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Cloning Ass-clown

Thursday December 29, 2005 - 1:10PM EDT

I made a post of that cloning doctor from Korea and said how awesome the work he was doing was. Now we find out this ass-pirate fakes all his breakthroughs. Now this is someone who deserves ripping. Here goes.

Why would this clown go through all the trouble to puff up cloning stats. For what? He cured nothing and sullied the reputation of himself his collegues and cloning. This ass-clown is just giving more fuel to the ignorant bastards out there who want to curtail cloning and experimentation and learning. This clown is one of those ignorant bastards. Clearing I know just about as much about cloning as this loser does. Fucking loser playing loserball. You should just commit suicide right now because you obviously are of no use to scientific advancment. What a waste of human tissue this clown is. Clowns like this make me more angry than the religious zealots. Because at least you know the zealots are just crazy stupid. This guy on the other hand had everyone bamboozoled into thinking he was some innovative genious. Damn him and the horse he rode in on. No one knows where he is now. They should send him to a North Korean prison camp. What would posses somebody to fake scientific data. Was it pressure from somewhere else? The allure of fame? A scientest driven by the allure of fame is the worst kind of scientest.



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