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Old folks

Monday December 12, 2005 - 3:35PM EDT

I heard what I am about to talk about mentioned before in an article kind of offhandedly. I wish I had the article but I don't remember it. Social Security is built on each subsequent generation sacrificing for the one that came before them. Well, ok that is not how it is seen in the public's eye most of the time. It is seen as you yourself saving away money for your later years. But I don't think it quite works that way, maybe it does I really don't know. I think it works more on my first statement. Now we want to switch that. We want to make it so the system is not one in which subsequent generations sacrifice for the previous ones. That it is one of all for yourself. Where did this idea of respect your elders that comes up somtimes disappear to in regard to social security system. Seems to me if this idea is so important as they want to make it out to be why not make it one of those overarching ideologies that tangibly affect policy. Its fucking disgusting. When you are personally told about respecting older people as a young person yet somehow we have structured our society so that they are continually disregarded and crushed underfoot. With very basic things like healthcare and decent places to live. How is it that any elderly person goes without needed medication, or not even needed ones, maybe just optional ones to take the edge off dying a slow horrible death. I don't know, just seems a little harsh.



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