Friday June 17, 2005 - 3:37PM EDT
I had Vietnamese for lunch. Charbroiled chicken with spring rolls over noodles and vegetables. It was solid. That place has excellent food, high quality dishes by my meager standards. All the dishes I've had there have been excellent. I have to return some things to the store today. I think I found a spa near my house. I'll have to check it out.
Friday June 17, 2005 - 12:17PM EDT
I don't feel like doing shit today at work. I have a few things to do and I'll get them done. I was just thinking that I've actually learned some good stuff here and hopefully it will help me get a better job. Funny part is that I started at this job by basically faking XSLT skills. I had never done any and I told them I had because that is what they were looking for. I had read some breif articles on it but not many and that was it. Now after thoroughly impressing them with my XSLT programming I am pretty good at it now. I just learned it online as I was doing various projects for them. I also have decent knowledge of Cocoon, Ant and Tomcat now. So this job served a good purpose. I've built up some cash, bought a new laptop and learned a few new technologies that will hopefully help in getting a better paying contract gig next time. Fuck, I should be able to command top dollar for my skills. You just don't find someone who has so many skills in so many areas easily. And who is a "good employee". I wish I could say I won't work except for a certain price. But fucking job market prevents that shit. What normally happens is that companies hire the cheapest fuck to do something and when they fuck it up because they haven't a clue companies waste even more money than if they hired the competent more expensive consultant. I am trying to be that competent more expensive consultant. I haven't wasted most of my life stuying computers so that I can be paid like your average college grad slimeball or ITT Tech loser. While those bastards where serving up hotdogs in high school I was repairing Fortune 500 president's computers (actaully I only did that once when I worked at Smith Kline on summer).
I'm 24. I've be doing consulting for companies for 10 solid years now. I wan't to be paid like a fucking 10 year veteran not a fucking 2 year fresh faced college grad fuckface. Those fuckers at MBNA who ran things were dumb as hell. Not everybody just a few of them they know who they are. To them I was just some noob. Fucking bastards I've probably been working with computers twice as long as most of those fucks. I was born with a fucking keyboard under my arm. Even when I was a noob entering the corporate work force (10 years ago) I was still just as technically compentant as any of the vets that I worked with. Of course I learned a lot from them as I've always worked with people willing to share experience and knowledge which is good. I've also worked with some assholes who like to hide everything (read MBNA).
I should be being paid so much right now that I could pay off my loans in a few months, with cash. This is bullshit man. Do you know how many empty nights I spent in middle school, high school and college figuring out some random computer shit. That shit is supposed to pay off now. Well I'm still getting fucked (actually I'm not which is another issue). I shouldn't have to live in my parents house to save money. I should be paying for their houses. Side note: sometime after I graduated college my parents suddenly had lots of disposable income that they never seemed to have before. Sure they have better jobs now, but damn, are kids that much of a drain on finances? Back to my displeasure with my current job situation. Where was I? Oh yeah I should be getting much more money. I don't even want a lot of money. Just enough to live comfortably with adaquate healthcare and maybe enough to make a small independent movie every now and then. And fund scientific reaserach and eventually build a spaceship and become a space bounty hunter. The rest would go to funding the education of all the people of the world so that no one ever has to pay to go to school at any level (schools that teach science not that mysticism garbage except as in a historical context).
This is bullshit. Side note: The recent destruction of "informal homes" by the Zimbabwe government is disgusting. It is like a scene from a fucking movie and no one is doing shit about it. All the talk is about debt relief while a quarter million people's houses were burned to the ground and they were left for the wolves to eat. I'm not concerned though. Usually if you are going to tear down homes you build some high rise rats nests for people to live in or at least have a plan to build someplace for these people to live.
Back to my problems screw them for now. This is bullshit. I'm hungry. I had indian yesterday. I'm down to a 3 resturant rotation. Idian, sushi/japanese, curry/vietnamese. This is bullshit. I should be commanding a higher salary. How does that saying go "God helps those that help themselves". Yeah I know I've ranted on the whole god thing before, but it is not going to stop me from using a clutch saying like that. I have to stop saying "clutch" that shit is turbo stupid. This is bullshit. I'm sick of this crappy low paying work flanked by slack jawed trogolodytes and knuckle dragging cro-magnons. I would accept low paying if I liked what I did but this shit isn't interesting. This shit is bullshit. Which reminds me I have to learn Final Cut Pro. I need to go someplace different for lunch. This is bullshit man. Why am I sitting in this office picking my ass? This is bullshit.
Friday June 17, 2005 - 12:15AM EDT
I am watching CN8 nitebeat and some reporter is lambasting Intelligent Design and the recent Kansas shennanigans. Freaking awesome, he called those Intelligent Desing morons Taliban like in their intepretation of the bible. He called the criticism of evolution in favor of intelligent design a travesty. Awesome.
I'm tired now.
Thursday June 16, 2005 - 10:08PM EDT
We lost our ultamite game today. Not a good showing by anybody. A lot of poor throws. I did play much better defense but I dropped 3 or 4 easy points so it nullified my good defense. I feel like we should have won if I had just hung on to those easy scores. We were down a few key players and definately need a few more younger legs. The team we played was stacked with players under 28 and very fast. Although I was still the fastest man on the field by a good margin. Yeah thats right I am fast as hell, what you going to do about it? Didn't help much today as we were missing some good throwers who can usually nail me deep. It was also windy too which played tricks with the disc. I wish I had a game everyday I don't want to stop playing sometimes. I don't even feel that tired, in fact I feel energized. I want to play another game. I'm hungry.
Thursday June 16, 2005 - 3:21PM EDT
I've done maybe 10 minutes of work today. 10 minutes tops, probably less. I did too much yesterday and now I am bored again. I feel nauseous. Sitting here at work it making me feel nauseous. I want to vomit all over the place right now. Not because I want to befoul the workplace because I feel nauseous and my stomach is playing tricks on me. I just looked up the word nauseous and apparently the way I use it is incorrect. Nauseous means "causing nausea" not "affected with nausea". Although the way I use it is the way most people use it, which is an incorrect usage. The funniest part about it is that the correct usage of the word is being replaced by "nauseating". So basically the correct usage of the word "nausea" is almost never used and the word meaning is changing to the incorrect usage. I want to go home, there is nothing else for me to do today. I am leaving at 4:30pm. I only took a half-hour lunch anyway. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am so bored. I can't sit still anymore. Good think I have an ultamite game, I am full of piss and vinegar. I just realized that this place has terrible database design. Can I find a place that implements competent database design? Does anyone know how to design a database? This is ridiculous. I think it is the result of someone who didn't know database design principles setting it up. I think people look at Access and think hey this is easy to use then fuck it up royaly Good database architechts must be hard to find or something.
Designing a good database is a very conceptual process. It isn't very mathematical although some would like to treat it like that. Sure there is mathematics that form the foundation but you have to visualize data and how it is going to be used if you want a good database design. I think most people here are programmers and db administrator types because the piss poor db design doesn't reflect expertise in relational data modeling strategies. Which is sad because they have really competent people and good front end systems but this crappy-ass db structure must be a hinderance.
Thursday June 16, 2005 - 12:27PM EDT
I just want to get up and leave work right now. Today is particularly agravating. I have some stuff to do, very little though. Overall though I am tired of this place. There is nothing to complain about really it is just so boring. Only 1 more week left anyway then I am done. Not sure whether I will return or not. I'll try and do the sleep study for some cash when I come back.
Just read this litte article about Dell and Mac OSX. This is one of the scenarios that I discussed in a previous post. Buttpirates can argue whatever for whatever side and have fun with it. But if Apple would get off its niche market high horse and go mass market it could dent the Microsoft market share. If Apple allowed Dell to sell computers with Mac OSX I would say Mac OSX could easily get up to a 20% market share within a few years. I think they are setting themselves up to compete with Longhorn directly on the same hardware platform. It will be an epic battle and a good one if Apple decides to take the on the challenge. But Jobs and his pansy-ass will probably squirel back to his elitist rhetoric and shrink away from a head on challange with Microsoft. They have nothing to lose really, their market share is so fucking small and loyal that they will never lose those customers by taking on Longhorn. They have everything to gain. Become more of a software company and leave their own hardware for the niche market. Unless they don't think their OS can cut it. I can't see how it doesn't make good business sense to license their OS especially now that it will use the same hardware as most PCs. I just don't think they will lose that much of the hardware market share. They make more money on their IPOD anyway and the money from the software would be much greater than anything they evermade on their hardware. Besides they have some really good software like Final Cut, DVD Studio, the iLIfe apps that would make it a compelling choice for a consumers to use Mac OSX. I just don't get it. Microsoft has already proven that software is where the money is when they kicked IBM's hardware loving asses back in the 80's. Why in the hell is Apple still so tied to its hardware. Sure their computers look cool, but it is their OS that is the real gem. Honestly if they don't license to a company like Dell or HP, which has the money and power to not be intimidated by Microsoft then the switch to Intel chips would seem to be relatively worthless. Sure there are manufacturing gains the Intel provides that could make their computers cheaper and supposedly better power managment on the mobile pentium chips but other than that there isn't much. It would make the move to Intel chips a small move and nothing major. Licensing Mac OSX to PC makers on the other hand would be the best move. And I hope they do it. Maybe Jobs doesn't want to tip his hand yet and is keeping it mum until next year. I think if the license to PC manufacturers like Dell they could still enjoy their niche ultra-premium segment of buyers who like their cool look of their computers. I would say the gains of licensing Mac OSX outweigh any losses on the hardware side. Again I come back to Microsoft and how it has already shown that licensing software is how to do it. Besides finnally having an OS to compete with Windows on the same platform would be good for the industry. No Linux is not even close to competing with Windows, it is a piss poor desktop OS compared to Windows and Mac OSX. Linux may eventually get there and maybe the entrance of Mac OSX may help it along. Windows and Mac OSX finally competing against each other on the same platform would be awesome. It would make both operating systems better and hopefully advance OS design greatly. It would be a test of who can make the fastest, most secure and best looking OS. The seperation of platforms that exists today relieve a lot of that pressure from both Apple and Microsoft so that they can both be somewhat lax in OS innovation and can move at their own pace because they really are not competing on exactly the same playing fields. I am really hungry now. Fuck I want to go home.
Funny thing, there is a new contractor here and it has been a few days and already I can see someone getting annoyed with this person. Even though I don't like working and do nothing most of the time, when someone gives me work to do I do it and usually do it well. The reason I have nothing to do most of the time is because when I get work I actually do it and don't fuck around (most of the time). I think that I am a good employee, I just don't like working for THE MAN and bending over everyday to take it in the ass.
Wednesday June 15, 2005 - 11:59PM EDT
Came home from the gym tonight walked in the house and didn't even want to turn on the light. Didn't want to turn on the light to illuminate the empty house and my empty life. Pathetic. Pathetic it is. I keep saying I have to change this garbage but basically I wake up and continue with this same garbage everyday.
Funniest episode of Seinfeld is on right now. It is the one where Kramer is acting for med students and Elaine finds out Putty is a Christian and George is trying showmanship by leaving on a high note. The episode is full of laughs, there is a good joke every second. Definately one of the best episodes.
Wednesday June 15, 2005 - 9:26PM EDT
We've all seen M.C. Hammer's credit commercials. Well I just saw the funniest one yet. I love how he he shamelessly makes fun of his rise and subsequent fall from the top. It is hilarious and awesome. I respect that man more than I ever have before.
Right now I am watching Curt Weldon on MSNBC rave like a madman about terrorist conspiracy theories. He sounds like David Icke. Mr. Weldon did say a few things that did have validity. Such as saying the Iranian people didn't like a certain leader and they were not happy with the government.
It is interesting to see how level headedness, clear thoughts and good ideas get mixed in with so much rhetoric and emotionally charged nonsense. I am a master of doing that shit. Gym time.
Wednesday June 15, 2005 - 7:24PM EDT
I was just thinking. How in the hell is someone going to tell me that some fucker who lived over 2000 years ago died for my sins. I am talking about this character called Jesus Christ. How fucking ridiculous does that sound. First of all sins is a subjective judgment on things you do. So there are problems from the get go. Then to purport that I owe something to this person. Holy shit those people are crazy. Ehh it doesn't bother me really. The world is still in transition from mysticism to science. The two are not parallel field as some like to think. Science is the progression from mysticism. I am hoping mysticism will finally be passed by in another 50 years maybe 100. I think right now we stand at a 50/50 mix of the two with things trending towards science. That is why the pope is still around but is an insignificant person on the world stage except to Christians.
I don't like religious headgear. It is like wearing a sports uniform and going out to compete on the pitch. It is an overt statement of allegiance to a group coupled with a subcoinscious bias and maybe more precisely a desire to destroy or quelch anyone that opposes you. Religious dress worn as everyday attire is an agressive statement no matter how innocous it may seem. Why does one wear religious dress instead of the common fashion of the time. Of course in previous time it may have been the common fashion but not anymore. The various esoteric reasons for wearing religious dress hold as much weight as the reason jeans seem to never go out of style. I don't know why some choose to wear that stuff and are mad when people have strong reactions to it. It is agressive to wear such clothing so don't be surprised when you get an agressive response. I do like the sikh turban though I find that quite stylish.
With that said I think it mainly applies to young people. With older generations I'll give them the benifits of the doubt. But to see young people roped into such nonsense and defend it vehemetly is sad. It is not even worth argueing over.
Wednesday June 15, 2005 - 4:45PM EDT
Batman comes out today. Maybe I will check it out after going to the gym or something. Blargh.
Wednesday June 15, 2005 - 4:44PM EDT
I had something called sate sauce with chicken for lunch. It is like the curry dishes I ate before but the sauce is slightly different. Actually had some work to do today, which is amazing. Maybe about 2-3hrs worth. Astonishing truly it is.
Wednesday June 15, 2005 - 1:22AM EDT
First regular season ultamite game today. We won by one point. It was a solid game and our oppenents were probably one of the better teams in the league. I had a decent game scored 33% of the team points and had a few defenses. I did get scored on a few times that I shouldn't have. Mainly because of hesitation. I always use hesitation to bait the thrower into throwing it, then use my acceleration to make an interception. It works about half the time but occasionaly I'll get burned for a point. Another game on Thursday and I won't get burned for any more points. I am in good shape, my stamina is better than the first game and I think I have all my speed back. I'll get faster as the season progresses though. My quickness is there though. That is how I can beat most people if I don't just outrun them. What the fuck was that. Why am I writing about how fast I can run and hesitation moves.
I like zombie movies. I really do a lot. The whole apocolyptic edge of a few people against an army of undead is cool. Some zombie movies suck but there is a standard formula that is hard to screw up.
Here sitting 1:20am Wednesday morning and there is still nothing.
Tuesday June 14, 2005 - 12:23PM EDT
Does anyone below the age of 40 do work at the office. I don't think so. There doesn't even need to be speculation about those aged 30 and younger, they are required to not do any real work at the office. When I say that coporations are 95% ineffecient I mean it. Like today for instance. I arrived at 9:45am (i've been arriving progressively later and later, that happens after about 3 months on the job) and promptly begin browsing the web. The usual, news, email, craigslist. I've done in total about 3 minutes of work today. I'll probably finish up the day totaling at leat 5 maybe 6 minutes of real work. I honestly can't believe that corporation haven't figured out that their structure is horrendous and they waste 95% of their manpower. The idea of going into an office to complete tasks need to be relegated to the cellar. Most of the time you just sit around picking your ass. I can pick my ass at home. Who came up with this bullshit of going into an office for 8hrs a day to sit in a chair and do tasks. I hate this crap and so does everyone else.
Tuesday June 14, 2005 - 11:16AM EDT
Another boring workday. Almost forgot about new craigslist. Now I have something to do.
Tuesday June 14, 2005 - 1:44AM EDT
Somebody found my website by searching for the term "live8 crap". Someone also found my site searching for the term "lightrelief does it work". Lightrelief was that ridiculous LED thing I saw on a infomercial one night and had to debunk. For the record all it does is produce heat from its LEDs. There is nothing special about the heat and any hot rag, hot water bottle or hot gel pack would have the same effect.
Tuesday June 14, 2005 - 12:32AM EDT
As expected Michael Jackson was acquitted. I've saved myself the headache of listening to or reading about "reaction" to the verdict. The prosecutor probably picked the worst plantiff he could have found. No one will ever know whether he did it or not. You can speculate but you can never be sure. Even those that know him have made similar statments. So when I hear people say "oh yeah he's guilty" or "there is no way he did it" I want to kick them in the face. Not only does the general public not know all the facts, even with what little we have and his history of strange behavior how could anyone know for sure one way or the other.
In other news I got the replacement LCD TV today. Ultamite game tomorrow. Should be clutch. New best of craigslist was put up. Now I will have something to read at work this week. I haven't been looking for jobs like I usually do on craigslist. I figure I will start that again when I get back from Venezuela. Maybe I can find something interesting by 2006. And by that time I will have had more time with the projects to see what happens there.
Monday June 13, 2005 - 4:36PM EDT
You know what I hate? Everything. Just so you are aware. I'm hungry again. I'll eat a cantalope when I get home.
Monday June 13, 2005 - 1:34PM EDT
I would say that I've been prone to my thoughts skewing to the thoguht that certain government organizations are out to get us. The whole conspiracy theory stuff. I'm pretty much over that garbage now. Although I still find them wholly very inefficient in doing a lot of things, the whole conspiracy theory crap is nonsense. First off is that the if there are things like that going on, they involve certain groups within an agency not the whole agency. Just a couple of morons trying to get away with something.
Just went to lunch, had sushi again. Can't even remeber what I was talking about. Screw it. For the moment I just don't want to eat foods at lunch with a lot of grease. That is why I've been doing the sushi and curry/noodle thing a lot. The curry has a fair amount of oil in it but it is not a greasy as a hamburger or something like that. I think the curry has a lighter grease than a hamburger that is why after I eat curry I don't want to rollover and die.
Maybe I will form a church called Mace Windu Part II: The Revenge of the Purple Light Saber. Reading about all that cult crap is spooky. How some people become unyielding ruthless sycophants who toady up to whatever cause is spooky.
Monday June 13, 2005 - 12:05PM EDT
I think I mentioned some parallel to early Christianity and Scientology. I want to retract that and say that Scientology is the most sinister of cults. That shit is crazy.
Monday June 13, 2005 - 11:40AM EDT
Looking through the various news stories this morning I find nothing of interest. I see no examples of idiocy that I want to waste time pointing out. There was one slipshod story on global warming probably written by a smoking monkey but it is not worth it to rail on that. Been there done that. What is considered good by the average person is extremely crappy in a lot of cases. Average person is has a fair amount of leeway for interpertation but you can make your own judgement. Sometimes I am floored by what people think is good. Its ludicrous. I am also very disappointed in the standards of intelligence that people like to follow. I don't consider going to an ivy league school or any top school to be an indication of your intelligence. I don't even consider your job no matter how complex it sounds to be an indication of intelligence. You can probably find some of the stupidest people in the world at a top school or designing buildings. What I think happens in the majority of cases is that a person is simply groomed for whatever they do. They simply do something all their life or are pushed in a certain direction. So what happens is when someone gets pushed or does something that is viewed as requiring "great intelligence" they are seen as intelligent. The opposite holds true in that when someone is pushed or does something that is viewed as requiring "no intelligence" they are seen as a dumb ass. I would wager that you'd find the same ratio of dumb-asses to smart people on GM assembly line as you would in a Lockheed engineering facillity.
You know what I fucking hate. Damn elitest science and scientests. They give science a bad fucking name. Damn clowns are too arrogant and see a small picture. Those kind of people are prime examples of real dumb-asses being seen as intelligent because of what they do. I hate those people probably more than I hate the real dumb-ass who acts like a dumb-ass. At least they aren't fronting. I'd love to take a challenge where I gather a group of people that are considered to be hopeless or dumb-asses in the general public view and give them the same training and access to knowledge as these elitest bastards and watch the so-called hopeless kick elite ass. I used ass a lot in those last few sentences. Damn I am hungry.
It will be a pretty boring day at work today. So I've been reading a little about Scientology from various sources. I would say some of the ideas they put forth may be worth exploring, such as their view on mental disorders and a few other things but holy fuck they take esoteric practices to the extreme. And talk about outrageous mythology. I though the Raelians had that sewn up. I was wrong. They completely ruin anything they have worth discussing with their weird-ass practices and rules. Their ways are even worse than the major religions because they haven't had a few hundred years for people to split into sub-groups and interpret things differently. What is most disturbing is the reverence of L. Ron Hubbard. Holy shit that is weird, he is like their Jesus or something. He was some lesser known author of the 60's or something who never did anything of note except come up with this Scientology stuff. Come to think of it, this is probably how the first Christians were viewed. It may be a similar case where the originators teachings have been bastardized over the years. Then again how in the hell do you bastardize that Scientology stuff. Who knows, maybe in a few hundred years Scientology will take over as the dominate asinine practice of human society.