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Friday December 9, 2005 - 1:37PM EDT
"Unauthorised use of lyrics and tablature deprives the songwriter of the ability to make a living, and is no different than stealing," he said. - full article

I love how he says the songwriter. That is a load of trash. It deprives the manager, the marketing pro, etc. Everyone but the songwriter is deprived. Songwriter would make any money if no one could hear their songs. Well I guess they are going to have to crack my head open and scoop out all the song lyrics I have stored there. They are going to lose and I love it. There are fighting a battle against nuclear weapons with pitchforks. Does anyone really think these companies can reign in the entire internet and find all the song lyrics. Now all we have to do is create decentralized lyric servers. Actually they probably already have it. This is hilarious. The Gnutella protocol is unstoppable. It is still available and I still use it. They can't even begin to fathom how to shut Gnutella down. They would have to shutdown the internet. Ha! And of course there is the Bittorrent protocol. The funny part about this is that they attack the software, but the strength in these services is the concept. Software is easily duplicated based on known concept. It's virtually impossible to remove the concept from the public pysche. If they take down one piece of software which in itself is virtually impossible, 100 more will pop up in its place. There are at least 20 pieces of software or more that use the Gnutella protocol. The only reason downloading diminished was because of pay services and the small group of new users they attracted to downloading to skew percentages. And a few people who feel bad downloading music.

Then there is Sony. Somehow managing to poke more holes in Windows than Microsoft can themselves. I'd be pissed if I was Microsoft. It is bad for Microsoft too to have a company destabilize the security of your OS through something as common as a music cd. Why they didn't work with Microsoft directly is something to explore. But they paid the price.

I wish I had a plan and a few billion lying around so I could demolish the industry's current structure. Well maybe not demolish, but rennovate it.



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