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What the hell

Tuesday April 18, 2006 - 12:25AM EDT

Haven't posted in a while but I just keep reading about something I need to blast. Why in the hell is ethanol being promoted as some kind of energy answer. That stuff really pisses me off. First of ethanol cars are no more energy effecient than gasoline. In fact they are probably less. So any per gallon savings are gone right away. That is the key though, effeciency, not where the energy comes from. Some assclowns are looking at this as a way to reduce foreign petroleum dependency. Such thinking is weak and shortsighted. Energy consumption is a world issue. The short term problems of where it comes from need to be overlooked. There are serious long term problems that aren't really so long term with world energy consumption. As various nations develop it is going to get worse. Ethanol is some losers pipe dream. It isn't even a pipe dream it is a dellusion. There are already problems with crop water consumption now. What happens when we need to all of a sudden grow all this freaking corn to make ethanol for our cars. This is so stupid, I can't believe any takes ethanol seriously.



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