Guns and more guns
Friday December 9, 2005 - 2:07PM EDT
Where are the nervous system disrupters when you need them. This Miami airport shooting makes me think about that. How effective is a bullet at stopping someone from pushing a button on a bomb? You better hit the right place to kill him instantly and still the only thing you really want to do is stop this person from moving, not kill him. It is just that the only way we have to stop someone from moving instantly is killing them and that is very difficult with one shot from a gun.
So where are the instant temporary paralysis guns. What a boon to mankind that thing would be. How often do officers actually want to kill somebody. Think about it. Do they really want to kill someone most of the time? No, they just want to protect themselves by restricting the threat's movement so for the moment killing is the only way. Tazers don't work half the time. Wow, what if police officers only caried non-lethal weapons. Effective ones, so far there really isn't any. You'd have to restrict all gun sales and manufacturing. Make it only for the strict purpose of hunting. Would these people who want guns for self-defense trade them in for an effective non-lethal solution. How many who have a gun want to actually kill someone? They just want protect themselves. I think about all the various non-lethal weapons they have now. Terrible. Tasers and stun guns suck, nets are too freaking huge, mace is pathetic. There is nothing effective. That is the problem. They are using an instrument of killing as self-defense. That shit is going to cause problems. There is more research into lethal weapons than non-lethal.