Magic Beans
Monday December 12, 2005 - 2:01AM EDT
I saw Syriana and a movie review will be coming soon. As I was watching it I was thinking about human soceity. How some things are taken so seriously when all they represent are the various imaginative machinations of the human mind. Our intepretation of reality, not reality itself. I just think about that sometimes. Religion, morality, laws, technology. Its all in our head. A spoon is a spoon not because of its shape. Its a spoon because of how we use it and the human ideas connected to it. A spoon is not a spoon to a squirrel. It is just another object that may only be vaguely different from a tree branch. When I think about things like that I can understand how mystical things become so prominent in this world. How things that defy practical logic and sound reasoning become a basis for living. How the difference between someone standing up for moral values and a maniac killing for pleasure are not that dissimilar at all.
In other news, I had some really good curry this weekend. Thai style curry with coconut milk. It was awesome.