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Tuesday November 2, 2004 - 11:40PM EDT

As this election winds down, I am reminded how utterly meaningless it all is in the grand scheme of things. Pretty much anyone in power has yet to come to the realization that Earth can only support a finite number of humans based on today's technology and practices. The only way for humans to survive is to advance their technology and change their practices or we will all perish. Yet change is sufficiently slow enough that we could feasibly face catastophe in the next 200 years. I just keep waiting for the point of no return when we figure out we are doomed. To bad I won't be alive for that. Maybe it will never come, who knows?

On another note I still think about building a spaceship daily. As I have said before nothing unimpresses me more than my fellow humans. What a bunch of fucking losers. Overall the vast majority of people are pathetic, so much potential unrealized. I guess I am one of them but just because I am just as pathetic I am not going to go easy on everyone else. Harsh? Of course it is. What are humans going to do if we ever encounter another being that is more intelligent than us? That would be something. Humans have a sickening arrogance about themselves. Humans would rather recognize imaginary creations from their mind (see GOD) than the tangible affects of living on this earth. Frankly its kind of scary to watch TV and see commercials and TV programs with people praying to GOD and asking this creation to save their soul. All practicality is thrown out the window when it comes to religion in way too many cases. Crap I am tired, time to work on websites.



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