Tuesday May 10, 2005 - 4:28PM EDT
You know how some people I'd like to call idiots, use the word hella in front of other words for emphasis. Well I propose that people use the word turbo in front of words for emphasis. For instance turbo hot(in the weather sense) would mean you could cook eggs on the sidewalk. Turbo ugly is pretty self explanatory. Turbo dumb would imply brain function lower than that of a fetus. Have fun.
Tuesday May 10, 2005 - 3:52AM EDT
Anyone would, but it will be a simple task for me to make the blog accesible from cell phone web browsers. I'll do it just for... what the fuck is this what my life is? Upgrading my got damn blogging software. Got damn that is the definition of loser. Holy shit what I am doing with myself!?! Upgrading blogging software and going to movies. That is it. I am so pathetic shoot me in the head. But I say this everyday and yet nothing changes I just do the same thing and any attempts to alter that fail and wind up sucking ass. Right now I am trying to think about what I will do to change things up tomorrow. Nothing. What can I do? I go to work for first 8 hours then after that what? Come home jump rope, perform various housekeeping task, work on software, go to gym, shower, eat, work on software some more, blog, then sleep. Weekend is much the same except replace going to work with working on software and going to movies. I got to get a girlfriend or something. It is unhealthy for someone my age to spend all this time alone working on software. I become warped and megolomaniacal (more so than usual). Although I don't dread facing the day anymore or even the repetitive grind it is the futility of any attempts to enrich my life with something other than software and studying that angrys up my blood(or sucks the life out of me, either way it is tautological in my opinion). Fuck you Joe-bu.
Tuesday May 10, 2005 - 2:56AM EDT
Realized that my current job is from a craigslist posting. Ha! Damn fools.
Monday May 9, 2005 - 4:28PM EDT
To post at work I like a fellow blogger's method of making one in notepad then copying it later to the blog. So that is what I am doing now. This weather is awesome to the MAX. At my current job I am content with them wasting time and me not doing much except for a few odd helper things here and there. I could care less whether I finish the project. All I know is that come mid June I am going to Venezuela whether they like it or not. It is not my fault they hired a contractor and had him sit around and do nothing for 4 weeks. It is kind of like MBNA but at least I don't have to deal with weak-ass posturing and people arguing over what needs to be done. Here, I am just waiting for information that should have been gathered before I came if they knew it was going to take a few weeks. Maybe it is because the commute is so short I don't have time to think about how much I hate the job. I am going to add picture upload and wap posting to the blogging software today. I gotta move by the winter I can't take another cold season.
There are 4 software projects I am working on and possibly a 5th. Also there are 2 other minor software projects that are linked to sites that I already work on. Why do I keep saying that, ehh... whatever. I am just sitting here. There is custom e-commerce software I want to finish before I go to Venezuela. Also there is a flash website I need to finish by the end of the month. I'll start working on the sketches this week.
Now that it is warm this week. I am going to try and do rope early in the morning. One thing that the job has forced me to do which I like is wakeup early. I even wake up early on the weekends. I get much more done that way. I'll need a new laptop before I go to Venezuela so that I can work on stuff over there. Really there won't be a lot to do most of the time so I might as well work on software. I want a 15-inch Powerbook or a comparable PC. Nah actually I want something with MacOS just so I have the three major OSs covered (Windows, Unix/Linux, MacOS). This may be a huge oversimplification but MacOSX is like BSD with the world's best GUI. They used BSD as the base for the OS and integrated their world-class gui (which since the begining of desktop guis has always been the best). You can sort of make a analogy to GNU/Linux with Gnome(or KDE, now if someone could make Gnome or KDE function and look as good as the MacOSX interface that would be an accomplishment, actually I think it has been done) When I look at screenshots of the new Windows Longhorn GUI it is for sure better than XP but still is no comparison to OSX. I just feel like they could do much better. But I will reserve final judgment until it officially debuts. Its funny though, I think the OSX Dock was inspired at least partly from the Windows Start Bar which itself was a copy of MacOS standard top menu bar. Windows has a Dock too, it is called the quick launch bar. Except it is much crapier looking. Not sure what was first though, the quick launch or the Dock. Who cares, I just want to build a spaceship
Holy shit I am bored. I can't wait to get home to jump rope and work on websites. I love broccoli and eat tons of it. I need to buy a steamer so I can steam it at home. BroccoliAlso I need the steamer for other steamed vegetables. If fast food places sold steamed broccoli i'd be there all the time. I want a fast food place that specializes in flash steaming raw vegtables and fresh fruits. Baked sweet potatoe slices would be nice. I'm hungry right now and all I want is steamed broccoli, baked sweet potatoe slices and a side of cantelope or strawberries.
Almost time to go 1hr left. Been keeping this blog since after lunch. 40 minutes left. 37 minutes left. 35 minutes left. The quality of the recent best-of postings on craiglist took a huge dive. Most of them sucked, they were mainly just nasty pee and dooky stories.
Monday May 9, 2005 - 11:52AM EDT
I am almost done packaging my blogging software. Just a few more minor things to do and it will be done.
It is almost unbelievable at the lack of things that happen at work. I have nothing real to complain about.
I have couple web updates I need to finish for outside work. But other than that I've been doing a lot of work on the software's new version. I've worked out the final technical details to super-easy implementation. I need to get my test server back up and running so that I can put the software on the test server so that I can show the web hosting company it is use so that they can use it so that many people can see it in action so that everyone will want to use it. I also have a wicked cool new idea for version 2 of the software. It will track click-through stats (not sure why I didn't implement this in the first place) and also allow a flipping awesome function that will first start off with dictionary lookup, but could be taken to an awesome new level in web-based UI design.
I need a flipping haircut and a shave. I came into work looking like a disgrace. Went to try and get a cut this weekend but the barber was sick. Maybe I need to find a new barber? That could be difficult. But I usually do this at most jobs, come into work looking disheveled half the time. Yet I have never been reprimanded for poor appearance. Even on interviews I never dress all that well. I've never worn shorts, but I did wear sandals one time. I'm hungry. My hand is still sore but I should be able to lift light.
Sunday May 8, 2005 - 1:59AM EDT
I saw Kingdom of Heaven. Ehh.. It was dissapointing to say the least. As Orlando Bloom's first leading role whoever wrote the screenplay didn't give him enough to do. Literally Bloom had and average of 2 lines per scene. His character barely spoke and when he did it was simplistic one or two line answers to questions asked by others. Troy is looking a whole lot better in comparison to the recent crap stash of period war/adventure pics. As for Kingdom of Heaven I don't know what went wrong with this picture. Bad screenplay most likely. Despite the competent acting and high production values this movie just couldn't make much of itself. First it needed more background on exactly what the crusades were. I think that most people know of the crusades but don't know exactly what they were all about. The movie needed more detail on that issue. Second, the lead character needed to be filled out more. All we really got to know of him is that he seemed to be a reluctant leader. It was such a weak lead character for a movie that involves leading troops to battle. Also there was no strong female character in the movie. I think a strong female character can serve to round out a main male lead. But the relationship between the two wasn't explored in any depth and it essentially became an afterthought. It had potential though it just was never realized.
I think I got a buzz from Sudafed. I had the worst sinus headache so I picked up some generic sudafed. I almost never take over-the-counter medicine but the headache was really annoying and painful. Ever since taking it, I've been feeling slow. It did make my headache go away completely though.
Friday May 6, 2005 - 11:19AM EDT
Didn't go to work today as I am ill.
Friday May 6, 2005 - 9:56AM EDT
This article describes the recent finger found in custard incident. The most shocking thing is not the incident but that the man who found the finger only 30 minutes after the accident refused to give the finger back to allow doctors to reattach the finger. How fucking disgusting is that. I hope that man goes to prison or gets sued. This guy who found the finger is talking about brining a lawsuit and he wouldn't give some guy who accidently cut his finger off a chance to save his finger. What a fucking loser. Here is a brief tidbit from the article
"It's a mystery how that customer can live with himself after he refused to return the finger so that doctors might try to reattach it," said an editorial Thursday by the Star-News of Wilmington.
Clarence Stowers is the loser's name. He must be profoundly retarded or something, that is the only acceptable explanation. Nah, that would be an affront to those that are profoundly retarded.
Friday May 6, 2005 - 12:40AM EDT
Studies show that men who are alone (single, widower, assasin) die earlier than men who are not. My birthday is coming up and I'd like a spiffy new coffin (no funeral).
Friday May 6, 2005 - 12:08AM EDT
Pretty I will laugh at your jokes no matter how bad they are.
Thursday May 5, 2005 - 10:06PM EDT
I was just thinking. Somone should add the Bittorent protocol into Firefox. That would be clutch, for sure. There are a lot of other people who feel the same, just do a google search on Firefox and Bittorent together. I just don't want a plugin I want it part of the core, that would be clutch, for sure.
Thursday May 5, 2005 - 10:01PM EDT
Once more I want to call out those people who want to try and debunk evolution in favor of intelligent design. Or as they say "have more criticism of evolution". I don't see how any reputable scientest could ever support the ludicrous assertions of intelligent design. Where is Clarence Darrow when you need him.
Thursday May 5, 2005 - 6:08PM EDT
I want to blog about work. But honestly, less goes on there than me sitting in my room all day. This is the most exciting thing that happened today. Co-worker comes back from vending machine and asks the following question to the rest of the group.
What kind of change do you expect to get back when you put a dollar bill in a change machine?
If you are perplexed by the utter simplicity and vagueness of this question then you are not alone. So I say four quarters, another person says 3 quarters a nickel and two dimes. This goes on for a solid two minutes with various suggestions being thrown out. My co-worker persists with the original question as if our answers aren't satisfying him. He then says yeah all those are what YOU WOULD EXPECT and then slams down a gold sacajawea dollar coin on the table. Draw your own conclusions from that anecdote because I can't seem to find any.
Thursday May 5, 2005 - 5:49PM EDT
I don't smoke the weed. But I am sick and tired of "its the gateway drug" arguement. What a load of garbage. Moreover, all of these studies are commisioned that seem prove the fact. Is marijuana more dangerous than cigarettes? Why don't they apply the same logic of those studies to alcohol, now there is a dangerous drug. How many drunk driving deaths are there per year, damn fools. The studies seem to have a distortedly biased view of marijuana for some odd reason. Maybe it is not the studies but those that use information from them that use them improperly. If those who cite such studies were as gung-ho about alcohol and tobbaco abuse then their points would make sense, but they don't. Also I hate those that cite stastistics too often. How many times have you heard that some stastics were wrong because of new information or improper initial analysis.
Its is about time for some more Clarence Darrow's, Ralph Nader's and Martin Luther King's to talk sense in to people, it has been too long since.
Wednesday May 4, 2005 - 2:05AM EDT
I'm making quite good on my transition from complaining slacker. Work isn't really a source of angst, I do what work needs to be done on my website projects at a steady pace and I am not sleeping all the time. Though I usually get an 1.5 hour nap during the day sometime. I just wish it was warmer. Started to feel a cold come today so I felt like garbage all day, so much so that I didn't go to the gym. Hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow. The really sore throat is the most annoying part. Also not being able to lift heavy because of the wrist injury is annoying.
I do sort of wish things were a bit more lively at work. Office workers are typically nuetered losers so it is nothing surprising. Of course me working in an office makes me one of these losers.
Tuesday May 3, 2005 - 6:36PM EDT
I just walked into the house unbelievably exhausted from a full day at work of doing nothing. That's not true, I read a lot of code and craigslist so it wasn't like I was staring into space the whole time. I go into work looking like a mental patient. Unshaven, hair matted and unkept. If it weren't for the collared shirt and slacks you'd probably think I was homeless. Then again I always look like that, ha. No, but really, I do need a haircut. I cut my tongue on a cough drop. I really did, no joke, try and figure that one out, it will keep you busy for a few hours at work.
Monday May 2, 2005 - 11:57PM EDT
I am about to trek to the diner for some food. I saw a bunch of movies this weekend, wait I went over that already. I saw Kung Fu Hustle, it was funny. My laptop screen hinge broke and now I want a Powerbook. Work is moving along, nothing exciting there but also nothing annoying either. It is simple and easy. Going to Venezuela soon for about a month. I wanted to life heavy again this week, but my lingering hand injury from dodgeball is still painfull with heavy weights. It may be a few weeks before it is back to normal. Still want to move to west coast. But that may not be until the winter now. I got nothing else to say.
Sunday May 1, 2005 - 10:26PM EDT
It seems that My Meals is what people want to see pictures of. I will deliver. If you want to see a lot of oatmeal with blueberries, baby spinach, bannanas and chicken then your in for a treat. First I need to find my tripod.
So this not being a slacker thing is a little weird. Strange to wake up before noon on a weekend without prior obligations. For the record I woke up at 8am. I also actually got a bunch of website updates done during a time at which I usually veg-out. It is like the twilight zone. Still a mountain of work to do, but when I take a step back it really isn't all that much and I'll get it done pretty fast during the week. Thinking about fully GPLing the software. I figure it is probably the best thing to do. Haven't worked on the software in about a week, but that is no big deal.
Saw a bunch of movies this weekend. I am hungry.
Sunday May 1, 2005 - 9:20AM EDT
Saw Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy yesterday and XXX 2. Guide was good XXX was as expected. I read the book way back in middle school. I just read the weirdest review of guide. It was a bad review but it was so short that you think the reviewer didn't actually watch the movie. Very little analysis in the review, mainly just generalizations that could have come from watching the trailer.
Friday April 29, 2005 - 7:27PM EDT
I have decided to stop being a slacker. 23.9 years is about enough. I have come to this decision after much thought. I've been keeping a regular workout schedule and I have a 9-5 job now so I think the transition is a natural one. I'm over the complaining slacker phase of my life time for action.