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Tuesday January 17, 2006 - 3:56PM EDT

After reading some shitty story about dog whispering I am pissed. Reading shit like that makes me want to murder the planet. Or something along those lines. Then I read about the glory of Google Maps. That shit just boils my piss. The US government collected and still does collect the majority of the data on all mapping websites. In fact the new census that is coming up soon is planned to collect even more mapping data. All these companies do is organize it better than the government. Which just makes me want to vomit that there are not compentent people in government to do a better job. Admitedly though many companies have spend great sums to enhance the mapping data and collect their own. All I want is people to know that the basis for all these maps came from their tax dollars. Not to anger people but to show them that tax dollars do work to do some useful things and that not everything needs to be privatized.

That is an unfortunate consequence of the current privitization thinking. People have forgotten about the successful government programs that serve as the foundation of the country. The interstate highway program created the suburbs. NASA, census, USGS. I bad mouth government no doubt, but I also recognize that they have done things that no company has ever come close to accomplishing. With all this governmetn badmouthing and privitization and smaller government talk some are forgetting or don't even know anymore what government has accomplished. I don't know what happened in the 80's that made government so unimportant. Fucking Regan happened. Talk about Saddam Hussien as a world scourge. Regan set back the United States 50 years with his privitization and smaller government trash. Government got to the moon, private companies still haven't broken the stratosphere. Sending up a rocket 62 miles into the air and watching it float down is progress to private companies, ha. That was a few month's work 50 years ago for the government.

Damn I am hungry. But I want to wait until I leave work to eat. Tomorrow I have a glycolic peel.

It is not that I don't like this job. It is just boring. Very boring. The work is boring, the environment is boring and I just don't like coming into an office on a regular schedule and having to wear special clothes for it. I wonder who thought up business attire. I guess it was the product of a different time when people wore these kind of clothes as everyday attire. Not anymore.

I've ragged on corporation many times before. Here goes again. Fuck man, this is not a manufacturing plant. You can't keep people in little spaces for 8hrs a day everday. That kind of practice just doesn't fit well with what a corporation is trying to accomplish. I think the current structure of corporate work was extended from manufacturing of the industrial revolution. It grew organically and no one bothered to try and update it to be more efficient.

MLK b-day just passed. All I can think of is that there hasn't been a leader like him since. The sorry sacks of leaders in all walks of life since him are no comparison. He organized and galvanized a group of people to attack racism, without a major war mind you.

I just can't think of anyone since who has had the impact he had. I guess people are just afraid of getting shot.

Fuck I'm hungry. One more hour to go until I go home. You know what I hate. That saying that everybody can't do what they want. I am referring to career. Not the superlative and obligatory sports superstar or moviestar trash. But the idea that we have to subjugated ourselves to whatever life deals us. That is losertalk for losers who should be shot in the head by me. That is crappy thinking. I am firmly in the camp that everyone can do what they want to do and not have to worry about this obligation to work in order to survive. It is the rampant ineffecieny of the system and the clueless hogs at the head of the table sucking up all the resources that is the problem. So instead of fixing the system we are implanted with this idea that it has to be this way. What a load of trash. Human society is woefully immature. They are like little kids. It needs to grow up. How long does it take a society to mature? Well looks like way more than 50,000 years. Fucking losers. And then there are these ass-clowns who lament the loss of work. Those crappy menial jobs that no one really wants to do but everyone wants to keep around. They are slaves to a system and are to stupid to realize that it doesn't have to be that way.



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