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Lobbyist ethics

Wednesday January 18, 2006 - 4:30PM EDT

So the GOP wants an ethics overhaul. Dems say it is too weak and will propose their own overhaul. I got my own overhaul. Eliminate lobbying. Making it completely illegal. These congressman are suppose to work for the people. So why is there this buffer called a lobbyist in between. Senseless. These clowns need to use the internet to actually work for and listen to the people. Beyong holding town meetings or something. Create online forums for each rep and make sure you have them all uniformly created for all reps and easily accessible from a central government website. Let those reps go through reams of concerns and ideas from their web forums. Also have them do more with in-person interaction. Use the forums as a base to build a list of concerns and topics to discuss. I guess certain government positions have always been a cloistered bunch.



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