I gotta
Monday June 27, 2005 - 4:02AM EDT
Keep better track of my finances. I don't know how, but I am broke once again. Well not really, I still have a few thousand in the bank but once I pay my amex bill for the month and take out money for Venezuela I'm going to be down quite a bit. I keep track of everything in quicken. Buying the new computer took a big chunk out of me. I was able to sell the other pair of speakers which is good. June is the end of the 2nd quarter. Yes I've started to keep track of work and finances by quarters. I think 3rd quarter is going to be tight because I won't be working. But hopefully I can take advantage of the time to get things ready for a strong 4th quarter. That means finishing projects and preparing for website launches. I can do it. I have a good idea of where my focus needs to be. One thing I do have to do is get my clients organized better. I've gotten progressively better but I need to make a jump here if I am to be effecient at using my time. Going to try out this online software to manage that stuff that I heard is pretty good. I'll signup for the free trial first to see how it is and if I like it I guess I'll go head and pay the monthly fee.
It is going to be tough no doubt. To see if I can finally make enough doing the freelance thing and projects to live off of. I think I can. Having a better computer wasn't all that important but it certainly helps a lot. It increases productivity when I don't have to wait while the computer catches up while opening or manipulation huge picture files.
Now that I won't be working everyday this will be the first time since I declared myself not a slacker anymore that I will have my days free to work on projects. I have to fucking get it right this time. 9 projects I need to focus on. They are all of varying size. Actually one I will try to knockout tomorrow. Hopefully.