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Why do I pay fucking taxes

Thursday September 1, 2005 - 12:31AM EDT

Apparently no one knows why because they are 'heeding the presidents call'. It is not even just a tax thing, it goes much deeper than that.

"This is one of America's greatest natural disasters and tragedies and it is the responsibility of the American public to step up and help those in need." - full article

Can I poke the person who said that in the eye. I cannot believe the attitude of americans. This is disgusting. It symbolizes everything that is wrong with the system and how it works. People think they are doing good, that this is the right thing to do. Blind doesn't even begin to describe what this crap is. I guess people need to feed their feel good hole every now and again. You know what is the sickest part about this. It is that everyone is in agreement. Liberals, conservatives, leftists, rightists, centrists, socialists, whatever. This makes me so angry I don't even know where to begin. It is a distorted view that everyone has so it is considered the norm. How do I begin?

I don't know how to put this into words because this is not something you hear often or at all. But lets start with this hypothetical scenario. Our current pres could redeem himslef for being generally an idiot and being a puppet to coporations and whoever has the cash to work his strings if he did one thing. If he came out and said something like "Americans, put away your checkbooks, close your wallets, because you have already given enough, through your loyalty to this country and the hard work you put in everyday (working for THE MAN). It is my responsibility, your government's responsibility to asure that your fellow citizens will recover and rebuild..." and it would continue something along those lines. How can anyone think that they need to give more to relieve the suffering. But everyone does and it is ludicrous. How in the hell do you not automatically assume that through the intrinsic nature of the way you have organized your society that everything that needs to be done will get done? How can anyone tolerate anything less than that? Low expectation having motherfuckers. Not only do we tolerate it we support it with a juvenille ignorance that is unfathomable to me. Don't fucking call me idealist, you fucking loser. The whole fucking world is afflicted with "white man's burden" except it not just about the white man. It has nothing to do with the white man. It is whatever man and his feeling that one who is superior needs to help the inferior. There is no partnership, no sharing of knowledge. Human society should strive to be symbiotic mutualism. But it is mostly symbiotic parasitism, amensalism, commensalism. It is whoever has the resources doleing out portions to whoever he sees fit and waiting for those poor bastards to come back and ask for more. And what do we do? We accept this bullshit and call it life, call it normal, even call it good. This is why I am so depressed, because I'm so dissapointed my neighboors. Disappointed because they told me something else. They told me something completely different from what they're doing now. Fuck, I'm still angry I don't know what else or how else to say this anymore. Time for bed.



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