This is funny - comments(0) - email me

Friday September 2, 2005 - 10:22AM EDT
Insisting that aid is coming as fast as possible, Chertoff said, "You can't fly helicopters in a hurricane. You can't drive trucks in a hurricane." - full article

I don't think that man could ever travel to Louisiana again. He will probably be murdered or canalbalized. As far as I know the hurricane ended monday morning. He must be referring to that invisible hurricane scientest have feared for decades.

Shameful - comments(0) - email me

Friday September 2, 2005 - 10:00AM EDT

So I heard this morning that the president said the response to the disaster was unacceptable. This was after the mayor of New Orleans is quoted to have said "get of your asses". Its Friday morning, hurricane hit Sunday night. Took 5 days before the guy had to say it was unnacceptable when a thousand reporters on TV are showing people sleeping among corpses for the past 3 days. I guess it is how long the pictures took to get to his brain. I thought the president couldn't erode his already gone credibility anymore. I was wrong.

Deflecting - comments(0) - email me

Thursday September 1, 2005 - 9:45PM EDT

I've seen an endless stream of government officals on TV tell those who question them about having troops in Iraq and nothing in New Orleans deflect focus by telling them to stop politicizing the situation. And they always start out with "I can understand..." Holy fucking shit, every single person has said that. This is not a joke, watch the news for a few minutes and you will see every government official questioned on the pathetic repsonse to the hurricane have "I can understand...." in their reply. It should be a drinking game. Every time you hear "I can understand" have a drink. I would be wasted in 30 minutes. Nobody is buying it either. They usually get away with this type of fancy talk but even the media and their usually complicit asses seem a little peeved. I'll wait to see if this actually changes anything. Probably not. Citizens will still let the current administration get away with this garbage.

Wow Wal-Mart gave $17 million. That is probably half of the CEO's yearly bonus. Considering Wal-Mart has had days in which sales top more than a billion dollars I think a jar of my piss would be equal to their donation. Now where do I send it? I honestly hope no one is impressed with those corporate donations. Minimum Wal-Mart should give is $500 million and that will get me just to stop giving you the evil eye, still no respect.

A Bucket - comments(0) - email me

Thursday September 1, 2005 - 7:48PM EDT

So I was watching cnbc briefly and their ticker was showing coporations donations. Merck donated something like $2 million. Can I take a shit in a bucket and send it to the Red Cross and make that my donation? I think that is on par with Merck's donation.

A month? - comments(0) - email me

Thursday September 1, 2005 - 5:39PM EDT
Nagin said there will be a total evacuation of the city. We have to. The city will not be functional for two or three months. And he said people would not be allowed back into their homes for at least a month or two.- full article

A month? Ha. It has almost been a week since the hurricane passed and the town is getting worse, not to mention that they haven't figured out how to plug the leaks. New Orleans is done. Well not really sure they could rebuild, would take about 20 years by todays standards. But to expect to go back in a month is ludicrous. Most of the city is under 20 feet of water. That city won't be functional for years.

Coversation - comments(0) - email me

Thursday September 1, 2005 - 3:38PM EDT

Am IM conversation went something like this today. It started with me sending an article snippet.

Me: Congress will reconvene early from its summer recess either late Thursday or Friday to pass a $10 billion hurricane relief bill, according to House and Senate sources.

Me: $10 billion is that supposed to be a joke

Other Person: they are going to try to soak up all the water with $1 bills

Me: haha

Sick - comments(0) - email me

Thursday September 1, 2005 - 10:33AM EDT

Think about all the hotels, motels and inns across the state and country. Shelters. Shelters! Are you kidding me. There is no reason the goverment couldn't foot the bill to put everyone displaced in comfortable lodging that dots the country. Not only would it be better than fucking shelters you'd pour billions into an economy. Are there really that many people displaced that they can't all be lodged in places more comfortable than a fucking shelter. Shit, most of them have no more houses to go back to. Send them on vacation, and tell them to come back in 6 months,ha, no that is ridiculous. When I hear about people running out of money and not being able to stay at a hotel or having to pay for meals. It makes me sick. This is sick.

One chopper - comments(0) - email me

Thursday September 1, 2005 - 10:04AM EDT

Let's get something straight. There is a reality to look at. I hate this whole "relief effort" bullshit but for the moment what else. What I hate the most is that no one is doing anything to change the attitude of "relief effort" that I have been so colorful trying to describe.

Bush expressed sympathy for those who were still suffering but also said there should be "zero tolerance" for breaking the law during an emergency situation. - full article

Please, someone remove this man from power, from figurehead status. One national guard chopper. One. Well there may be more but this is going to be figurative. One fucking chopper. Are you insane, how many fucking chopper does the military have. More than one. How is it that when disaster struck, more than 1000 choppers were not sent in for rescue missions? Riddle me that Batman? They call the response of 28,000 troops the largest military response to natural disaster. I call it pathetic. This is the same shit that happened when that tsunami struck. Countries will fucking rush hundreds of thousands of troops into battle but never into situations like this. How can anyone say they care about human life when this kind of fucked up garbage is going on. How in the fuck do people have no water or food for more than a day. Last time I checked you could fly cross country in 6 hours. I bet not a single person has a clue or is organized enough to coordinate a competant operation either. That is whole other issue. One echoed by the major of New Orleans too. They can mobilize shit so fast for war but not disaster relief. How pathetic is that. I see pictures of New Orleans from the sky and I don't see those fancy military boats that they can drop from planes covering the landscape searching for people. I see nothing but a city underwater. Besides, you'd think with a war going on the military would be at full readiness and be able to deploy troops less than a 4 hour plane ride away in less than a day. Pathetic. Have you heard about this crazy shit at the Superdome. A few medical choppers and that is it. Maybe if the people saw the sky full of military choppers and transport vehicles they wouldn't act so nuts. When there are only a couple of buses and medical chopper with 30,000 people of course you'll have panic.

He said the National Guard told him that it was sending 100 military police officers to restore order.
"That's not enough," said Zeuschlag, whose Acadian Ambulance is based in Lafayette. "We need a thousand." - full article

Fuck, where are those fancy fucking hovercrafts. Louisiana is bayou country, swampland, what a golden opportunity to use such a vehicle. I know the military has those things, where the fuck else are they using them. Not in Iraq for damn sure, that place is desert. Ok so I don't know the logistics of launching hovercrafts and it may not be feasible but you get what I am saying. Alright I got no more for now. I'm just waiting for someone to say something.

This is insanity - comments(0) - email me

Thursday September 1, 2005 - 9:01AM EDT

Pathetic. Our government is pathetic. How in the hell are gun toting morons driving away military helicopters. Holy shit, and I don't hear anyone in washington saying we need to do more, actually Lautenberg lambasted the white house for being so lax, but no one else yet. All they say is this is a tragedy.

Why do I pay fucking taxes - comments(1) - email me

Thursday September 1, 2005 - 12:31AM EDT

Apparently no one knows why because they are 'heeding the presidents call'. It is not even just a tax thing, it goes much deeper than that.

"This is one of America's greatest natural disasters and tragedies and it is the responsibility of the American public to step up and help those in need." - full article

Can I poke the person who said that in the eye. I cannot believe the attitude of americans. This is disgusting. It symbolizes everything that is wrong with the system and how it works. People think they are doing good, that this is the right thing to do. Blind doesn't even begin to describe what this crap is. I guess people need to feed their feel good hole every now and again. You know what is the sickest part about this. It is that everyone is in agreement. Liberals, conservatives, leftists, rightists, centrists, socialists, whatever. This makes me so angry I don't even know where to begin. It is a distorted view that everyone has so it is considered the norm. How do I begin?

I don't know how to put this into words because this is not something you hear often or at all. But lets start with this hypothetical scenario. Our current pres could redeem himslef for being generally an idiot and being a puppet to coporations and whoever has the cash to work his strings if he did one thing. If he came out and said something like "Americans, put away your checkbooks, close your wallets, because you have already given enough, through your loyalty to this country and the hard work you put in everyday (working for THE MAN). It is my responsibility, your government's responsibility to asure that your fellow citizens will recover and rebuild..." and it would continue something along those lines. How can anyone think that they need to give more to relieve the suffering. But everyone does and it is ludicrous. How in the hell do you not automatically assume that through the intrinsic nature of the way you have organized your society that everything that needs to be done will get done? How can anyone tolerate anything less than that? Low expectation having motherfuckers. Not only do we tolerate it we support it with a juvenille ignorance that is unfathomable to me. Don't fucking call me idealist, you fucking loser. The whole fucking world is afflicted with "white man's burden" except it not just about the white man. It has nothing to do with the white man. It is whatever man and his feeling that one who is superior needs to help the inferior. There is no partnership, no sharing of knowledge. Human society should strive to be symbiotic mutualism. But it is mostly symbiotic parasitism, amensalism, commensalism. It is whoever has the resources doleing out portions to whoever he sees fit and waiting for those poor bastards to come back and ask for more. And what do we do? We accept this bullshit and call it life, call it normal, even call it good. This is why I am so depressed, because I'm so dissapointed my neighboors. Disappointed because they told me something else. They told me something completely different from what they're doing now. Fuck, I'm still angry I don't know what else or how else to say this anymore. Time for bed.

The Big Easy - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday August 31, 2005 - 9:22PM EDT

How often does a major city anywhere in the world become abandoned in modern times. Never. But looks like that is what is going to happen to New Orleans. That is quite impressive. Total evacuation of a major urban area. Think about that. Wow. That is so post apocolyptic. It would be even cooler if the city was completely destroyed. Shit most of it might be. New Orleans may have to be rebuilt from the ground up. Even the fucking Superdome is in bad shape. No how can a structure called the Superdome not come out unscathed. Damn thing's roof was almost torn off. Awesome.

Internet Dating - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday August 31, 2005 - 4:45PM EDT

Have you ever been at work and read something on the net that is so funny that you want to explode with laughter. Not because it is that funny, but because being at work reading it makes it that funny. Knowing that explosive laughter shattering the muted stillness of an office space makes me want to laugh harder. By the way, tittle has nothing to do with this post, I just thought it would throw people off.

This means whatever you want it to mean - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday August 31, 2005 - 11:59AM EDT

Poor, these poor bastards. That is not even the issue. The issue are the percentages. When fuckers want to talk about freedom and equality and improving things. I ask you how equal is it really when 27% of african americans in this country are considered poor yet only 8.6% of whites. Equal my ass. I dare some mofo to bemoan the suffering or lesser privileges in response to affimative action or other programs of that ilk. You can be against it and want a more effective way, but to be vehemntly against those types of things is retarded. Present a competent better solution first before you start to dismantle what is in place. Ignorant bastards just don't know.

Does anyone realize - comments(3) - email me

Tuesday August 30, 2005 - 6:58PM EDT

That this shit is retarded. Americans urged to open up wallets for hurricane victims

The headline says it all. What in thee fuck. Can you believe this bullshit. How in the hell are we asked to open up wallets for hurricane victims when the government has blown almost 200 billion dollars on a War. This is an indictment of the system and people that run it. Why don't you slide $80 billion to disater aid. Maybe then insurance companies wouldn't collapse (fuck we wouldn't need those unscrupulous wastes of energy) and fuck up the economy costing even more money. It is painfully simple in so many cases. It hurts to watch people so sure of their folishness.

Adam of Greyskull - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday August 30, 2005 - 6:48PM EDT

By the power of greyskull. Back to work for me. Tomorrow, back to working for THE MAN. Funny thing to. I actually got some stuff done today on my websites. Ha, will this fucked up cycle ever end. I've been in the house all day. So I need to step outside for a bit. Madden anyone?

I hate lying. There is much more to that statement. Not just lying. I hate having to fit into a standard behavior of society. No I'm not a psycho waiting to murder people or someone who craves anarchy. I'm just referring to the rules of engagement when dealing with people on a mundane everyday level. There are sort of unwritten rules that we follow and I loathe most of them. I just want to be myself completely unfiltered. What the hell am I talking about. Madden anyone?

Maybe I just need - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday August 30, 2005 - 1:03PM EDT

To give up. I'm not good at this, I freaking suck at it. Just pack it in and resign yourself to a life chained to THE MAN's desk. Here I am sitting home various music in the background working on my Powerbook designing websites. Sounds good? Nope. Because I suck. I am way too unorganized to get anything done in a timely manner. No, it isn't even that I am unorganized, I just have no discipline to handle working myself doing freelance stuff. How long have I been doing this stuff? Too long to still be sucking at it so much.

... - comments(3) - email me

Tuesday August 30, 2005 - 12:48AM EDT

...nothing. Actually NULL would be a better term.

Stupid Bastards - comments(0) - email me

Monday August 29, 2005 - 6:56PM EDT

So I see on TV that the minority Sunnis rejected the new constitution in Iraq. That isn't not the funny part. The funny part is to see them protesting in the streets with pictures of Saddam Hussien. Are they that pathetic and stupid that all they think they have is Saddam Hussien. Got damn. Actually maybe it is just a ploy to freak people out. Then it would be brillantly hilarious.

Mercurial - comments(0) - email me

Sunday August 28, 2005 - 10:21AM EDT

Why didn't the eagles try to get Randy Moss. He was just sitting there for nothing.

Speaking of Moss and Owens. They are mercurial no doubt, but people have to get off their backs. They're not killing people or doing hard drugs. Small incident with Moss which was blown out of proportion. But got damn both have them have shown themselves to be decent people. Anyway. Time for gym.

Same - comments(1) - email me

Sunday August 28, 2005 - 3:12AM EDT

Still the same.