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Thursday December 15, 2005 - 3:41PM EDT
"I am going to stop calling you a white man and I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man," Freeman says. - full article

The Cos caught heat for what he said about race. We are not hear to talk about The Cos. I love what Freeman has to say here. Although it is only a few tidbits that could easily be taken out of context and criticized, from them I know exactly the feelings behind them. It is about the whole illusion of race built up in human society. If you read my posts on history of slavery I think Freeman's thoughts may closely resemble mine in some aspects. Some will try to disavow race as an excuse to ignore or discount the problems of disadvantaged people. Other meanwhile will focus too much on race when speaking of disadvantaged. Race shouldn't be the foucs, because it doesn't exist as a concrete well definable thing. We can't focus on race because it is an illusion.



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