Fear, ignorance and stupidity - comments(23) - email me

Wednesday May 3, 2006 - 6:18PM EDT
Well I came across a doosy of a blog post today. Have yourself a gander. Gone in 20 Minutes: using laptops to steal cars

It is ironic that the title of the article is that because he is missing an important issue. Somehow this assclown is trying to say how having just software is not as good as having both software and mechanical locks. I am full of glee as this turbo moron's arguement is ripe for ripping and makes no sense. First off, if anyone has been locked out of their car you know it takes about half a second for a locksmith to get in the car. Having an additional mechanical lock does absolutely nothing except cost you more. Frankly just software is a huge improvement over mechanical locks. It now takes someone 20 minutes to steal your car instead of 60 seconds with mechanical locks. I don't understand this clowns reasoning that it is security concerns that should dog software only based locking mechanisms. The only real concern should be that the software is reliable enough so that you don't get locked out of your car. What is even more pathetic is that there is a bevy of liked minded assclowns that somehow think the same way. The article clearly says that these software systems take somone 20 minutes to steal  your car. Yet leaves out that it takes about 20 seconds with mechanical locks. Yet people are all like "i'll keep my keys" and "all cars should have keys". This is the epitome of stupidity.

Constitutional - comments(19) - email me

Wednesday May 3, 2006 - 7:01AM EDT

Quick comment on something. Antonin Scalia recently opened his mouth and said something along the lines of that the government is not following the Constiution close enough. His words were almost like vicious indictment of how other court members see the constitution. He somehow believes that we need to follow it to the letter. I always thought a view like that was ironic because some of the original contributors of the constitutions were of the opinion that each successive generation should rip up the old constitution and write a new one. Just a comment.

I just needed to post this - comments(20) - email me

Wednesday May 3, 2006 - 6:21AM EDT

The video will tell "the truth about Jesus", according to church officials, who are concerned that the film will "mislead people about the truth". - Church acts against Da Vinci film

This is hilarious. How is it that they feel such a strong need to "tell the truth" when they are going up against something that labels itself as not being truth? It is a work of fiction and doesn't pretend to be anything more than that. Can I even begin to describe how movies pervert so many other things. It is fairly common. Just seems like a waste and just gives the movie more publicity. I could see if it was trying to intentionally stir up something or say something like "based on real evidence". But it doesn't and it is so outrageously fiction in many cases that anyone threatened by it seems foolish to me. I already talked about how the "holy grail" doesn't exist and that is a huge part of the story. Surely there are many movies that mislead about many topics. But I've never heard of anyone being misled by this piece of work. Mainly because any knowledgeable Christian wouldn't be swayed by a single fictional movie and nobody else gives a flying fuck about the story. Most are probably just hoping Audrey Tautou takes her top off. Ha.

While I am on the topic of fiction I will address secret soceities. It is a part of the previously mentioned movie. In my short time on this earth I have come to the conclusion that the only people organized and smart enough to create secrete societies are the conspriracy theorists that come up with them. That is not to say there are not losely tied groups of people who act towards a sometimes common goal. But secret societies are the most ridiculous thing I can imagine. You don't have to meet that many people in your life to realize that most humans are dumb-asses. There is no way more than like 3 people could be involved in a secret society without it completely imploding. I don't think there exists yet a group of humans that can hold together a well-managed organization without fucking something up huge eventually. We still can't figure out exactly how the pyramids were built and those ancient humans weren't even trying to hide anything about it.

Speaking of pyramids, recently a massive one was discovered in Bosnia. It might be bigger than the great pyramid in Giza. I'd love to be an archeologist working on that right now to see what is inside. What could a huge pyramid like that hold? In Bosnia of all places?

Exercise - comments(21) - email me

Tuesday May 2, 2006 - 1:41AM EDT

I am going to start jumping rope for 15 minutes after my workouts at the gym. I am hoping that will lead to burning more calories and lower body fat. Other than that I have a lot of work to do with projects. But I got a lot done today. I need to finish up some more things tomorrow then on Wednesday I get back to my big project. Trying to finalize a lot of things by the end of the week. I keep saying that but never quite getting there. Almost there. 2 more weeks. I'm tired, time for sleep.


This is Iranic - comments(21) - email me

Monday May 1, 2006 - 7:39PM EDT

I read an article today about Iran complaining to the U.N. about the United States agressive stance on their nuclear program. Its funny because most of way Iran is saying makes sense. How can you threaten a country that is doing nothing illegal, but you suspect they are doing something illegal. Your are threatening them with your paranoia. Its ok to be suspicious but I thought diplomacy worked differently. In fact in this case I think Iran is being pretty resonable and some in U.S. government are being overly aggressive. For some odd reason the U.S. government and a few of its allies want to bully Iran into doing what they want. I just don't get it. India actually develops a nuclear bomb and you barely hear anything. Yet Iran starts enriching uranium for what they say is nuclear power and there is a huge dust-up. There just seems that there is a much better way to handle this. In fact it almost seems as if Iran is using this as an attention grabber to  bring the U.S. to the negotiating table not just for nuclear but for other things. Labeling Iran and a terrorist state while letting the country that harbored all the 9/11 hijackers(Saudi Arabia) still be your best friend doesn't make sense. I've been almost suprised by some of the moderated talk coming from the Iranian president of late. He voiced some radical views but some of the things he has said about the nuclear issue makes sense. What gives any country the right to tell another what to do when it is all within the confines of international law. Especially when that country is willing to address fears in a diplomatic manner.

Another thing. We know freaking North Korea has nuclear weapons and hardly anyone addresses that problem publicy. I don't understand this ridiculous stance on Iran the U.S. government has right now.

I should have went to the food court at King of Prussia mall today to see how many of the Mexicans didn't come to work.

A couple things - comments(15) - email me

Monday May 1, 2006 - 1:28AM EDT

First off. Some clown senator was in Philadelphia today trying to promot $100 rebates for gas. That ass-clown must think people are stupid. Is there anyone living in this country today that doesn't feel like a $100 gas rebate is a slap in the face. Gas rebates has got to be up there with Marie Antionett's alleged comment of  "let them eat cake" (side note: I don't think she ever said that but for the moment we will go with it). If this doesn't show how some so called leaders in our government decadent losers with nothing to contribute to society then I don't know how else to demonstrate it. That is really a sign that they have run out of ideas. Oh wait they never had any in the first place. I do kind of like this whole so-called gas crisis. Because maybe it will finally weed out the horrible ideas and the equally as horrible people who generate them. We are reaping the rewards of years of horrible ideas. So of course politicians have to argue about things in the past and say if someone did this or someone did that it wouldn't be that way. Well you losers, invent me a fucking time machine so we can go back and fix it. Alright enough on that.

Now to the immigration thing. I always think about it when I eat at the food court in the King of Prussia mall. Because more than 70% of the people that work there are of latin american descent. If you didn't speak a word of english and only spanish you would have no trouble getting a meal any way you like in there. I freaking love it. Actually it reminds me of being in Venezuela a little bit. The song and dance various policy makers are doing on the so-called immigration issue is pathetic. They bemoan the illegality of coming into the country illegally while saying we need these people to do our laundry. I would guess that the majority of those in the country illegaly aren't some kind of economic strain or detriment to the county. It just seems to me that the approach to this by our government is xenophobic. That there is some kind of problem with certain people wanting to come to the United States. I really can't describe the overal sentiment of the populace because I don't think what government leaders are saying is how the way most of the country feels. It seems kind of unresolved in the national psyche. Maybe not butI feel like this becoming a major issue was the work of a few outspoken people and that most really haven't thought much about it.

I see it this way. First I think it is damn shame that there are so many people feel their country is a dead end with no opportunities. That is a huge problem that I don't think many people think about. I think about how the United States grew and ask myself why can't Mexico be just a prosperous as the U.S. That is a discussion in itself but one worth having. Actually that is really the root of the problem. All these people feel that the U.S. is the only place for them to make something of themselves or for their family. Sure it is a testament to the U.S. but it is also a signal of something terribly wrong everywhere else. As trendy as it is for some who don't know America to bad mouth the United States that is all it is most of the time. I will make a stark distinction between ignorant derison and those who know the U.S. who criticise it. Some like to lump the two together. I won't. So its a shame that people feel the need to come to the U.S. Now that they are here I think there needs  to be more of an effort to integrate those that come here into our society. Rigid sub-cultural groups seem to form because of the relationship between xenophobia and our ideas of freedom. When outsiders come in our ideas of freedom say we should let them do what they want (reasonably within the law) however they are accustomed to different things so they don't neccessarily do exactly as we are used to. Not to mention they often speak a different language. What I am trying to say is why are there chinatowns, little havanas, etc?  It just doesn't seem like the right direction. I don't want to abolish these sub-groups but I don't want societies to skew towards being simply a collection of walled off sub-groups whose only interaction is through the pipeline of economics. It is not that way now but I just can't shake the feeling that while some are putting so much energy into creating these sub-groups it could be used to better the largetrsociety. Really this is just my opinion of the situation. I just think there is much more that can be done to solve the immigration issue while at the same time improving society for all.

Damn I am tired. I should go back and read to make sure I got across everything clearly. Ah well time for bed.

Brisk warm night - comments(17) - email me

Friday April 28, 2006 - 12:40AM EDT

The warm summer nights that I like so much are almost here. It is a brisk but warm 58 tonight. Tomorrow I'll be in the city with the girl, so hopefully it will be a warm night. Although the forecast doesn't look all that great temp-wise. There are 5 things I need to get done before the start of next week. If I do then I will be in good shape next week to make major progress on many projects. I am a little behind on where I wanted to be with the web hosting service but not by much. Better to do things right than to rush things I suppose.

Still need to write about the immigration thing. I'll get to it. Time for sleep.

Brillant! - comments(16) - email me

Thursday April 27, 2006 - 9:40AM EDT

Can you believe this bullplop coming from the Senate about $100 gas rebate. The stupidity coming from government has reached levels I've never seen in my lifetime. $100 rebate. Are you freaking serious. What in the fuck is that going to do besides allow one to fill up their car twice while draining the already thin budget of much needed funds. This kind of shit makes no freaking sense. It is a idea by idiots for idiots.

slow progress - comments(16) - email me

Thursday April 27, 2006 - 12:44AM EDT

Progress on projects has been going slowly. But progress is being made. Neglected my studying and I haven't read a book in a while. My bookmarks are getting unorganized also. I need to organize them.

Amigos - comments(1) - email me

Wednesday April 26, 2006 - 12:27AM EDT

Had a post that I wanted to write about the recent immigration stir-up. But I am tired and will get back to it tomorrow. The question is can you guess where I will go with this?

Kinsmen - comments(0) - email me

Sunday April 23, 2006 - 10:59AM EDT

A self-described agnostic born into a Sunni Muslim family, Zeyad reacted angrily in 2003 when the then interior minister announced that people found eating in public during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan would be detained for three days and fined.

"I wanted to kill someone after reading all that," Zeyad wrote. "Free country my ass." - full article

I found this article this morning. I love that little snippet. A blogger of similar ilk.

Screw - comments(3) - email me

Sunday April 23, 2006 - 12:30AM EDT

Raining. At home. Finishing myself off tonight with screwdrivers. The vodka and oj kind. I wish I had more vodka though. I need to drink more alchohol. I feel depressed. At least my projects are coming along well.

Stone faced fireplace - comments(0) - email me

Friday April 21, 2006 - 7:29PM EDT

Days are getting warmer and warmer and that is good. I hate the cold. Although I do like snowboarding. I'll be glad when the new Planet Fitness opens up. Closer than Bally's and open 24 hours. Projects are coming along well. Making decent progress.

Warmer nights - comments(1) - email me

Thursday April 20, 2006 - 12:22AM EDT

Nights are getting warmer, which is good. Still bored though in this house alone. Need to do some work. Need to do a lot of things. I'm tired time for sleep.

What the hell - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday April 18, 2006 - 12:25AM EDT

Haven't posted in a while but I just keep reading about something I need to blast. Why in the hell is ethanol being promoted as some kind of energy answer. That stuff really pisses me off. First of ethanol cars are no more energy effecient than gasoline. In fact they are probably less. So any per gallon savings are gone right away. That is the key though, effeciency, not where the energy comes from. Some assclowns are looking at this as a way to reduce foreign petroleum dependency. Such thinking is weak and shortsighted. Energy consumption is a world issue. The short term problems of where it comes from need to be overlooked. There are serious long term problems that aren't really so long term with world energy consumption. As various nations develop it is going to get worse. Ethanol is some losers pipe dream. It isn't even a pipe dream it is a dellusion. There are already problems with crop water consumption now. What happens when we need to all of a sudden grow all this freaking corn to make ethanol for our cars. This is so stupid, I can't believe any takes ethanol seriously.

Done - comments(0) - email me

Thursday April 13, 2006 - 2:09AM EDT

Got exactly what I needed to get done today done. Billing software is setup and ready to go. Still a matter of configuring it, but that will go in tandmen with other configuration. So today was  productive day. Tomorrow I have something I need to get done and I'll see if I can finish it. Hopefully yes.  If I do I will  be right on schedule with things and back to better effeciency. Still on track to have service stable by the end of the month so I will be ready for real promotion starting in May.  Things are looking good.

Work work work - comments(0) - email me

Tuesday April 11, 2006 - 11:58PM EDT

So much work lately. Things are starting to pile up. Need to pace myself a little better and calm down. Things will get done so worrying about them not getting done won't help. Need to find that calm that I used to. Too much work lately has messed that up. I have so many projects going on right now. I find that if I pace myself things will get done. Just organize my work so that certain days are devoted to certain projects and it will get done.  I often get out of that mode though and then I become ineffecient. Or I try to do too much in a day. Then wind up doing nothing the next few days after. I still have plenty of time left this month to stabilize all my projects and be ready for a summer of focus on the web hosting service. Finding that calm is important. I am more effecient and can get more done when I am calm. ALright well tonight I need sleep. So it will be an early night.

It just hit me - comments(0) - email me

Thursday April 6, 2006 - 7:51PM EDT

Quick post. I was just trying to get myself started on finishing up a website project so I just started working even though I really wasn't motivated to. Had my massive music collection playing in the background. Then it just hit me, the motivation and a sense of euphoria. That sense that I get everyone once and a while. That sense that is like drugs. Louis Armstrong Oh What a Wonderful world was the song playing. Now I am ready.

Sunny and chilly - comments(0) - email me

Thursday April 6, 2006 - 5:45PM EDT

Sunny day today. Looks awesome. But it is still rather chilly. 50 degrees is not warm enough. I need 70 or higher. I feel so directionless today. I have work today but it is very slow going. I'll finish by the end of the day but I should have finished sooner. I just have no motivation to do anything. I keep thinking about studying languages. I really need to get back into that. Sure I read a few things here and there to slow the detrioration but I need to build up. I can't force it though. I'll get motivated soon enough. I need a haircut.

Stone facade around the fireplace - comments(2) - email me

Wednesday April 5, 2006 - 12:49AM EDT

Here I am sitting. A little tired. Got  a decent amount of work done. Will do more tomorrow. Sent off the invoices I needed to.  Sleep time.