Monday December 12, 2005 - 12:08PM EDT
Pope has no real sway with anyone anymore but he deserves mention every once in a while when he states backward screwed up thinking. He serves mainly as a symbol of how crappy thinking ruins humankind.
He is saying that consumerism ruins Christmas. Well how convenient that it ruins Christmas. Besides the fact that I could probably count as many things that Christmas and its related mumbo-jumbo has ruined countless other things why is it just christmas. Why does he pull the consumerism rabbit out of the hat to defend christmas but leaves it alone when it destroys so many other far more important things. Like the planet. Oh wait this world doesn't matter to all modern religions it is the next world that is important. Actually I'm trying to remember whether Buddihism originally had a concept of heaven or some kind of after-life or was it planted by mystical moroons years later.
Particulary amusing in that article is how he says nativity scenes teach faith. Nativity scenes are fine they show the birth of Christ who is an important historical figure. It called Christmas for a reason, so maybe suprisingly to some I'm down with nativity scenes. But this teaching faith, aka ignorance, is something I can do without.
Somehow people can't be happy with not knowing or having holes in their life. Everyting must be this complete and perfect package. That is what relgion fills in, all the percieved holes in life. It tidyly wraps everything that we don't know up. Ties up all the loose ends. That is the predominant mindset of human society. Accepting not knowing and uncertainty is shunned in favor of mystical reasons. And for some odd reason when you don't want to accept the closed off dogma and neatness of religion they call you close-minded. When you choose to say that you cannot know everything but will always continue to seek knowledge and learn as much as you can in a short life you and you are not talking about studying the Bible you are called arrogant. That shit is baffling. The only hope is that as it has for a long time now, those who embrace the lunacy of religion and shun logical reasoning will simply die off because they refuse to take vaccines or only eat certain foods. Religion has changed markedly over the history of mankind. When it will be dealt that crushing blow that eradicates it or relegates it to the fringes of crazy man thought I don't know, if ever.