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Wide Open Spaces

Wednesday October 13, 2004 - 11:11PM EDT

Have I given up? Maybe. Those assclowns at work have me doing even less than I was before, more precisely I am not motivated to do anything anymore so I have nothing to do. Absolutely nothing happens, more posturing and weak commitments, no real action. They will always move at whatever pace some moron deems suitable. Fucking place is run by idiots. Pathetic, but what I am to do anymore. I just look for things to amuse myself with and ways to piss people of. Seems I am at the point where I could do anything and everyone would just ignore me. I'll hang around and take whatever money they give me for the next few weeks for doing nothing. Good thing I only go in two days a week, still seems like a drain of my life, those two days.

It is getting so bad with negligence and cover-up there has got to be a swing back sooner or later. People can't stand for this trash. But they do, the attitude is one of complacency. Numbed by the percieved pleasures and conveniences of life. Never of progression or action. When I think about it, and maybe I am wrong, but the progression of mankind has come in bursts. Seems like long periods of inactivity then someone comes along with an idea and there is a sudden burst of activity followed by leveling off then more inactivity. Is something wrong with me? Is my impatience and frustration with what I perceive to be ineffecient processes wrong? Is my drive to actually do something wrong? Should I just be laying back and be happy with the current state of things and assume that is will just get better eventually? Disgusting, what should I do? Wait...wait until what? Until when? Until my spirit has been crushed and I have no desire to do anything anymore.

Been continually playing around with GNU/Linux. It is pretty easy once you get the basics of how everything is organized. I am speaking mainly of the file system and where things are. Being a former DOS junkie command line interfaces are nothing new so it is easy to pickup. Still trying to get used to where things are. The GUIs available for Linux are cool. Will probably take me a few more months before I am comfortable enough with Linux to start doing more technical things. I want to do some embedded system programming, maybe get more into C and C++. I have done some C, but it was very basic stuff.



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