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Business goals

Thursday May 4, 2006 - 4:46PM EDT

So the goals of most business is to make money, right? Even for many people in life money is that proxy for happiness or gateway to it. There are some who just want money in itself and value its symbolism but I suspect most just seek it for what money facillitates. They seek money for more practical reasons. Still though even those who attain great riches and try to give back through charity and other kinds of stuff seem to be misguided. You can go back and read my rants on charity being for suckers but this post is going to be a bit different.

Let's shift the focus back to businesses. I am really begining to find tiresome the litany of mega-business promoting various charities and ideas for the so-called improvement of society. They take far more from society through just the intrinsic structure of corporations than they can ever give back on the other end. I'd like to see a company really look at what they do from top to bottom. I mean absolutey everything including the trash they produce and even the electricity they consume. If somoene could make a model of a super effecient business entity it would be awesome. The way businesses operate needs to change. Its hard though probably. So much to consider already in just trying to be successful, adding trying to fundamentally change the rules on top of that would be very difficult. Since there seems to be no collective effort on the part of businesses, well maybe there is, but it is too slow for me, some compnay needs to step foward.  I'd like to see a company in which it puts forth its efforts to make all its employees as well-off as its most well-off employee. So take Microsoft for instance. I'm not saying it should try to make everyone like Bill Gates that would be damn near impossible. I am saying that maybe having such a large discrepency in the wealth heiarchy is not good. I suppose you can't force wealth heirachy on people like some kind of stallanist communist state but remeber what I said about money early. It is just a proxy or gateway. Somehow you have to change attitudes so that pure wealth is not seen as the gateway. Frankly because it isn't. I think you have to try and show people that there is another way that is doesn't come with the prerequistie of being poor and not having everything you need and even many things you just want. What is that other way though? Damned if I know. Damned if anyone knows. Just seems to me that the structure of things is counterintuitive to what that structure was intended to achieve.



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