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Thursday June 8, 2006 - 10:53PM EDT

Strange thing recently. So some terrorist leader was killed and first there was this jubilation from the press. When I looked at the first stories that seemed to signify this as a huge victory I thought what a bunch of fools. Then the white house and Rumsfeld made level headed statements to cool off the media fire to what this really meant. The most puzzling thing to me is how they released photos of the dead body's face. That is not something typically done in mainstream american media that I can remeber.  It just reminded me of how some terrorists like to parade the dead bodies of the people they kill. I guess the government is trying to provide proof or something. But to who I wonder? Those involved in Al Qaeda would know if one of their leaders was dead or not. The american public doesn't need pictures of bodies to prove someone was killed. Maybe pictures were leaked and the government didn't want to make a big deal about a leak. If this was a calculated plan to show the picture it seems like a really bad one. Seems that the government is bending to the rules of engagement of  to those of the terrorists. Then again I don't know the history of warfare well enough to make that assumption. Just seems like a terrible sign when people celebrate the dispatching of a single person. What happened to the honorable warrior allowing his vanquished enemy to vanish from existence knowing that there is no time for celebration of killing when there are much more important things to do. The fact that I have to even read about the president or others in the white house cautioning that a single man's death will not end the killing is disappointing.



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