Tuesday May 30, 2006 - 7:34PM EDT
Apple has those new commercials touting the reliability of its computers over windows. Well that is a load of hoo-haa. I've used both and while Windows users main disadvantage is having to deal with all the viruses and spyware out there the reliability of Windows XP to OSX is really not that big a difference if any at all. Recently my powerbook has been giving me all kinds of strange fucking headaches. Previously I used a used toshiba with windows XP for 4 years without nearly the trouble this mac had given me in just one year. Stuff like that will happen. Windows XP is pretty reliable, huge improvement over all previous generations of windows. They were awful compared to macintosh OS. I think it is a hardware problem. I am hoping my reinstall of OSX takes care of my woes though, because my warranty just ran out on the 19th of May, 11 days ago. That is a real pisser.