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Bad Week

Wednesday March 30, 2005 - 2:10AM EDT

This week has been horrible for working. The only thing I did of some substance was add comments to the blog(that took all of 30 minutes) other than that I've had a real lack of focus and working on websites has been going really slow. Everytime I sit down to do some work my mind wanders or I just feel like garbage. I've tried working in the quiet and with background music. Nothing. It is always a motivation thing, I hate playing these mental games all the time. Like right now, I've been staring at the screen trying to get an important website update done for the past 5hrs and I got nothing.

I guess I've been doing this freelance stuff for a while. Since college began ther has always been multiple things going on. I'm glad and don't have school and work at the same time anymore, that sucked. But I still have the same concentration problem. There is always some random project I am working on no matter how "busy" I am. I guess I just get bored with this mundane living crap. Sometimes though I am a human dynamo and can't stop working and get so much done. Not enough though. Is it a discipline or work ethic thing? Am I lazy? I know, I'm just pathetic.

You know what is getting tiresome. Recognition of race. Whether it be through jokes, stereotypes, diversity initiatives, discussions or whatnot. First of all race isn't a real scientific classification and I never understood how in the hell one really classified someone's race. When people speak about it, it doesn't pique my interest in the slightest. Humans at one point didn't even have a "race". I wonder if one day if that will happen again.



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