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Nothing and Fishing

Tuesday June 29, 2004 - 1:29AM EDT

Another day. Its raining right now. Two more days of class then I will be finished school for good. I ordered a new cell phone from ATT wireless. Should come sometime today in the afternoon. I haven't lifted in a couple of days, I need to. I hate not lifting, it makes me feel like crap. Assesment tests on Thursday, and hopefully and interview shortly after that. I need that job to survive and hopefully as a launching pad to California then Japan then the Moon then Mars Then extrasolar destinations. I got nothing to say. I clearly watch too much TV and movies, ah well. Going fishin soon I hope, New Jersey. I have been obsessively tracking my phone FedEx package all day. Currently it is in transit from Dallas, Texas. I don't know what to do with myself.



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