More Design
Monday October 17, 2005 - 4:23PM EDT
I keep thiking about this blood clotting thing. My knowledge of biochemistry is not even close to being adaquate to argue about it. But when thinking of this guys reasoning about the irreducible complexity and "parts" that seem to do nothing. I think about the context of doing nothing. He is saying these parts do nothing and from his words I assume he means in the context of the system of the human body. This is a major support of his arguement that evolution says things that do nothing will not continue so that the gradual construction of blood clotting would have parts that seem to do nothing and therefore not fit in evolutionary theory. I just wonder what if those parts that he says does nothing did not develop in the context of the system he is talking about. What I am trying to say is that what if these parts evolve themselves on a different level from that of the larger system so that when you try to find the neccessary connections to the larger system they seem to have periods were the do nothing. That perceived period of uselessness is really not useless but apart of a different level of evolutionary development. His saying useless is a perceptual judgment call. Just a thought. I really need to study more before going any farther with this. I probably won't though.