Guest Post
Thursday June 23, 2005 - 10:44PM EDT
I just had to put this up. It is a funny story from a guest blogger.
So, last night me, joe, and mack go to the oasis concert. I drank almost an entire bottle of Jim Beam. I wanted to save a little for when I got home. When I got to MSG, I played joe in sports trivia numerous times where he lost numerous times and therefore had to keep payuing for the next game, which was funny. At this point, Im hammered. We get to the concert, I had good seats but unable to find them. So, we stood in the back where I proceeded to take pictures of the crowd so I could show people what it was like there and whatnot. Next thing I hear, "don't take a picture of my girlfriend." I turn and see some guy giving me the middle finger---so i took that picture instead. He then said something and I said f-you of course and nothing happened. The night progressed nicely after that. On our way out of MSG down into penn station. I began singing wonderwall and Im not sure but I dont think many travelers were too impressed with my singing ability/skills. Then, I came upon a group of my sister's friends who happen to be at the concert and who I had met earlier on the trainride in. One individual made a few snide remarks that I didn't take very well and responded with obscenities and then he said he was going to F my sister, whereupon a chase insued. As I ran after the kid filled with rage and jim beam, I was stopped abruptly by your neighborhood policemen (5) and a dog. "What the F are you doing?" "Let me see your ID" "Sir, I was looking for the bathroom I have to go real bad thats why I was running" "THe F you were, let me see your ID, you drunk SOB" A few minutes go by and I stand there. People are talking but Im just wondering about how much trouble I would get in if I said something smart to the cop at this point. As I laughed in my head about how funny that would be, somehow I was able to supress it. "Your friend Mack is going to babysit you, dont let me see you again." "Yes officer, have a nice night officer (hand salute) (me running)" Oh you thought the story was over? No no no. Me and joe get back to westfield, and decide to grab a beer at the jolly trolly. Just missed last call. However, two pleasantly wasted girls sitting there. We talked. They gave me a ride home. Joe walked. Strange.