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Wednesday November 3, 2004 - 2:07PM EDT

I keep hearing the comment about whoever wins the presidency they will support them. This time it is not just me, that comment is a little weird. This is not the Soviet Union, we are not a dictatorship. Democracy doesn't end after election day. The great part about the United States is that you don't have to "suppport" whoever is in power, you can support whoever the fuck you please and wait until the next election to kick that person to the curb. Sure there is some type of symbolism and unity in that BS "support" statement, but I am sick of the BS statements. Those who didn't vote for the person in power obviously didn't support him so just because on one day 150 million people felt a certain way you have to support them. That is complete BS and it is a major problem. There is no constant struggle for progress and change, just a small battle every now and then while the majority of the time is just stagnant with inaction. Besides that support is garbage anyway, what invariably happens is that they will argue over who is right over the next 4 years and get nothing done.

Ralph Nader tells the situation like it is. The two political parties dominate and support a system that forces out new ideas and actual progress, for the personal gains of all involved. I just don't understand how the american people can be so bamboozled by these assclowns. Someone needs to give Ralph about 1 billion dollars to win an election. Ross Perot was able to get an unprecendented 20% of the popular vote and that clown was a bit kooky. Give Nader the same kind of money Dems and Rep had and he will win in a landslide. If someone just brought the real issues to the table with real ideas then who knows what would happen.

I am still counting on technology to be the equalizer, the United States will lose its top spot if it continues it neglegence of technology. Some people are still under the impression that the United States are #1 in technology. They must not be paying attetion to all the Indians in their engineering classes. It will be a pleasant day when someone finally overtakes the United States, it is about time the beast fell.



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