Wednesday December 1, 2004 - 1:20PM EDT
So, the plan in Philadelphia is to provide city-wide free wireless internet access. Fucking brillant, something I have wanted to see done for a couple years now. Of course I want to see it for the whole country. But fucking Verizon is trying to but into the plan by saying you can't provide a free communication network without our permission or charging for it. What shortsighted thinking. It is disgusting how they focus simply on protecting their bottom line in such a narrow-minded manor. Obviously that company is run by idiots, but what else is new. They would rather try and screw people out of access to information and communication than allow a whole bunch of new people logon to the net. It is clear they are still focused on the idea that communication is regulated and controlled by companies. That is not the future of communication. Networks willl be as common as the air we breath and logging on the a network will just be a matter of fact, no one will worry about overages or paying some type of access cost. The future is in using those networks for endless possibilities. If anything Verizon should be giving money to help build these free municipal wireless networks all across the country and have a plan to reap the benifits.
Monday November 29, 2004 - 6:33PM EDT
I'm trying to get THE MAN's foot out my ass. Time and money is running short. My situation is not dire yeat but I'm moving on a lot of things. You won't get no bullshit if you don't take no bullshit. This is my first post in a while. I had a lot of things going on, but still that is no excuse. Been working all day on websites. Fuck, I need to get Linkzu going, that is key. I have one month till the end of the year. Let's see what I can do in that time.
Wednesday November 24, 2004 - 4:39AM EDT
Got an assload done today on a website. I need to settle down so that I can focus better and get more done.
Sometimes I just think about how insignificant humans are in the universe and it gives me a feeling of euphoria. That is all.
Tuesday November 23, 2004 - 1:48AM EDT
Got a call from a recruiter today. Need to call them back see where the job they have is at. Maybe West Coast, probably in Philly. Either way I'll check it out. Tomorrow I'll be able to finish of a good portion of a website and organize it well enough to continue on through to other features. Still need to work on Linkzu.
I wish there was a gym near me, but closet one is Ballys in King of Prussia. Which is kind of far. I want to go back to Japan.
Monday November 22, 2004 - 3:06AM EDT
Made amazing time from New York. No traffic at all just cruised all the way down at about 80mph. Kind of don't know what to do with myself lately. I am always working on websites so I have things to do. Just seems like I should be doing more. I'll just keep working on websites. Strange feeling tonight, anxious is maybe a close description. A little nauseous from I don't know what. My heart is just beating real fast and I am struggling to calm enough to go to sleep. I didn't eat anything or take anything it just started happening. I need to sleep and settle down.
Friday November 19, 2004 - 9:34PM EDT
Not much to say at the moment. Just though I should make a post. I heard more squirrels in the walls. I already caught seven of them. There could be another seven as far as I know. I'll get rid of them eventually. Been working on websites all day, except for a quick lunch break. Going to New York tommorow again. Its getting cold, I don't like the cold.
Thursday November 18, 2004 - 11:06PM EDT
Every once in a while I get sucked into a Dominos Pizza promotion. The most recent culprit was their new double-melt pizza. It is something that can only be described as slightly worse than nasty. Two thin crusts sandwiched together with some type of ultra-processed cheese sauce. I don't even want to discuss it anymore. Just don't get it, ever!
The new user interface on a website I am working on is awesome. It is almost done. Got a decent amount of work done today. Nothing interesting going recently. Just more website work. Time is getting short though, I should be able to finish the projects by the end of the year, but it will be close.
Wednesday November 17, 2004 - 1:28AM EDT
I was just eating a banana and was wondering what was the name of the chemical in the banana that give it its distinctive smell. That got me to thinking about chemicals. Everything we consume is made up of these chemicals. Why "chemicals" carry such a bad connotation is kind of strange. If you were to give the chemical names of all the ingredients of some "natural" food product the list would probably be just as long as any other food product. The whole natural thing is way overblown. It is just marketing gimmicks. People just need to recognize what chemicals are "good" and what are "bad". Besides, without these chemicals the food resources of the earth would never be as large as they are today and the population would never have grown to the size it is.
I ate the strangest assortment of meals today. I had Chinese buffet for lunch, which was actually pretty normal. I went there hoping to get steamed vegetables, but they didn't have any so I settle for the sauteed string beans and extracting the vegetables from the garlic chicken. Of course I had some of the pork. The second meal of the day consisted of 1/4 of a protein plus vanilla yogurt power bar, a cup of pickle slices, week old leftover chicken breast seasoned with tumeric, a bottle of water and half a pepsi. I was good though. The third meal of the day was, two bananas, some pieces of seeded rye loaf and red cream birch beer soda. I was hoping the rye loaf didn't have partially hydrogented oil in it, but it did. Ah well, those artificial trans-fatty acids haven't been conclusively connected to any health problems yet. When my Chemistry teacher explained exactly what hydrogenated things are you finnaly know why margerine stays soft all the time. It is kind of freaky... eh not really.
I really want some dates right now. I haven't had any in about a year. They are good with milk.
Clearly I haven't been working hard enough. I should be programming 20 hours a day, I only do about 6hrs. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Monday November 15, 2004 - 1:04PM EDT
I just realized today that I can scrape out a living doing freelance work. There is a lot of work out there and not enough people to do it. Its not stable but I think I can continue like this for a while. At least until I see where the various projects I am working go. I am pretty organized so that helps. Just need to gather up a online portfolio, that should help, I hope. Definately trying to move out of Philadelphia by January. If San Francisco doesn't work out then New York. If by some stroke of luck I land an animation job then LA wouldn't be out of the question. Actually I would go pretty much anywhere I get an animation job.
I have an idea for a slight redesign on this webpage, to integreate my portfolio and a few other things along with the blog. Taking things day by day, surely I have a greater vision, but I am getting better and pacing myself each day. With so many different projects I have to find a way to pace myself or I will never finish them. I caught another flying squirel yesterday. That makes four total I have caught. I think that is the last one. The project I want to work on the most is Linkzu. It has the greatest potential to actually bring in some cash.
I have been using Firefoxa lot more lately. Not exclusively but a lot. I still need to check how things look in IE for websites I design. But for general browsing I use Firefox. Download it here The Wacom digitizer I bought was a great purchase. I makes drawing and editing pictures so much faster in a lot of cases. Definately glad I got it. I still need a good digital camera and to a lesser extent a new video capture card. I setup my new computer and installed a lot of the graphics software I need. I can't wait to use it and see how much faster it is for graphics work then the trash I was using before. 1GB of RAM helps. Alright time for more website work.
Thursday November 11, 2004 - 2:04AM EDT
Definately got more done today than yesterday. The structure of the web-based app I am working on is really tight. It is very modular and makes for easy expansion. That whole MVC thing works well, I wish I had studied it specifically instead of figuring it out on my own. The project is a great learning experience, unlike some of the more recent trash I had to wade through. I finished working on my grandfather's computer finally, now I can deliver that tomorrow and get that off my mind. A few more days and the website will be done. It is pretty professional looking, and something really good to show off. Definately my best website work so far. But with a few other projects I am working on they could be better.
Really trying to get back into the video/animation arena. Looking for entry level positions or freelance work in that area. I have a few decent pieces of work to show but I haven't done anything substantial in a while and nothing is really organized into a cohesive portfolio. Besides even if I did organize my work isn't good enough to get my anything really good, just a start somewhere. Depending on how the website stuff works out in the next few months I think I will try to go the video/animation route, provided I can support myself with a decent job. Well time for sleep, another long day of website work tomorrow.
My 3D modeling and animation skills are underdeveloped. The few projects I did with modeling an animation turned out pretty good considering I had no formal training. Just what I picked up from books and other reading. When you slave for hours over a 3D model and then animate it, it is the greatest feeling in the world to see it come to life on the screen. I am much better at editing, compositing and special effects. Here is a sample of one of my better animations, did it on a whim sitting in my dorm one day, only took a few hours to put together. Wildcat
Wednesday November 10, 2004 - 1:45AM EDT
My sleep schedule has been off recently. Been doing a lot of work on websites, but not being nearly as efficient as a I could be in working on them. I don't want things to pile up again. Semi-productive day today, but I could have done a lot more. Tomorrow will better hopefully. I just have to be more decisive about what I do. I have so many things to work on that I'll just waste time trying to decide what to do instead of just doing it. Getting better at it but I must make a more concerted effort.
Caught three flying squirels in my house using cages ordered over the net. They hang out in the loft and leave little turds all over the place. Going to set more traps to make sure I get them all. I let them go, I don't eat them. Nothing else interesting recently, just websites and programming. It is slow going right now, just trying to do as much as I can each day. Well, time for sleep.
Tuesday November 9, 2004 - 3:28PM EDT
Getting pumped about getting my new computer up and running. It was about time to retire the old beast I was using. Coming to a close on one of my webssite projects, which is good. Means that I'll have more time for the other websites I am working on. Ok back to work.
Sunday November 7, 2004 - 8:02PM EDT
I am almost done putting together my new computer. Not that powerful but compared to what I am used to it will be a beast. 1.6 ghz pentium 4. The motherboard I have is upgradable to 3 ghz pentium 4 so I will probably upgrage once I get some more cash. I is going to have 750GB worth of storage, 500GB stripped raid array for fast video capture storage. Looking to seriously get back into that stuff by next year. I know I have said it before but not I have the equipment to do some damage. Other than that I continue to work on websites. I fucking hated MBNA, HA! I am so glad I'm done there. So many ideas just pouring out recently. Got it all writtne down and trying my best to get it all put together. I fell as if I am at a turning point, it could go either way, this next year or may be exciting or may suck complete ass. I am moving on a lot of things and trying to feel them out, I hope all turns out well. Fuck it, back to websites.
On a side note, I understand why some people do drugs. The mental challenges of living in this world can be the most difficult thing someone can face and drugs provide a means to overcome them. I don't do drugs and never will, but when you are in a tough situation and things are expected of you, sometimes a change a mind whether it be natural or artificial is what you need to get past it.
Wednesday November 3, 2004 - 2:07PM EDT
I keep hearing the comment about whoever wins the presidency they will support them. This time it is not just me, that comment is a little weird. This is not the Soviet Union, we are not a dictatorship. Democracy doesn't end after election day. The great part about the United States is that you don't have to "suppport" whoever is in power, you can support whoever the fuck you please and wait until the next election to kick that person to the curb. Sure there is some type of symbolism and unity in that BS "support" statement, but I am sick of the BS statements. Those who didn't vote for the person in power obviously didn't support him so just because on one day 150 million people felt a certain way you have to support them. That is complete BS and it is a major problem. There is no constant struggle for progress and change, just a small battle every now and then while the majority of the time is just stagnant with inaction. Besides that support is garbage anyway, what invariably happens is that they will argue over who is right over the next 4 years and get nothing done.
Ralph Nader tells the situation like it is. The two political parties dominate and support a system that forces out new ideas and actual progress, for the personal gains of all involved. I just don't understand how the american people can be so bamboozled by these assclowns. Someone needs to give Ralph about 1 billion dollars to win an election. Ross Perot was able to get an unprecendented 20% of the popular vote and that clown was a bit kooky. Give Nader the same kind of money Dems and Rep had and he will win in a landslide. If someone just brought the real issues to the table with real ideas then who knows what would happen.
I am still counting on technology to be the equalizer, the United States will lose its top spot if it continues it neglegence of technology. Some people are still under the impression that the United States are #1 in technology. They must not be paying attetion to all the Indians in their engineering classes. It will be a pleasant day when someone finally overtakes the United States, it is about time the beast fell.
Tuesday November 2, 2004 - 11:40PM EDT
As this election winds down, I am reminded how utterly meaningless it all is in the grand scheme of things. Pretty much anyone in power has yet to come to the realization that Earth can only support a finite number of humans based on today's technology and practices. The only way for humans to survive is to advance their technology and change their practices or we will all perish. Yet change is sufficiently slow enough that we could feasibly face catastophe in the next 200 years. I just keep waiting for the point of no return when we figure out we are doomed. To bad I won't be alive for that. Maybe it will never come, who knows?
On another note I still think about building a spaceship daily. As I have said before nothing unimpresses me more than my fellow humans. What a bunch of fucking losers. Overall the vast majority of people are pathetic, so much potential unrealized. I guess I am one of them but just because I am just as pathetic I am not going to go easy on everyone else. Harsh? Of course it is. What are humans going to do if we ever encounter another being that is more intelligent than us? That would be something. Humans have a sickening arrogance about themselves. Humans would rather recognize imaginary creations from their mind (see GOD) than the tangible affects of living on this earth. Frankly its kind of scary to watch TV and see commercials and TV programs with people praying to GOD and asking this creation to save their soul. All practicality is thrown out the window when it comes to religion in way too many cases. Crap I am tired, time to work on websites.
Tuesday November 2, 2004 - 3:38PM EDT
Well I voted today. Simple process, took less than 5 minutes. I live in a small town so there was no line and no waiting. As suspected though, the whole process is horribly ineffecient and fraud prone. First of all, no one asked me for ID even though it was my first time voting. All I did was give my name(could have been any name) was shown a piece of paper with my signature and had to sign the same signature right next to the signature that was already there. I then went into the booth, click, click, and thats it. There are so many things wrong with that process that I don't know where to begin. Problems that are so blatanly obvious, that it is sickening.
Lets talk about another thing. Voter registration is suppose to prevent people from voting more than once. Yet each state runs its own election for president. But you are only suppose to vote once in the the whole country right? How does each state verify that somone didn't vote in another state. I seriously doubt that every state cross-checks all their county registration lists with every other county in the whole country. That is the only way to reliably eliminate multi-voting. If they do I would be surprised. Besides people make up fake indentities all the time. What is needed is a national database that verifies the identity of everyone in the whole country. Actually it probably exists, but of course it is not being used for anything worthwhile.
What is the deal with absentee balloting. We are allowing people to mail in ballots but not send email ballots, ludicrous. Don't even get me started on why you are restricted to vote in a certain place because voter registration lists are paper based and not in a centrally accessible county or even state-wide database, ludicrous. Last time I checked the Internet was being used for just about everything else, our precious money included, I guess advancing democracy is not worthy of the Internet. No one should ever be turned away from voting regardless of where they go, simply because you don't have a list with their name on it. Does that make sense to anybody?
Let's start with Internet accessible voting registration lists so that if you show up in the wrong place you don't get the business. All the poll worker does is logon and check the database to make sure you are registered somewhere, then allow you to vote. Last time I checked you could dial a phone to anywhere in the country and I think there is a phone at just about every polling place in the country. Then they can print out whatever paper you need to sign and have you sign it. Poll places can print out registration lists the day before and just lookup the names of people who happen to show up at the wrong place. Alright enogh of this for now, time to work on websites.
The clowns come out to play again. - comments(0) - email me
Monday November 1, 2004 - 7:45PM EDT
Funny thing happened today. I got a phone message from the staffing company I worked for asking where me timesheet for last week was. Apparently they still think I work at MBNA. I guess after my less than cordial exit no one bothered to tell the staffing company. I'll let those clowns figure it out, it will probably take the next two months for them to straighten things out. How can I be surprised at that, I am still waiting for software.
Finished some pressing updates to a website. Continuing to work on other websites, things are looking good and I am making adaquate progress. Got a call from a recruiter today about a job in Center City. I'll talk to them, but I am being picky with rate and job type. If I can't get a premium rate and decent work then its no dice. Besides I have other things to work on.
Sunday October 31, 2004 - 3:58AM EDT
Well it was a crazy night in NYC. Got wasted, went to a few bars and now I am back and my friends place still loaded making a blog entry. Fun night, and tomorrow I watch the EAGLES game in an NYC bar owned by Donavan McNabb's best friend from Syracuse. Freaking awesome. Its good to not be in work and be able to do this stuff again, I am working on my technology ideas and one of them has to pay off. I just came up with a new one tonight. This one could be big. Well time for sleep now.
Friday October 29, 2004 - 11:24AM EDT
Well its official. has launched. Still in the beta test stages to see what type of response we get. Still some adminstrative things to iron out with the site and the business side of things. Then I have to come up with a maitenance plan for the website and expansion plan. Still a lot of work to do but there is now a decent foundation. I'm excited as this is the first website launch I have done. Maybe it is like sports where getting the first point is hardest. Time for more work
Friday October 29, 2004 - 2:39AM EDT
It took my about three weeks but I have finally found it. It was so strong just after school finished, until I started working, then it quickly was eradicated. Well its back, my focus and motivation have returned after being lost for the last 3 months. Back to pumping out massive amounts of work in 10 hours programming sessions. Like today for instance. I get that feeling of euphoria after working for 12 hours straight on a website. I want more of it, more work. I have plent of work, and now I have the appetite for it. Its great to sit down work for a few hours and actually end up accomplishing something. I still need sleep however, and that is what I am going to do now.