Gorilla - comments(22) - email me

Wednesday June 28, 2006 - 9:43PM EDT
Watching thing on Koko the gorilla. I've read and seen other things on this gorilla but this one is pretty good. The detail in which it goes into gorilla behavior is astonishing sometimes. The movie planet of the apes doesn't seem all that crazy when I watch this. What would be really freaky is if somehow they passed on their advanced communication methods to wild gorillas so that it would be normal for wild gorillas to understand human sign language. When I see shows on animal intelligence that show then as much more than mindless beasts I always think about our own intelligence and just what it means to be intelligent or so-called sentient.

? - comments(13) - email me

Monday June 26, 2006 - 12:02PM EDT

One of the most baffling thing I have come across is the notion that being gay is some kind of conscience choice. It baffles me because no one would ask whether being heterosexual was a conscience choice. So when I see articles about "further evidence" that homosexuality is a biological difference I am baffled again. Is the prejudice of homosexuality so deep that it is assumed by all to be a consciencly bad choice mad by a few evil people. It almost sickens me to know that some people think homosexuality is anything but a biological difference. I just don't get it.

Hot hot hot - comments(23) - email me

Thursday June 22, 2006 - 7:24PM EDT

I love the global warming debate in the mainstream press. Because it is a bunch of slack jawed troglydytes writing stories about nothing for idiots. When the latest headline about the earth being hotest it has been in 400 years appeared I just shook my head. Anyone taking 8th grade earth science knows that 400 years in geological terms is paltry and you can't measure global climate change in that way it is so misleading to preface anything about global warming with such nonsensical headings. This debate is retarded because you have the aggravating fools who think nothing is going on and will ignore anything and then attention wanting alarmists using statistical vodoo to make their own weak points stand out. Our own government is at odds internally with the public face of their stance being one of no real stance. I guess it is just more of the fear of knowledge. I don't understand how people can be so content in ignorance sometimes. Sure you may not figure out defintive answers but just standing around waiting for shit to happen is aggravating. I hate that attitude, the sit and wait, sure there is virtue is patience but other times passivity is assinine. Damn I am hungry, what to eat?

This is pathetic - comments(21) - email me

Thursday June 22, 2006 - 5:13PM EDT

Microsoft's new Windows Live Mail have some really serious but simple to fix CSS design issues that really affect functionality of the program. Some assclown who headed up their layout team for Live mail decided it would be a good idea to constrict the page to whatever size your browser window is. Problem with that is that the nature of some of the functions in the software need to browser page to be able to scroll and not hide things that spill over the browser window boundaries. It is such a freaking simple issue that any competent layout designer would have fixed right away. Yet this problem has been left to linger for months. This is so freaking pathetic.

Posting frequency - comments(19) - email me

Sunday June 18, 2006 - 12:54AM EDT
I haven't been making that many posts recently. I made so many before at work when I was bored. Now since I work from home and I am busy most of the time I have stuff to do most of the time. The cheesesteak thing is still in the news for some reason. Ah well. I need to workout more often, the last few weeks I've slacked off going to the gym. Soon the closer 24hr gym will be opening so that will be good.

Cheesesteaks - comments(0) - email me

Thursday June 8, 2006 - 11:00PM EDT

English only at Philly cheesesteak joint

That article is funny for so many reasons. Especially the last sentence in it.  I hope no one takes anything Geno's does seriously. First off you get guff if you order wrong in english. So the whole thing about spanish is funny, becaus frankly it is an obvious unwritten rule that someone just put om a sing. If you don't understand the south philly cheesesteak attitude then maybe you have a problem with this but I just think it is funny. As for this having to do with national immigration debate, only for those who want to bring it into it. To me it is just the quirks of a funny man.

Parades - comments(23) - email me

Thursday June 8, 2006 - 10:53PM EDT

Strange thing recently. So some terrorist leader was killed and first there was this jubilation from the press. When I looked at the first stories that seemed to signify this as a huge victory I thought what a bunch of fools. Then the white house and Rumsfeld made level headed statements to cool off the media fire to what this really meant. The most puzzling thing to me is how they released photos of the dead body's face. That is not something typically done in mainstream american media that I can remeber.  It just reminded me of how some terrorists like to parade the dead bodies of the people they kill. I guess the government is trying to provide proof or something. But to who I wonder? Those involved in Al Qaeda would know if one of their leaders was dead or not. The american public doesn't need pictures of bodies to prove someone was killed. Maybe pictures were leaked and the government didn't want to make a big deal about a leak. If this was a calculated plan to show the picture it seems like a really bad one. Seems that the government is bending to the rules of engagement of  to those of the terrorists. Then again I don't know the history of warfare well enough to make that assumption. Just seems like a terrible sign when people celebrate the dispatching of a single person. What happened to the honorable warrior allowing his vanquished enemy to vanish from existence knowing that there is no time for celebration of killing when there are much more important things to do. The fact that I have to even read about the president or others in the white house cautioning that a single man's death will not end the killing is disappointing.

Garbage water - comments(22) - email me

Wednesday June 7, 2006 - 9:43PM EDT
I was in Wawa contemplating stuff while waiting for my sandwich and I got angry for a second. The thing that made me angry was the thought of a permanent low social class taking hold again in human society.  Ok, that statement alone is rife with generalities and needs much more clarification.
I was thinking about what is known of recorded history and the way humans have always seem to organize themselves into top-down social heiarchies. The concept of an egalitarian society is almost alien to us. Not to say that the heiarchy we use now is the wrong one but why do we tend to skew so much towards levels of superiority and subservience in so many things, even when it doesn't make much sense logically? Actually maybe it does make sense logically. Logically in the context of shared human experience. Is it that we don't know any better. I remember watching a documentary on sloths. The narrator described their society as egalitarian. Sure humans are not sloths but still it made me think. It made me think that social structure is not something that humans have exclusivity to. That would come as no surprise to anyone involved with animals, but for me unless I thought about it something like that didn't really occur to me. What makes sloth society egalitarian? I don't know, some sloth expert probably has a good idea though.
So the question is still why do humans create this social heirachy when in many cases it is counterproductive? I'd say that most of the time people just don't realize it is counterproductive. Maybe a lot of people still have a little tribe mindset. They are thinking take care of myself and the few people in my tribe and everything will be alright. That crap don't work anymore, society is too large and resources are too scarce. The reach of any little thing a person does can go around the world. That is why I am also disaapointed when I keep seeing various countries being fractured into smaller nation states by various ethnic groups. It's all about getting their own little piece. Which is understandable in most cases, but I'd just expect more sometime. I lost my train of thought, crap. I'm tired.

Whiz Kid - comments(23) - email me

Wednesday June 7, 2006 - 1:34AM EDT

I am always amused by how people are so impressed with these so called whiz kids. Especially when it comes to computer ones. Most of the time there is nothing whiz about them.

Cloudy - comments(17) - email me

Wednesday May 31, 2006 - 11:36PM EDT

Today is a cloudy day. Not literally, figuratively. My whole mind is fuzzy right now. Why can't things be simpler sometimes? Fulfilling desires and finding contentment in this life can be so complicated. What to do?

Reliability - comments(19) - email me

Tuesday May 30, 2006 - 7:34PM EDT

Apple has those new commercials touting the reliability of its computers over windows. Well that is a load of hoo-haa. I've used both and while  Windows users main disadvantage is having to deal with all the viruses and spyware out there the reliability of Windows XP to OSX is really not that big a difference if  any at all. Recently my powerbook has been giving me all kinds of strange fucking headaches. Previously I used a used toshiba with windows XP for 4 years without nearly the trouble this mac had given me in just one year. Stuff like that will happen. Windows XP is pretty reliable, huge improvement over all previous generations of windows. They were awful compared to macintosh OS. I think it is a hardware problem. I am hoping my reinstall of OSX takes care of my woes though, because my warranty just ran out on the 19th of May, 11 days ago. That is a real pisser.

The end is near - comments(19) - email me

Friday May 26, 2006 - 1:32PM EDT

Out of all the things I rant on this makes me the angriest and baffled I have ever been.  This is utterly unbelievable. Nothing compares to this.

Probation for short sex offender sparks debate

I don't even know what to say here. If the details of this are accurate... I don't even know what to say. There is no way an appeal isn't put through quickly. Wow.

MPAA hijinks - comments(20) - email me

Thursday May 25, 2006 - 4:03PM EDT

It is so ironic that the MPAA champion of copyright law and "doing the right thing" is associated with unscrupulous activity. Like using illegally hacked software (Kazaa Lite) and now allegations of hiring a hacker to steal information for them.  The one saving grace in this is that the MPAA is continually getting it ass kicked in their losing "battle" for copyright enforcement.

Post - comments(18) - email me

Thursday May 25, 2006 - 12:44AM EDT

I got nothing to post about.

Wrong? - comments(19) - email me

Friday May 12, 2006 - 2:33AM EDT

Every now and then I read various aticles about physics experiments or discoveries that mention it might prove Einstein wrong. I find that kind of statement puzzling.  Einstein's work was never complete, he still was trying to resolve many things at the time of his death. So to me, it is not trying to prove Einstein wrong that will be an accomplishment, it is understanding things he didn't in his short lifetime that will be an accomplishment. I guess it is just a point of view thing. But taking that adversarial approach towards someting like that is not my style.

Ramping up - comments(17) - email me

Wednesday May 10, 2006 - 4:01PM EDT

After much frustration and a lot of reading I have finally got my head around the billing software configuration. That was a big step. I did my first test payment today. Worked like a charm. Now from here I need to tweak for real users. I feel so close to official launch. Once I wait for some paperwork to be processed and get the wireframe to my designer then I'll be one step away from official launch. I figure I can write out all the documentation while the designer is working on the public site. Still have to get the admin interface done though. That is the next big task. I feel good about where this is going for the moment.

A little better, not really - comments(24) - email me

Monday May 8, 2006 - 11:00PM EDT

I feel like such a freaking slacker. I have so much work to do. I don't make nearly any money for the little work that I accomplish. Which is not very much in my eyes. Tomorrow I have two major things to complete. I need to focus more and do more work. This is pathetic. How am I supposed to be going full out by summer if I can't get everything setup by now. Damn! Damn it makes me so angry. Too much slacking! I just think of where I could be if I wasn't such a freaking slacker. Fuck. Fuck. I am hungry, I am going to get some food then workout some.

Business goals - comments(27) - email me

Thursday May 4, 2006 - 4:46PM EDT

So the goals of most business is to make money, right? Even for many people in life money is that proxy for happiness or gateway to it. There are some who just want money in itself and value its symbolism but I suspect most just seek it for what money facillitates. They seek money for more practical reasons. Still though even those who attain great riches and try to give back through charity and other kinds of stuff seem to be misguided. You can go back and read my rants on charity being for suckers but this post is going to be a bit different.

Let's shift the focus back to businesses. I am really begining to find tiresome the litany of mega-business promoting various charities and ideas for the so-called improvement of society. They take far more from society through just the intrinsic structure of corporations than they can ever give back on the other end. I'd like to see a company really look at what they do from top to bottom. I mean absolutey everything including the trash they produce and even the electricity they consume. If somoene could make a model of a super effecient business entity it would be awesome. The way businesses operate needs to change. Its hard though probably. So much to consider already in just trying to be successful, adding trying to fundamentally change the rules on top of that would be very difficult. Since there seems to be no collective effort on the part of businesses, well maybe there is, but it is too slow for me, some compnay needs to step foward.  I'd like to see a company in which it puts forth its efforts to make all its employees as well-off as its most well-off employee. So take Microsoft for instance. I'm not saying it should try to make everyone like Bill Gates that would be damn near impossible. I am saying that maybe having such a large discrepency in the wealth heiarchy is not good. I suppose you can't force wealth heirachy on people like some kind of stallanist communist state but remeber what I said about money early. It is just a proxy or gateway. Somehow you have to change attitudes so that pure wealth is not seen as the gateway. Frankly because it isn't. I think you have to try and show people that there is another way that is doesn't come with the prerequistie of being poor and not having everything you need and even many things you just want. What is that other way though? Damned if I know. Damned if anyone knows. Just seems to me that the structure of things is counterintuitive to what that structure was intended to achieve.

Dynamo - comments(19) - email me

Thursday May 4, 2006 - 11:31AM EDT

Yesterday I was a human dynamo. I got a lot of things done, didn't feel suspiciously tired at strange times during the day and work pretty much all day on something or other. Today it is a different story. I know what I have to get done but motivation is lacking. I don't know why yesterday was different. I crossed off like 4 things from the to do list. I plan to cross off two things today and really get to working on 5. So that I can finish up the final 3 this weekend and devote pretty much all of next week to the web hosting service. Should be able to finish up and stabilize all the web hosting things next week. So then the following week after I have briefed my business partner we can get to working on advertising and expansion. I am still looking to have the server filled by the end of the year and if I am really dilligent and lucky by then end of the summer. Ok back to try and get something substantial done today.

Supermax - comments(24) - email me

Thursday May 4, 2006 - 12:17AM EDT

First off. I find it interesting that some people don't think being gay is a genetic thing. Even though they haven't found so called gay genetic markers. To think something like that is anything but a physiological difference caused most likely by genetics is crazy to me.

Supermax prisons. I love watching those prison specials on HBO and MSNBC and A&E, etc... It makes me think about prison and what it is. There was this one special on the history channel about prisons in which an inmate commented something along the lines of 'who came up with this shit'. Sounds kind of funny at first but when you think about it, it is an almost poignant comment. Who did come up with prison. It is not something that has existed since the begining of civilization. Something I think about ever since hearing that comment. I had some other things to say but I am tired. So time for grape juice and then sleep. I drink a lot of grape juice.