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Monday May 16, 2005 - 12:26AM EDT

I keep reading about these intelligent design goofballs and what they say just keeps getting more and more ludicrous.

Jonathan Wells, a Discovery Institute senior fellow, said the dispute won't be settled in public hearings like the ones in Kansas.

"I think it will be resolved in the scientific community," he said. "I think (intelligent design), in 10 years, will be a very respectable science program." - full article

It is not even a matter of crackpot science that they are promoting or even controversial or unproven theories. They are not promoting anything remotely scientific. They are so off base, misguided and blind to their own folly its sad. Somehow they think they are making compentent challenges to advance scientific theory. Its freaking pathetic. They want to criticize and change science without even bringing a shred evidence for their position(mainly because their position is ludcrious and a rehash of creationism which was already laughed off as ludicrous a long time ago). In other news. There is no other news.



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