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Friday February 10, 2006 - 3:37PM EDT

Was watching a Dennis Miller stand up special last night and he mentioned global warming. I think Dennis Miller is hilarious although some people don't like him. Anyway his comment on global warming was assinine at best bujt I feel as if it is better understanding than the majority but still piss poor. There are no sides in the so-called global warming debate. Those who have formed sides are incompetant scientests, ignorant morons and just all around losers who play loserball. My geography teacher explained it best. He said, and I think I went over this in a post already, that we just don't have enough information to be certain of anything. Global weather patterns as far as we know now operate on time scales into the tens of thosands of years. The paltry 100 years of data and spot information from ancient times from ice drillings is not enough to form a workable a hypothesis that we can even begin to try and prove. We still need faster more complex computers to do weather and climate situations and that is the bottom line. We cannot reliably look at any weather phenomenon today and say we know a definitive cause for it. We do know this though. Our impact on the planet is huge, but it doesn't mean that it is the biggest or something like this hasn't happened before. Catastrophic disaster such as Volcanoes, asteroid strikes, etc... Can cause huge impact on global weather. However now that we live on this blue sphere we can't ignore anything that changes weather to our detriment. Whether it be natural or man-made. Even if global warming was a natural phenomenon not caused by human pollution we still would have to figure out what the hell is going on or possibly face huge consequences.

Then there is the question of what warming of the planet is going to do. Uneducated clowns percieve when a scientest says the earth's temp has risen a few degrees to mean an extra warm morning. Or that the fact global warming may mean it gets colder some places as some kind of error in logic. I hate when uneducated fools take a side on global warming, its ludicrous. The ironic part is that those who want to ignore global warming most likely just don't want to change their way of living or want to ignore change as long as possible. It is that very ignorance that will force change upon them. The planet is changing and we can either live in the dark about it or figure out what is going on, whether it be bad good or inert.



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