White CD case
Friday June 24, 2005 - 2:16PM EDT
I was thiking. If I had a few billion dollars lying around I would start a pilot program making all Philadelphia Septa buses hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. These corny pilot programs by Toyota and Honda for their fuel cell cars aren't nearly ambitious enough becaue no one wants to spend that much money on it. I'd dive right it. The goal would be to make all Philadelphia public buses and school buses use hydrogen fuel cells in 10 years. Then the whole wolrd's public buses and school buses in another 10 years after that. By this time fuel cell will be common and it will become the standard for powering any automobile. 20 years thats it. These bastards talking only 5% market share for fuel cell vehicle by 2020 is losertalk. They are playing loserball. High costs is a businessman's illusion. They cite it when they don't want to try too hard. I say stop being a bunch weak babies.