Wall - comments(1) - email me
Sunday August 28, 2005 - 3:07AM EDT
Driving home tonight I was thinking about taking it up to a buck twenty and heading straight for the wall. My life is pathetic.
Driving home tonight I was thinking about taking it up to a buck twenty and heading straight for the wall. My life is pathetic.
Why do I have to live the prime of my life in a world singing the anthem of idiots.
You know who should commit suicide. Colin Powell. That man has no honor left, his last salvation is suicide.
You know what is funny. How the media describes this "anti-sheehan" group. What the hell is that. Are they really an "anti-sheehan" group. Because if they are they are ludicrous. Sheehan is anti-war. So the other side should be pro-war right. No, because pro-war is just a little to nutso to support. So you have to attack the anti-war protesters. No pro-war protesters ever come out of the cracks until anti-war protesters do. It is because you can't be so gung-ho pro-war that you stage rallys. Doing that is insane. You just have to attack anti-war protesters. I'm not a protester, I hate that shit most of the time. I prefer other methods to get the job done. But those who want to call out or tell them anti-war protesting is wrong are crazy. Especially when I hear that line about their son or daughter is fighting for them to be able to protest. That line is the epitome of blind patriotic brainwashing. Lets not even sully the word patriotic with this one. That line is just pure ignorance. I don't think it was the army who gave blacks the right to vote in the 60's. Fuck we had to fight amongst ourselves to free slaves. Ralph Nader put seat belts in your car, not you local GI JOE. Lets give credit to the armed forces where it deserves it. Like natural disater aid. The Marshal Plan to rebuild europe. Helping to rebuild Japan after world war II. There have been dubious wars so that area is sticky. But lets not start thanking soldiers with guns for giving us freedom. The only soldiers with guns who helped us attain some freedom were revolutionary war dudes and civil war dudes. And that was after long protracted battles of words and politics. Not some 1-2-3 jump into war thing. Pathetic these people are.
Did you ever notice in school that they never teach pre-judeochristian history. You probably go over anciet egypt and mesopotamio because they were the first civilizations we know off. You go over ancient greeks in a philosophical sense. Rome because it fell so hard. But other than that we get nothing of history before the rise of judaism and christianity. There are more years before christ than there are after yet in our learning they leave out this huge chunk of human history. It is like they are telling us that there was nothing worth mentioning before judaism and christianity. That they along with islam and whatever other major religions there are were the first things in mankinds history. Frankly it is pathetic. And I never thought about this until recently. Watching a documentary on angels you see how the major religions of today are just ripoffs and rehashes of ancient philosophy, ancient religions and various forms of paganism that existed well before the major religions of today. The history that is taught from modern religious texts is not only stilted but rather incomplete, but this is where I think most people get their pre judeochristain history from. Pathetic. Maybe people wouldn't be inclined to buy into modern religion so gung-ho if they knew its true beginings and realize that it is a spec on the landscape of human history. It is an amalgam of thoughts that came way before they were codified into practice. Just as a point of clarification, when I say modern relgion I am talking about the time since the begining of judaism, christianity, islam, buddhism, hinduism, etc. I consider those as modern religions.
Saw The Cave tonight. I've seen some bad movies and this was one of them. There were so many things wrong with this movie, not complex things, basic things. Things that shouldn't have been wrong. It wasn't as bad as the ultra stinker Boogeyman though. There is one glaring flaw in the story. It is a flaw that forms the crux of the whole story too. I couldn't believe they got this wrong. There wasn't even an attempt to try and get it right. The majority of people watching the movie wouldn't even know it, but any educated person who paid attention in biology had to realize it.
parasite - An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.
That is a standard definition of parasite. Somehow the movie producers missed high school bio class. The whole movie was based on a what they called a parasite, however it wasn't a parasite. It was more of a symbiont. A parasitic relationship could be considered a type of symbiosis but in this case, parasite was not the right term. Before you shit your pants and call me ticky tacky realize that someone spent millions of dollars on a movie and couldn't even get a simple classification that you learn in high school correct. That is just a symbol of how bad the movie was. They couldn't have hired any science advisors for the film, because they didn't explain anything. And it wasn't that good of a thriller not to explain anything. It needed some scientific legs to stand on and it had none. It didn't have the right characters to facilitate a more scientific tone either. I couldn't go on. So I will. Character transition was abrupt for no reason. Characters just changed out of nowhere and the tension seemed so fake. The acting was horrendous. In a type movie that shouldn't have to rely of acting too much, it was just terrible. Dialogue was below average but was adaquate in most places. Scene transition was also terrible. They did this amaturish fade out fade in crap. I guess it was suppose to go with the whole dark cave motif. But it was really unecessary. Usually the best transition is just a staight cut, with some interesting camera work. The best transitions are part of the film itself not a fade or special effect. Maybe they didn't hire a DP (directory of photography) either or the director was sleeping the whole time. Also, the casting was terrible. It wasn't the right mix. Everyone was way too good looking and devoid of comic relief. Every movie has a comic relief part. It is usually good for a setup in a thriller to have a funny part to break the tension then sock you in the stomach with something fierce. The type of movie they wanted it to be didn't fit the story. And if you are going to take chances like that you have to do other things well. They wanted some kind of thriller/horror movie but it wasn't. The sci-fi elements seemed like an afterthought although the sci-fi is what the movie stood on. The screenwriter must have gotten confused and started out with something other than what it turned out to be. Maybe someone mangled the original idea and said lets do it in a an underwater cave. I think it tried to be Alien vs. Predator. But the problem with that is, those movie franchises have well known history and you don't have to explain a lot for the audience to understand what is going on. This movie explained nothing and had no previous movies to set the stage for it. Enough, time for bed.
Every single baseball player today has no credibility when it comes to steroids. Actually they have as much credibility as Jose Canseco or less. Wasn't for his bombshell no one would have brought this shit up. You have to give him credit for that at least. It is amusing how one superstar gets caught and a few of his superstar contemporaries suddenly want to run their mouth about him being a cheater. Didn't hear that shit 2 years ago, 5 years ago, 10 years ago when roids where all the rage. They had to wait to a washed up roid rager dropped a bomb before everybody decided to stop treating it like it was perfectly normal. Sure this doesn't include everybody. But when people like Wells and Schilling come out so hard against Raffy right now it is disturbing. Because these guys have been around for a while and knew what went on but didn't say a word. They are cowards in the biggest sense. How can you have any respect for people like that. If they had come out and said something like it was wrong, but... Then temper their comments by dropping hints that they were in on the secret too and should also be ashamed it would be ok. But these fuckers are like, 'erase the record books', what the hell is that. Besides people still don't talk about the amphetamine use in the game, and that bomshell was dropped years ago. That shit still goes on and is probably worse than roids.
Like little kids. The spy game. Those who play say it serves for the greater good. But it only serves themselves, to further their game. Its weird. Why do countries spy. It doesn't make sense to me, it never made sense. Because they might be up to something. That is what both sides say. Its paranoia that has become an accepted normal practice. Schizophrenia personified.
To cook at least 3 times week, so I don't eat out so much. Usually I cook less than I want to. Mainly because I am lazy and suck at cooking. I just put some tilapia filet to marinade overnight for tommorow. All I need to do is pop it in the oven and toss some rice in the cooker for a meal. It is four filets so it should last a few meals. Occasionaly I'll pull a decent meal out of thin air, but rarely. My cooking sucks.
Getting colder. The nights have become quite cool with the days still very toasty. The cold brings contentious feelings. I straddle complete calm and nauseating anxiety. My body can't make a decision on what to feel.
The current king of funny commercials is Geico. Between the caveman commercials and Tony Little belittling himself. They have taken over from the previous United Way NFL commercials, which have gotten away from their funny versions.
Of course the supreme ruler of the funny commercial universe is Terrible Terry Tate Office Linebacker.
So some clown on TV said the US should assasinate the Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela. So now there is a minor distrubance over this garbage. I wonder if CIA or FBI will investigate Robertson. Who knows, who cares. What is even more ridiculous is the response from the Venezuelan government. Anything but could shoulder indifference to some clown on TV making crazy statements makes them look like little kids.
Oh yeah the funny part is that most if not all educated Venezuelans who actually know what kind of crazy fuck Chavez is probably wouldn't mind him bitting the bullet, no matter where it came from.
So I finally got library card today. Meaning to get one for a while, just got around to it now. Took out two books. Sci-fi by the same author of the book I just read. William Gibson. I'm going through the books fairly quickly. I suspect I'll finish them before the week is out and pick up more. Not sci-fi though. Maybe some historical non-fiction, I like those when I find a topic I like. Don't really read horror books too much. Last one I read was a John Saul a long time ago. I still have Don Quixote to read. I'm using my movie ticket stubs as bookmarks. I have plenty of those.
This is a strange comment but I still find it hard to believe that some people want to deny or discredit Freud's contribution to understanding human behavior. Forget the type of person he was, he was brillant in his analysis of the human mind.
Damn crap. Lost in the semifinals today and I am still pissed. I had a pathetic game. No energy I had, no ups, no nothing. I need to get in much better shape. Time for sushi.
Mix nervousness and depression. Seems like an immposible coupling right? Depression you don't feel anything, so how can you be nervous. I thought so to. Not anymore. I feel like throwing up.
I am embarassed to be an american nowadays. It has nothing to do with foreign policy or war or culture clashes. I swear the rest of the world is laughing at the united states for the recent hoopla over evolution. How in the hell did we get back to this. I thought Darrow closed this clase a long time ago.
What to do?
Never thought I'd say this but being in Venezuela for more than a month made me so used to the language that I want to hear and speak it. Although my comprenhension and speaking isn't perfect there are many things that come naturally now. It is kind of weird.
How is it that Vince Vaughn will not even get the slightest consideration for his performance in Wedding Crashers. Easily the best performance of the year in any movie. How is the fuck can you ignore him in that movie. He at the very least should get a nomination. Freaking hilarious.
Title means nothing. I just watched the nbc nightly news. I thought internet news stories were bad. Journalism is the biggest farce on the planet. Integrity my ass. Every single story I watched was so utterly one-sided and incomplete it was pathetic. It was like watching propoganda films, except not as overt. There was little to no information in the stories and the what information they did give only helped to solidify a narrow point of view. If this is the place people get most of the information about things, holy shit.
Added two new banner pics to the site. Both were taken in Venezuela. They are not the best but they are solid I think. In other news. No news, just pathetic.
I really like reading books. I don't read enough. I read a few a year. But I always like to be reading something. I was reading Don Quixote, but I got off that. I like pretty much anything. So I think I am going to pick up this book called Nueromancer. It is sci-fi. The Matrix borrowed a lot from it.
I wish Reebok would bring back Terible Terry Tate Office Linebacker ad campaign. That was one of my favorite set of commercials. Luckily they have immortalized the campaign on the follwing website. Terry Tate. Watch it. Hilarious.