Launch time
Thursday March 23, 2006 - 8:43PM EDT
Haven't been making posts for the simple reason that I have been swamped with work. The new service is coming along. Server is up and all setup. Security, email, everything. Well almost everything. Few more things to setup then I'll have my first few customers up and running by this weekend. Been doing so much reading on Linux lately. Even though I really didn't have to with the control panel software is makes things so freaking easy. But I feel better knowing all the little details so if there is a problem I know how to fix it. Already the plan for expansion and organizational structure is forming in my head. I need to get this stuff down on paper soon. While I'm building initial customer base I need to be thinking of larger expansion structures. I have good smart people involved so this could be a winner. I want to create a company that doesn't need an office. Completely efficient without an office. Everyone can telecommute, it is a web hosting service after all. What does someone need and office for? Actually I can think of a few reasons but I want to eliminate a wastefull office as much a possible. I guess I'll just see what happens, but I am always going to be thinking of how best to structure this. Back to work.