead financially. It's about starting international cooperation that will go on to benefit the entire mankind," President Roh Moo-hyun said at the opening of the World Stem Cell Hub. - full article

There is so much good stuff in this article that I lament the fact it is so short. I just hope Roh is not spewing pure rhetoric and will make good on his words. So far it seems that way. I love his quote from above. To benefit entire mankind. He says it as if it should be taken as a given. And it should. It is not some kind of crazy idealist statement to him. It is the way things should be. Best of all is that he is acting on it. Not just saying it. A lot of clowns say it but few have the guts to actually act on it. He even has a nice quote about the political role in all this.

"One concern is the issue of bioethics. But it is the role of us politicians to manage the issue so that it does not hinder the progress of excellent science like this," Roh told an invited audience of academics and diplomats from around the world.

In that small snippet he dismissed the political bantering and idiotic bueracracy without actually calling them a bunch of morons. He presented no side by injecting god and meaning of life into the discussion. He simply said, look you bastards stop fucking around and lets go do something.

This man is being eloquent. In this blog I leave eloquence at the door. So here is some more from me. The clowns and their ethical debates about stem cell cloning really piss me off. Mainly because some of it is the most hypocritical kind of statements you can make. Caring about human life. You have got to be kidding me. First off the world has never and may never be structured in a way where all life can be saved. Some of these ethical fuckballs like to say all life is precious and whatnot and that it must be valued. They make this blanket argument then only apply it to a small thing. You can't do that shit. Like Bush with his err on the side of life bullplop yet being totally gung-ho about war. What happened to err on the side of life. What I am saying is that you can be against the stem cells but don't bring that human life should be valued bullplop to the table. If you do I'll just be forced to show you the 1000 other places where you've made exceptions.

Then there is this god thing some clowns like to bring up. Next!

Then there is the talk about people cloning themselves or making designer babies or some shit. Also some get this idea that if people are cloned they are monstrosities because they weren't created naturally. Those kind of arguements reek of ignorance. Some people's ignorance is just plain amusing. Some think cloning a human is a simple as what they show in the movies. They don't realize what it took to clone the sheep Dolly or the problems it had. Cloning a human doesn't raise the question of a perfect clone being an abomination because it is clone. Cloning a human raises the question of all the fucked up creatures you are going to get in the process of creating that perfect human clone. That is the real question. The question is not the pefectly cloned human. It is how we are going to get that perfectly cloned human. Which almost surely will involve grizzly tasks. We hear about these cloned animals but we don't hear about the failures in the process or the problems with the cloned animals. How they are not quite as good as the real thing. Those are the questions. Is it worth all the stuff you will go through to get a perfect human clone? So you have a perfect human clone. Somehow that is no real accomplishment in itself. Maybe what you learned along the way will be, but you can't be sure. Those are the bioethical questions. Not designer babies or clone armies. We are not even close to that kind of stuff yet, some fuckers are jumping way too far ahead.

The stem cell issues has already been decided by the medical community. Those that actually study, that actually see real human suffering have made their decision. It is the ignorant politicians that are getting in the way and these same fuckers go on TV saying something about value of human life and don't have the foggiest idea about what stem cells are all about.

Also these err on the side of life assclowns must not read history. Because last time I checked history was riddled with human sacrifice for both altruistic and sinister reasons. When it became such a cut and dry subject is news to me. It seems that those who so vehemently want to uphold life at any cost for any reason don't know what life is. Humans aren't immortal, nothing "living" lives forever. Have those people ever faced those choices where life is not simply just being alive? I'm starting to wade into philosophical territory and I don't want to. I just think about the animals in which their lives are inextricably tied to the death of other animals. To assume that all life must be saved is idiotic. You can try but I guarantee failure. This probably has to do with some of those retarded Christian ideals. I suppose Christianity(and its related religions) brought many useful ideas to the table. But it also brought a lot of bad ones.



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