It has come to this
Thursday January 19, 2006 - 11:36AM EDT
It has come to me contemplating quiting today for the simple fact that I don't feel like doing the work they gave me. How pathetic is that. Not very in my opinion. I've been a good worker for entirely too long. I actually enjoy shafting the workplace. I refuse to be THE MAN's slave. There is that whole "burning bridges" thing and whatnot. But I don't have time for dumb shit like that. I'll typically serve in my role with honor and do what I am asked. Which is a lot more than what some clowns pull. Even so I am not comparing myself to those clowns. As a consultant with no benefits and crappy hourly wage I reserve the be as truculent as I want in regards to dropping a job. I am a fucking mercenary. There is no loyalty from me. Besides I am entirely to nice to people, I have to be an ass just to balance out my universe.
Also there is the fact that frankly I could probably be spending my time better on my freelance work and projects. They are looking promising and I need more time to devote to them. Then there is that be grateful arguement. I went over that hoo-haa yesterday. I have a peachy situation right now and I need to take advantage of it by not working in some fucking office doing some other companies work while they pay me peanuts. I need to use all the energy of my youth to maximize my opportunities. This place is not an opportunity. I did learn some things, like XSLT, but I see now that I have come to the end of learning new things without a serious commitment to this place. I can learn more on my own outside the company.
I'm hungry