Thursday October 20, 2005 - 11:25AM EDT
Coca-Cola 3Q Earnings Soar to $1.28B
I wonder how this works? Where do those earnings go? I am guessing it is pure profit after all cost of running the business are paid. Don't know how much debt the company carries so that is another question. But I think about what they are going to do with that money. Grow the business? In what way? More unhealthy softdrinks? Who knows and why should they be responsible. That is just it. Private businesses have no responsibility towards the people. None whatsoever. Their responsibility is simply to not break the laws. But laws are so convoluted with loopholes that they can often eschew that. They care about the bottom line. When I hear some people say you need to make it a business to make it successful I cringe. I am talking about the people who think everything needs to be a private business to run properly or be successful. You know those people. You run into them at least once in your lifetime.