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Cookie users

Sunday January 1, 2006 - 2:19PM EDT

Anyone else find it retarded that people are making a big fuss over the NSA and government websites using cookies. How is it that they can't use certain cookies but every other website in the united states can. This is so stupid. Besides they have no real control over cookies anyway. Cookie expiration never works properly so when I read that they put cookies that expire in 2035 I just laugh because that expiration mechanism is notoriously known for not working properly. Most cookies last pretty much until you manually delete them anyway. So it is ok for advertising companies to track everything you do on the net but the government can't. Tell me how much sense that makes.

What is most annoying is how these loser reporters who write these stories like to mention personal data without even having a clue about how cookies work. With their fucking reporter voodoo they put the idea inside people's head that cookies somehow can gather all this personal information on you from your computer. Like it is some kind of magical social security number grabber. If it was and the only thing to stop it was simply the government honor system to not use it what about all the millions of other websites not bound by that honor system. There would be a real problem. But their isn't a problem because once again loserball playing writers and reporters are spewing mouth diarreah again.



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