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Cubes, i used this already

Thursday March 9, 2006 - 6:56PM EDT

Pretty sure I used cubes in a blog post title already. Ah well. Look at this.

Cubicles: The great mistake

I freaking hate cubicles and so do most people probably. I love the end of that article where it goes into how some companies are abandoning the cubibicle and even the concept of coming into an office. I love it.  I've written many posts on how I think coming into an office is senseless and makes no sense most of the time. I am always thinking of a way to structure a  company where you don't need these massive complexes to house people for no good reason. Wasting electricity and resources and most importantly spreading road rage. The amount of time I and various other people spend doing absolutely nothing in an office setting is ludicrous. I've blogged plenty on that. I'm just thinking now how many so called problems are a matter of effeciency. It would be a cascading effect to attack issues from a practical effeciency standpoint. You find the practical issues that create these major problems and solve them. I just feel like sometimes people don't look at it in that way. As if all complex problems require complex solutions.  Some problems are only complex because you are an idiot.

Awesome day today and tomorrow is suppose to be even better. I need to get some new running shoes because the ones I have now are in sad condition.



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