Lets See - comments(2) - email me

Thursday March 31, 2005 - 1:57PM EDT

Let's see if they get this right, or perpetrate the same double whammy as music downloading. Article.

Ha - comments(0) - email me

Thursday March 31, 2005 - 2:20AM EDT

This article is funny. Only because it is about 50 years late.

Idiot Box - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday March 30, 2005 - 7:27PM EDT

New feature in beta testing, TV. Watch TV through my webpage. Sorry only one channel available. If only the upstream speed of cable was faster the picture would be better. Actually it freaking sucks, my upstream isn't fast enought. No TV.

Weather - comments(5) - email me

Wednesday March 30, 2005 - 11:16AM EDT

Awesome weather today. Sunny and warm, I like it.

Spooky - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday March 30, 2005 - 5:11AM EDT

I live in a townhouse alone. So at night when all the lights are off and you can't see past your nose and I go to the bathroom or kitchen I am always imagining someone or some rotting zombie jumping out of the darkness and tackling me. It is pretty vivid image and feels real and it is freaking me out, I think I am going insane.

Standards - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday March 30, 2005 - 4:51AM EDT

I get this feeling sometimes that people want to lecture me on what I like to call "social standards". I am not speaking about anyone in particular just people in general. I don't have a blatant disregard for social standards it is just that there seems to be this chasm between my version and other peoples versions. Let me clarify. I call them social standards but what I am talking about is what others often refer to euphamistically as "just the way it is" or "just how it works" or "what your supposed to do." What I refer to as social standards some just see as the immutable basic foundation of living. Since social standards in the general definition can be changed and are not hard and fast a problem occurs where one defines different demarcations to these standards. I think some people have the tendency to take way to many "social standards" and lump them together with primary human behavior. They just accept it without question as part of living. My issue is that, I can't for the life of me think of anything beyond eating, shitting and sex that is immutable. So I question everything humans do beyond those three things. Everything else is up for discussion as far a I am concerned and I don't want to tell you how many people don't want to hear that. Often times frustration arises on my part from what I perceive to be blind acceptance of nonsencial or illogical ways. I don't see these "social standards" as an adequate foundation to live but more as patterned human behavior that came about through the varying occurances in human history. Don't get me wrong and think that I want everyone to go back to being naked living in the forest, but the persitant dogmatic insitance of some to maintain these "social standards" irks me. Some may agree with me to a point but my issue with social standards goes deeper then the odd arguement about homosexuals or the death penalty. I question the very structure of society itself. No one wants to question that, it is taboo, it is as I said earlier "the way it is." Humans have been around for about 70,000 years give or take and we have formed various societal structures among the varying societies through history. I ask why we have formed certain ways and want to argue that "it is not just the way it is, it could have been different so don't just accept it blindly." Even something seemingly simple and banal as getting a job and going to work for money (ok no jokes here for those that know my current situation, this is just one example) I question. I want to know why it is that way and isn't there possibly something else besides the acquisition of wealth(I have this thing were I just think that the acquisition of wealth is a perversion of survival instinct). So, I truly believe in the unlimited potential of humans (space bounty hunter anyone?) but does anyone else?

I keep hearing thess things on "human nature" and behavioral tendencies linked through genetics. Although I do put a lot of stock into the genetics thing, maybe too much is thought of those two things. The human nature thing especially is just more blind acceptance that nothing can be done. It is disgusting to think that nothing can be done, especially when you are a human. Even the current thinking in genetics thing may lose weight. Recently researchers found that some plants are able to use past generations genetic code to correct defects in their own code. The implications for such a thing code be huge. Hardy-Weinberg may have to be updated. Previously it was thought that parents passed on bad code to their offspring, now it might quite possibly be the case that the offspring may be able to somehow "choose" code from past generations to make "the best" code. No I don't believe in mystical mumbo jumbo like that creationist bullshit but something that we haven't discovered yet is going on. Someday we will figure it out what it is. Maybe what plants can do animals can do too, it is still way to early to tell.

Where was I. Oh yeah the "social standards" crapola. That fucking shit gets me in trouble, not in a pejorative sense(maybe a little), but certain things become difficult and I have trouble explaining to people why I operate in that way. They just don't understand and in my opinion really don't want to think about it so I get slapped with a convenient label to fit into their "social standards."

I'm just pissed that my life sucks ass and I am a 23year old loser with no prospects and no girlfriend.

Bad Week - comments(0) - email me

Wednesday March 30, 2005 - 2:10AM EDT

This week has been horrible for working. The only thing I did of some substance was add comments to the blog(that took all of 30 minutes) other than that I've had a real lack of focus and working on websites has been going really slow. Everytime I sit down to do some work my mind wanders or I just feel like garbage. I've tried working in the quiet and with background music. Nothing. It is always a motivation thing, I hate playing these mental games all the time. Like right now, I've been staring at the screen trying to get an important website update done for the past 5hrs and I got nothing.

I guess I've been doing this freelance stuff for a while. Since college began ther has always been multiple things going on. I'm glad and don't have school and work at the same time anymore, that sucked. But I still have the same concentration problem. There is always some random project I am working on no matter how "busy" I am. I guess I just get bored with this mundane living crap. Sometimes though I am a human dynamo and can't stop working and get so much done. Not enough though. Is it a discipline or work ethic thing? Am I lazy? I know, I'm just pathetic.

You know what is getting tiresome. Recognition of race. Whether it be through jokes, stereotypes, diversity initiatives, discussions or whatnot. First of all race isn't a real scientific classification and I never understood how in the hell one really classified someone's race. When people speak about it, it doesn't pique my interest in the slightest. Humans at one point didn't even have a "race". I wonder if one day if that will happen again.

Acting - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday March 29, 2005 - 11:32PM EDT

I'm sure everyone notices but no one cares. But when you see the same actor in different movies you start to pickup on their unique mannerisms that come across in their delivery no matter what role they are playing. The way they tilt or bob their head, the way they smile, how and when they blink, what they do with their hands or their speech intonation. I suppose it is an unavoidable thing, I mean who can change those minute little things. It is more noticeable in some roles that and actor plays than others, so it can vary among and actor. I always thought that the hallmark of a really great actor was the ability to do exactly that. Change everything about themselves so that even the smallest quirk that is a recognizable part of their real person is completely hidden. If you don't know what I am talking about just get a few movies with the same actor, make sure the type of roles they play are different though in each movie, and just watch and look for those little things that tell you who that actor is. You'll find them with most everybody. One actor though that I thought never showed those unique mannerisms or was really good at hidding them was Jon Voight. I'll have to watch a few more of his movies to confirm though. Also Morgan Freeman is another one. It could just be the roles but I think they are both really good an diving into the part and transforming themselves into whoever they are playing right down to the very little things. There are probably others but I don't think there are many. Maybe it is because some actors become defined by those mannerisms so they don't want to hide them, it becomes their trademark. I don't know, but when I watch a different movies with the same actor in it and you can't find any of those little quirks it is impressive. I guess I am just impressed by the whole range thing, yeah I am.

Longing for work - comments(1) - email me

Tuesday March 29, 2005 - 6:09PM EDT

I think I want a regular 9-5 job just so I can have things to write about in my blog and to screw with people at work. Comedic need will get me back to work faster than anything else. Then again, I'll just live vicariously through my employed compadres.

New Fad - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday March 29, 2005 - 3:57PM EDT

Oh yeah and I was just sent this link by someone. Teaching in Japan. You must read the whole thing because it is fucking hilarious. That will surely be me someday soon.

Been thinking about this IPOD loading thing, I should create a website to facilitate such DRM debauchery. Give people the knowledge to break down all the barriers and screw THE MAN. Yeah I'll work on that, or not.

IPOD Parties - comments(3) - email me

Tuesday March 29, 2005 - 12:12AM EDT

I just read a craiglist posting that was promoting an IPOD party where you bring CDs to be ripped and then people load up their IPODs with music from wirelessly networked laptops. Cool idea, to fight THE MAN.

Comments - comments(2) - email me

Monday March 28, 2005 - 6:17PM EDT

Comments now available, see link at top of each post.

Sight - comments(3) - email me

Monday March 28, 2005 - 5:10PM EDT

Have you ever seen a 5'0 65 year old woman with biceps bigger than yours. I have and I'm very scared.

Flick - comments(1) - email me

Monday March 28, 2005 - 1:40AM EDT

I saw Guess Who, it was more sap than I expected and not enough comedy, funny parts though.

Bored - comments(3) - email me

Sunday March 27, 2005 - 4:40PM EDT

So bored, trying to work on websites but it is slow, no focus right now.

Ironic - comments(0) - email me

Sunday March 27, 2005 - 1:03PM EDT

I've always found it ironic that some african-americans embrace Islam as their orginal religion instead of the Christianity imposed on their ancestors through slavery. I find it ironic because although Islam has a major presence in Africa it wasn't the indegenous religion of African tribes/nations. It was brought there and imposed by the prophet Mohammed and his followers. Which brings me to another Ghengis Kahn tidbit, it was that he allowed complete freedom of religious practice under his empire. Although he stuck to the traditional religion of his native tribe he never sought to impose it as the standard across his empire. Although his conquests were an anomaly in history and he killed hordes of people, there are many curious things to learn about him and his empire.

Damn Cold - comments(1) - email me

Sunday March 27, 2005 - 3:42AM EDT

It is still cold, I want 70 degree temps everyday.

Hollywood - comments(0) - email me

Sunday March 27, 2005 - 2:55AM EDT

I tend to pooh-pooh extravagance and strict heiarchies in my general thoughts about things, thinking that it is an unnecessary consquence of general human behavior that may eventually lessen, but not now. I guess I can't say that I wouldn't act the same if I had the means or was in certain situations where it was the common behavior. With my theoretical disdain for extravagence stated I think that I'm extremely attracted to it. I want to make movies and want people to watch them. The way I go to the movie theater all the time and constantly rent movies and become mesmorized by the final product on the screen I can't think of anything else I'd want to do more. I live in my own fantasy world anyway so why not do it for a living. As with most things there are strings attached and there are plenty of strings in Hollywood. I want to say that I am purely attracted to making movies and that the fame and money that can go along with it is something I can do without. I want to say that but I can't with any real confidence, I want lots of people to watch my movies, I want people to love my movies. I already think I am the best, although it is not apparent in my actions sometimes. I want to be the best, I want the inferior fools to bow before my greatness so that I can know that they are just as pathetic as me. Weird? I have this thing where I think I am the best and the worst at the same time. So I want to simultaneously rise up to the standard of everyone else and bring them inline with mine and disregard the existence of those who won't cooperate on either part.

I always hate how everyone always wants "experience" when hiring for jobs, it becomes overemphasised in cases. Or that age old "paying dues" nonsense that bitter fucks like to use. In my brief study of Ghengis Kahn (i read like 3 books on him) I like the fact that all the books, they mention that Temujin (that was Ghengis Kahn's real name, Ghengis Khan actually means grand ruler or something in Mongolian) was keen to not discriminate against age, because he thought experience can always be attained by anyone but talent was a rare find. One of his top generals was only 18. I just makes me angry that some people harp on experience and put up this aire of mysterious difficulty in doing the job that you cannot understand, when in reality anyone can do it. I guess it must make them feel good to think that they are special and that no one else couldn possibly do what they are doing and that someone they have perfected it to the utmost.

No new movies out that I want to see, waiting for the summer movie season to start for some interesting flicks.

Lectric - comments(0) - email me

Saturday March 26, 2005 - 2:19AM EDT

I've recently discovered Lectric Shave. I don't know why I never picked this up before, I've seen it in stores but never thought twice about it. You put in on before you shave, wait about a minute or two for it to dry and then you shave with your electric razor. What it does is dry out your skin but lubricate it at the same time, it makes the hairs stand up and the razor glides smoothly over your skin. I was pleasantly surprised by how well it worked, made my shave much less irritating and easier.

New Design - comments(1) - email me

Friday March 25, 2005 - 1:44PM EDT

I've updated the design of the page a little. I've always wanted to large opening picture and now I have it.